View Poll Results: What was your least favorite Final Fantasy?

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  • Final Fantasy I

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy II

    1 4.55%
  • Final Fantasy III

    1 4.55%
  • Final Fantasy IV or After Years

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy V

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy VII

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy VII sequels or prequels

    0 0%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    4 18.18%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    1 4.55%
  • Final Fantasy X or X-2

    4 18.18%
  • Final Fantasy XI

    1 4.55%
  • Final Fantasy XII

    3 13.64%
  • Final Fantasy XIII

    7 31.82%
  • Final Fantasy Tactics (any)

    0 0%
Results 1 to 18 of 18

Thread: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

  1. #1
    Oh Boy! LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Lavos's Avatar
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    LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    The Final Fantasy favorite thread is going along quite nicely, and that is a good thing.

    However, for every Final Fantasy we love, there is always that one that didn't really click with us. Discuss here exactly why.

    For me it was X-2. I was disappointed at this game, mostly because X was defiantly in my top 3. The battle scheme was wonky, they took the sphere grid idea too far, and the character development went way outta wack after the original: Rikku didn't wear much to begin with but come on, and the last thing we need is a female Cloud/Squall hybrid running around. I wont even dignify Yuna's character change with a response...


  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I was thinking about putting XII on here but I would also have to choose X-2 bc even though it was a sequel to a game that I believe definitely deserved one I thought that it wasn't done as well as it could have been.

    It was entirely to....well to put it frankly "girly," no offense ladies, but it was like every dialogue had Yuna or Rikku saying things like "Let's do it!" or "Sounds like a mission for the Gullwings!". Paine was my only escape from all the feminine energy being thrown at me. I liked Paine as a character, a spin off involving her would have been great but I don't like the peppy happy go lucky energy and vibe I got from the Gullwings. The story was good and the background on Paine/Gippal/Baralai story. Oh and those three people that competed with the Gullwings were so annoying! The lady with the heart on her annoying

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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    its definitley out of X-2 and XII for me. X-2 was too girly and lacked anything that final fantasy X hadn't already offered. XII was just incredibly bland with its story and characters very unmemorable. Despite those flaws, ffXII did have a great battle system with a massive world map that made it felt like a MMORPG and a great set of side quests with decent rewards. I would have to go with X-2 as being my least favorite.

  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み LEAST favorite Final Fantasy ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I'm probably the only person in the world who actually thoroughly enjoyed X-2. I thought it was great.

    My least favourite I would say was II. I just can't get on with it very well. The story is good and obviously classic FF gameplay is going to be good, but I got stuck very easily on it. Not sure, maybe I'm doing it wrong. But I'm going to say II for now.

  5. #5
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) LEAST favorite Final Fantasy che's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    I'm probably the only person in the world who actually thoroughly enjoyed X-2. I thought it was great.

    Honestly, I've only played part of 5, part of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. I'd say out of those, and fairly, my least favorite would be 8? I really hated all the characters, except Laguna.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  6. #6

    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    Final Fantasy I through III get free passes from me, since they came at an earlier time in gaming, when it was more simple. So it's excusable that they aren't great games when you now look back on them. With that said, my least favorite is easily FFXIII. I've said it a few times now, it felt nothing like Final Fantasy to me. The story was average at best. As were the characters. Gameplay was messy. Only good thing I saw about it was the exceptional graphics.

    After that, it's FFVIII.

    This MIGHT not be a completely fair answer, though, since I still have yet to play all the FF games. I've played:

    Part of FFI (I'm guessing I played about a quarter through)
    FFIII (Once)
    FFIV (Many times)
    The After Years (Currently on my third playthrough)
    FFV (One time)
    FFVI (Many times)
    FFVII (A few times)
    FFVIII (One time)
    FFIX (Twice)
    FFXII (Twice)
    FFXIII (Once)

    So yeah, I still have yet to play FFII, X, X-2, Tactics and most of FFI.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 05-25-2011 at 02:56 AM.

  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    It's a toss up between Final Fantasy V, and X-2. Both games suffer from the same issue, terrible story, and even worse characters. While I do like the job system in both games, it's simply not enough, for any game let alone Final Fantasy. I did however beat Final Fantasy V, while that can't be said for X-2, I didn't want to torture myself anymore.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  8. #8

    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    Wow, so X-2 is really that bad, huh? I hear almost NO praise about the game at all. I bought it, but still have yet to play it. Same with FFX.

  9. #9
    .............. LEAST favorite Final Fantasy smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I am going to have to say XIII just purely because whereas with all the other FFs, including all the retro ones, I played them continuously when I first got them and I still regularly play them but with XIII, I have to force myself to play that game. I find it more of a chore than anything. And as well as that you have to watch hours of cutscenes where the characters are perpetually angsty. I swear to god, XV better be something special to make up for XIII...........................
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  10. #10
    Registered User LEAST favorite Final Fantasy
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I think perhaps Final Fantasy XIV should get some kind of mention in here. It's the only game that Square-Enix issued an apology for, and it also cost a few people their jobs...granted I haven't played it yet, and I hear they're working to make it better, so perhaps time will tell if it redeems it's rather sub-par start.

    As for the least favorite Final Fantasy game I've played: Probably have to give it up to X-2 as well. It's the only Final Fantasy game that I sold off to get rid of it, so that's saying something. It's not completely fail though. The dresspheres were a good addition to the battle system, and battles were pretty fast-paced too.
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  11. #11

    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    I am going to have to say XIII just purely because whereas with all the other FFs, including all the retro ones, I played them continuously when I first got them and I still regularly play them but with XIII, I have to force myself to play that game. I find it more of a chore than anything. And as well as that you have to watch hours of cutscenes where the characters are perpetually angsty. I swear to god, XV better be something special to make up for XIII...........................
    It was the same issue with me except for the fact I enjoyed the cut scenes(not the story) but let's be honest the cut scenes were pure eye candy.

    So, XIII and X-2 are probably my least favorite picks. However, I semi-enjoyed X-2 just kind of wish it didn't exist in the holy name of FF. Also, I have never really been fond of any of the Crystal Chronicles series, but I haven't given them much of a chance either.

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post

    Honestly, I've only played part of 5, part of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. I'd say out of those, and fairly, my least favorite would be 8? I really hated all the characters, except Laguna.

    Blasphemy, Che.

  13. #13

    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    To be honest, there is has not being one FF game that I've had the pleasure of playing that I didn't enjoy. However, I remember not liking the control scheme in Dirge of Cerberus at all, or pieces of it's game play. I only played a bit of the game, so I can't say that I don't like the game as a whole, but those aspects are the ones I had disliked the most of any FF I have played.

  14. #14
    Rune Knight LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I was stuck on either VII (mainly cause the fans drive me insane), VIII, X, X-2, and XIII. But i guess i had to choose XIII cause only thing good about the game play was the ranking system. and the characters were WAY too melodrama for me to keeping playing more than 5 hours into the game.

  15. #15

    Re: LEAST favorite Final Fantasy

    I voted for 10/10-2 but I have to say FF10 is my fave game I voted this due to 10-2 just thought I had to clear that up!!!

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Final Fantasy 13 part 2 hands down

  18. #18
    Have your eyes been opened? LEAST favorite Final Fantasy Nehi's Avatar
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    I thought the XIII series was alright(Not the best, granted) but I did find them to be bearable, thus playable. The game had a wide cast of characters like every other final fantasy(Except for III since it's just 4 members.). XIII-2 only focused on Noel and Sarah's time traveling adventures. I admit, it was kind of silly to hint on Sarah being the lead when it's Noel and Caius who really develop the most at the end. But in the end, the story revolving around Noel and Caius's relationship, and what their plot was inevitably leading up to really helped bring out the greatness of the game; in my opinion. Besides, I thought XIII-2 had a cool album. xP

    Back on topic: I think my least favorite FF was also X. I just got so bored of it, that I stopped playing by the time I reached the airship. The plot was just kind of silly, I mean...Sin technically never dies, right? He'll just keep coming back.

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