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Thread: How should FF15 be?

  1. #61
    O Rly? How should FF15 be? Arch's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    FF15? Damn... arent we getting a lil ahead of ourselves??

    But what i would like to see is..

    Random Battles- I love random battles. I may get frustrated if im trying to go somewhere thats only supposed to be 2 minutes away but it turns out being about 20 minutes away because you keep getting into battles, But! since i love to avoid this soo much if i can see my monsters i will dodge each one of dem bitches i see. So pretty much if there isnt random battles, i would be one weak SOB.
    Airship- God i love those Airships.
    Raising Chocobos as a Mini Game- Like FFVII , with the blue black yellow red and golden chocobos. It was fun to do that.
    Jobs- Idk how i feel about Jobs but it would be a nice change of pace
    Times-Have to agree FF has become very futuristic and it would be a great change to have it in medieval eras again.
    Not online- It would be stupid if FFXV was online because that would mean back to back MMO'S what the hell is the point of that.
    Minigames- But maybe if some mini games were able to go online it would be alright but not the whole adventure.
    Better World Maps-then they had in FFXII, that world was just annoying. >.>
    idk i know theres more stuff and ill add them in once i think of them. But lets deal with the 13's(Remember theres three!) and 14. its oging to be awhil before XV
    Last edited by Arch; 02-07-2010 at 07:59 PM.

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  2. #62
    Registered User How should FF15 be? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I want a new 16bit style FF game with a sequel game to Triple Triad.
    I know no-one else might want that so it'll never happen, but I can always dream.
    totally agree wont happen for 15 but maybe they could do something on ds or psp play black sigil ..they claerly had 16 bit rpgs in mind...its like a cross between ff6 and chrono trigger...not a great game not bad either and it is something new in that style

  3. #63
    Our Hopes and Expectations How should FF15 be? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I like Medieval, but for some reason Futuristic-Periods are tabboo'd by Final Fantasy fans. If you look at the history of the series, the most critically successful game, Final Fantasy VI, was very futuristic.

    And the most financially successful game was Final Fantasy VII, which was also futuristic.

    Obviously you're entitled to your opinions, but Im merely saying I'm suprised by how many people are against the time setting used for XIII. Also, 9,10,11 and 12 all favoured Medieval periods. Why do we instantly want to go back to Medieval as soon as the trend is broken with 13?

  4. #64

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I'm not exactly sure how I would like FFXV just yet, because I haven't played FFXIII yet, and I would most likely base my wishes on what I did or didn't get from that. However, the game that I am thinking about now is sort of a FF XII and FFXIII mix, with traveling based on those qualities. It would be a MMO-styled gameplay like in XII but with battles full of action in like XIII. There would be a story that would make you keep on playing, like in VI.

    Essentially, it would look like this:
    -No overworld map (It feels so... limited in potential to me. Being able to explore outside safe areas makes things more interesting, even if it extends gameplay. To rectify any problems with too much time being taken up in traveling, other forms of transportation could be used)

    -Battle taking place in the same dimension, though a seperate battle screen is fine too

    -Interesting story based on a crew of interesting characters rather than one person's story

    -A blend of medieval and technological environments, perhaps something like XII

    -Inputting actions like in XIII (even though cruise-controlling is alright, it doesn't really feel like I'm in the heat of action except maybe in bosses)

    -Jumping, Ladders, and Rooftops (Allowing one to go high up allows one to appreciate the scenery better and may give an additional gameplay element; i thought it worked in Assasin's Creed 2)

    -Not too linear and not too sandbox-like. Linearity helps with the story, but having mini-games keeps one from being too bored and having too much free roaming makes one forget the story or make travel entirely too long. Perhaps linearity during the first part with a few breaks and then a large expanse later like in FF XIII? (But with more breaks)

    -Definitely towns and npcs (we all need to take a break every now and then)

    -Not too much grinding required, but instead give difficulty in another way (In other words, strategy both during and before battles having a large part of winning battles)

    -Some comedy and light-hearted cutscenes or touching cutscenes

    -Some type of breeding system that is might or might not be essential to one part of the game, but will give results that could help the main gameplay, like an ultimate weapon or something

    -At least one mini game that is unique. Perhaps add something like Triple Triad?

    -I don't mind keeping the summoning system or reverting it. It just shouldn't be the best option for normal battles unless there was a summoner class or something

    -If there are jobs, they should be switchable.The Crystarium system and Paradigm Shift seem to be a really good example of this. If there aren't, then they should be more limited, so that each character is unique.

    -Have unique skills, like in VI, but still have the magic command. It worked in VI because of the story, but having the ability to heal other members or attack physically resistant monsters is nice. Perhaps make magic a less useful ability for those with overpowered unique skills, or just have balanced unique skills and the same magic ability all around (or make certain characters more proficient. A good example is something like a breed between VI and VII)

    -Weapons that are switchable, but have a unique weapon that is his/her/it's best weapon type

    -Perhaps two seperate dimensions from which to switch from, with important story bits and characters in both to appease both types of fans? The only problem I could see is that the story could become disjointed or confusing...

    -Like how the series is characterized, a few changes here and there, but not too much, or else it risks imitating other series (a description earlier in the thread sounds a lot like the Diablo series, which is not something most people would probably want. Diablo is Diablo, and Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy)

    -Nothing like the Zodiac Spear Chest. That is a very bad idea, even if I got it the first time I played through FF XII

  5. #65

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
    I'm not exactly sure how I would like FFXV just yet, because I haven't played FFXIII yet, and I would most likely base my wishes on what I did or didn't get from that. However, the game that I am thinking about now is sort of a FF XII and FFXIII mix, with traveling based on those qualities. It would be a MMO-styled gameplay like in XII but with battles full of action in like XIII. There would be a story that would make you keep on playing, like in VI.

    Essentially, it would look like this:
    -No overworld map (It feels so... limited in potential to me. Being able to explore outside safe areas makes things more interesting, even if it extends gameplay. To rectify any problems with too much time being taken up in traveling, other forms of transportation could be used)

    -Battle taking place in the same dimension, though a seperate battle screen is fine too

    -Interesting story based on a crew of interesting characters rather than one person's story

    -A blend of medieval and technological environments, perhaps something like XII

    -Inputting actions like in XIII (even though cruise-controlling is alright, it doesn't really feel like I'm in the heat of action except maybe in bosses)

    -Jumping, Ladders, and Rooftops (Allowing one to go high up allows one to appreciate the scenery better and may give an additional gameplay element; i thought it worked in Assasin's Creed 2)

    -Not too linear and not too sandbox-like. Linearity helps with the story, but having mini-games keeps one from being too bored and having too much free roaming makes one forget the story or make travel entirely too long. Perhaps linearity during the first part with a few breaks and then a large expanse later like in FF XIII? (But with more breaks)

    -Definitely towns and npcs (we all need to take a break every now and then)

    -Not too much grinding required, but instead give difficulty in another way (In other words, strategy both during and before battles having a large part of winning battles)

    -Some comedy and light-hearted cutscenes or touching cutscenes

    -Some type of breeding system that is might or might not be essential to one part of the game, but will give results that could help the main gameplay, like an ultimate weapon or something

    -At least one mini game that is unique. Perhaps add something like Triple Triad?

    -I don't mind keeping the summoning system or reverting it. It just shouldn't be the best option for normal battles unless there was a summoner class or something

    -If there are jobs, they should be switchable.The Crystarium system and Paradigm Shift seem to be a really good example of this. If there aren't, then they should be more limited, so that each character is unique.

    -Have unique skills, like in VI, but still have the magic command. It worked in VI because of the story, but having the ability to heal other members or attack physically resistant monsters is nice. Perhaps make magic a less useful ability for those with overpowered unique skills, or just have balanced unique skills and the same magic ability all around (or make certain characters more proficient. A good example is something like a breed between VI and VII)

    -Weapons that are switchable, but have a unique weapon that is his/her/it's best weapon type

    -Perhaps two seperate dimensions from which to switch from, with important story bits and characters in both to appease both types of fans? The only problem I could see is that the story could become disjointed or confusing...

    -Like how the series is characterized, a few changes here and there, but not too much, or else it risks imitating other series (a description earlier in the thread sounds a lot like the Diablo series, which is not something most people would probably want. Diablo is Diablo, and Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy)

    -Nothing like the Zodiac Spear Chest. That is a very bad idea, even if I got it the first time I played through FF XII
    Excellent first post, and I pretty much agree with pretty much all of what you said here so I'm not gonna beat a dead horse by quoting it again.

    Very much agreed on the Diablo thing. I want to play Final Fantasy 15, Diablo has it's own series.

  6. #66
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ How should FF15 be? chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Actually, there is some new information about Final Fantasy XV.

    Xbox World 360 asked Yoshinori Kitase about the future of the Final Fantasy series and here's what he said:
    We’ve got a few ideas for Final Fantasy XV lined up, but there is no singular aim for where we want the series to go. Final Fantasy can go in all directions, each one is very different from the last. The one thing we set out to do is to make sure we tell a story that hasn’t been told before.

  7. #67

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    i want FF15 to have a little reminiscence of the previous series. after all it is a i think its required to incorporate that "m.e.m.o.r.y...' in there. i never want to forget moments that get to me...and make me so emotional. i want the characters to have some similarities but yet unique. i want the storyline to be somewhat magical and yet meaningful and real. cant wait to see FF15, but yet still remember the past.

  8. #68
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    If it's more like FFXIII than FFXII I should be quite happy.
    For me FFXIII was the big hit or miss, and not only did it hit, but it's probably one of my favourite next gen titles.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #69

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I want to see a mix of characters that come and go like IV and VI. Secret characters even. A chance to make choices and change the stories direction.

  10. #70
    Registered User How should FF15 be? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post

    More Spoony Bards.
    This is totally off-topic, but WHERE DID YOU GET THAT TELL ME RIGHT NOW!!

    I've been looking for those scans for ages. D:

    Back to the topic: I'm not exactly sure what I'd want from FFXV other than going back to the medieval theme. I'd probably prefer FFIV/FFIX kind of job system where the characters have certain job. FFIII/FFV/FFX-2's job system would be nice, too, but as I'm obsessed with leveling everything to 99, it'd be a pain to get all of the characters (no matter how few) to level all jobs to max.

    And I want someone other than Nomura to make the story + character designs. I really liked the FFT/FFXII's artist's work; Akhiko Yoshida. Or the one who designed characters in FFIV's sequel, his work was pretty awesome, too; Akira Oguro. Yup, I really dislike Nomura's billion zippers and belts and fugly frying pan-hands. His style was okay back when he designed FFVIII and FFX's characters, but in KH and after that it just went...bad. I wish Yoshida or Oguro would make the designs with Amano. Then it'd be beyound awesome. <3

    EDIT: Oh yeah, FFXIII's character designs were better, but I still think he made the hands way too big. Just look at Vanille's hands in the cutscenes. x_x And what's with the "let's turn every female character pink-haired!"
    Last edited by Toxo; 03-26-2010 at 03:40 PM.

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  11. #71
    Dragoon How should FF15 be? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yang's bald head View Post
    I want to see a mix of characters that come and go like IV and VI. Secret characters even. A chance to make choices and change the stories direction.
    *Nods in agreement*

    Also I liked the story and unique system of FFVIII even if no equipment and no new weapons besides upgrades was a bum... and the irritating mundaneness of drawing, but the GF system was cool and thier abilities.

    I liked the setting and themes of FFIX, in fact I think the entire set-up is a really good one (the equipping special abilities, the amount of gear to equip to a character, the cool card game and musiQ).

    A mix of these things I think, with maybe the battle system of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and customisation of FFXII (even if it didn't make sense, 'Duh, I'm a Dalmascan and I can't even wear a hat without learning how too, duh!').

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  12. #72

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    let's skip strait to the storyline. remember back in the old days, back to FFIII? they mention something that the guys at square never really followed up on. this was the warriors of darkness. not only dose it bring back the good old mid-evil theme, but it as such a great job system in place, and so many directions the story could stray of to. it already has a fairly set finish, but that means that the middle could be so much more fulfilling.

    explain the creation of the floating island, go in depth about saronia's history ( where the air ship would be shot down) let us meet the young doga and unei.

    because it was originally an 8-bit (16?) game, it could be kept in the same format for a ds or psp game, or work like how crisis core did, bringing out a great ps3 game.

    on a side note, bump

  13. #73
    He's Back! How should FF15 be? Eisole's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    As long as they don't make it like Final Fantasy XIII. I need to play an RPG not a limited-play movie that sometimes requires you to battle a few extra times to extend the gameplay.

    I'd like as a minimum a world like Final Fantasy X, where the locations are still vast, as I don't see a world map being a big deal anymore.

    And a return to an FFX or X-2 battle system. Both of those were fantastic and both games have the best battle gameplay in my opinion.

    And as a final, no ludicrous/ridiculous "get lucky" battles. They plagued FF12 and FF13, and hopefully with a balanced battle system it will work to the players advantage, and not just hoping that the boss or enemy doesn't spam a super move or hit you a second early.
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  14. #74

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    PS3 remake of FFVI.
    Instead up churning out crap they should just rerelease what they know is good. Final Fantasy is such a cult status fanchise, they should know that whatever they release, people will buy it. anyway, I'de think remaking an existing game would be much easier than investing time into creating new things.

    It's worked for Pokemon, Resident Evil, Metal Gear, Ico/Shadow of Colussus and surely other things that I'm not aware of.
    Last edited by JuzamDjinn; 02-02-2011 at 10:15 AM.

  15. #75
    Just kind of there. How should FF15 be? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I hate to say it but FF needs to take a hiatus. Final fantasy 15 should come out 10 years form now, on PS4 And it needs to go back to the classic formula. Hell just make a HUGE adventure using 16 bit graphics.
    Make it last hundreds of hours.
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  16. #76

    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Final Fantasy XV, AKA the one that will actually be good.

    I have often criticized the series after Tactics to have characters that nobody could identify with, or would want to. I speak of course of Cloud, Squall, TIDUS, Vann, Yuna, Lightning, and so on. This is an RPG, people! let us ****ing role play! The main character and entire game is a return to form, hell it's a remake of the first game. instead of turn based combat, it will be an action game with RPG equipment and stats elements reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts (about the only good thing that came out of that series if you ask me). random battles will be kicked out of the equation entirely. enemies will spawn on an open world, not divided by loading screens of any kind. the entire game, there will be six characters. they are a Fighter, a Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Monk, and Red Mage. You will pick a single character and that will be your main character, the one that will make all primary decisions. This isn't to say that you can't control the others, you can change to them at any time, but your main character will appear in the front of the group in all cutscenes. Although, you can only have 3 people in combat, unable to change your party unless out of combat.

    As with most competent RPGs, you will be able to change your appearance, but still keeping with the feel of the class that you're representing, similar to the designs in final fantasy XI. Also, color changing can be put in there too. You can interact with everyone in the world, buy property similar to fable 2, but you can only buy one house, or even build your own place anywhere in the world. you can form bonds with other npc's, but not by Fable's horrid interaction system. it will be a sort of mini dating sim, where the women aren't easily swayed by a bouquet of flowers when you first lay eyes on each other, and won't marry you as soon as you give them fifty roses, a box of chocolates, and a diamond earring. They will act like actual human beings and not the anime tentacle targets in final fantasies 7,8,9,10,10-2,12,13.

    Combat like I said will be similar to the KH series. Jump button, light attack, ranged/heavy attack, and block. spells and special abilities will be performed using a shoulder button and a face button, making spellcasting much simpler. Perhaps a sprint button will be placed on the other trigger. The bumper buttons/L1 and R1, will be used to switch your control of each character. in the pause menu (which can be used in and outside of combat) you can change the character's battle tactics (a la Final Fantasy Tactics) and customize your spell/ability layout.

    The plot will basically be the original final fantasy, with minor changes if necessary. The main warriors of light will have no personality, and it will be up to the player to decide who these people are. Multiplayer should only be a possibility, with drop in and out co-op, similar to Dead Rising 2.

    In total, I want Final Fantasy to return with a flourish, a return to form in style, and all new gameplay. The style and aesthetic will be reminiscent of the first 6 games, while the graphical prowess will come from the 13th game (although, even that couldn't save it). this is all that I beg of you, Square. Just end this decade long streak of incompetency. I'm not saying this because I hate you...that much, I'm saying this because I miss your earlier days. Now get your ass in gear.

    -The Reincarnated Fighter.
    Last edited by Antidrall; 02-14-2011 at 11:51 PM.

  17. #77
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    The next Ivalice title will be FFXV. Just watch.
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  18. #78
    Just kind of there. How should FF15 be? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I think Final fantasy should be put on hiatus for a while.

    And XV should be the grand comeback.
    Make it play more like VII or IX. leaning towards IX.
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  19. #79
    Badass Military Agent How should FF15 be? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    I think the role of the characters or main character at that should be question and answer based. Something similar to what was used in Growlanser 2 The Sense of Justice. Certain decisions in the game actually made you change half of the entire storyline towards the end which was awesome. Most games that tried to adapt to this did a horrible job at it. They gave you the choice to say yes or no but made you say yes anyway which is EXTREMELY retarded and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Adding a feature like this alone would increase the replay value by tenfold, I haven't played Fable yet, but from what I've heard about it, it does this very well.

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  20. #80
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 How should FF15 be? T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: How should FF15 be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Linus Li Lelouch View Post
    Adding a feature like this alone would increase the replay value by tenfold, I haven't played Fable yet, but from what I've heard about it, it does this very well.
    Most certainly not. I can tell from the first Fable, though, not the second or the third.

    In the first game, you can be all good or all bad, but the final choice mostly changes the ending and how people call you later, nothing else.

    The problem with that is that you can change your alignment real quick. Enemies you beat alter your alignment; killing people makes you evil, killing bandits and undead make you good. Plus, there are the temples of Avo (good) and Skorm (evil), in which you can basically "donate" your money for goodie points (plus the Paladin title, a nice weapon and youth, of all things) or sacrifice people for the evulz (and get the best bow, period).

    And in the end, if you decide to take the Sword and slay your sister, you become unspeakably evil...until you donate to the church and become good again. No, seriously.

    The canon ending is the one where you spare the main character's sister on the first game, because she leads the hero of the second game.

    So yeah, Fable is good, but not the revolutionary thing you've expected. You can make a pretty nice character with quirks and whatnot, but in the end it's like FFX; you can spend the rest of the game just completing everything. If you want a game where your choices do matter, Tactics Ogre is a good one (and even then, the PSP remake just shoots that notion out of the water because you can play the other paths anyways...)
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