I was thinking about putting XII on here but I would also have to choose X-2 bc even though it was a sequel to a game that I believe definitely deserved one I thought that it wasn't done as well as it could have been.
It was entirely to....well to put it frankly "girly," no offense ladies, but it was like every dialogue had Yuna or Rikku saying things like "Let's do it!" or "Sounds like a mission for the Gullwings!". Paine was my only escape from all the feminine energy being thrown at me. I liked Paine as a character, a spin off involving her would have been great but I don't like the peppy happy go lucky energy and vibe I got from the Gullwings. The story was good and the background on Paine/Gippal/Baralai story. Oh and those three people that competed with the Gullwings were so annoying! The lady with the heart on her chest...so annoying