View Poll Results: which female character has the prettiest eyes.

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  • tifa

    4 11.11%
  • yuna

    8 22.22%
  • lightning

    13 36.11%
  • paine

    4 11.11%
  • aerith

    7 19.44%
Results 1 to 27 of 27

Thread: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

  1. #1

    which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    so which female character has the prettiest eyes. for me i like yuna's eyes because of the blue and green, but my other choice would have been lightning's eyes. because her eyes has a lot of the one in my avatar.

    ps: srry if i left out the one you wanted for the spotlight. just include in post.

    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-26-2010 at 03:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    woo 100% Lightning! lol I was about to vote Aerith, but Lightning's are way more hypnotic

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  3. #3

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    woo 100% Lightning! lol I was about to vote Aerith, but Lightning's are way more hypnotic
    yah i agree. lightnings eyes show a lot just by looking at it.

  4. #4
    I would explode to save your life~ which girl character has the prettiest eyes? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Aerith has pretty eyes so does Penelo
    Last edited by SeaAlchemist; 03-22-2010 at 11:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Ellipsis which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Uhhhhhhmmmm, I guess Yuna, since she's probably the only girl with two different colors for each eye.
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  6. #6
    Relaxin' with Final Fantasy which girl character has the prettiest eyes? KainsBro's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I say Lightning.

  7. #7
    The Mad God which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Rydia. Rinoa as a close second.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  8. #8
    Registered User which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I guess I'd go with Lightning, too. Aerith had pretty eyes in Before Crisis, but I guess I'm more fascinated with blue eyes as I have green eyes myself. Terra had the prettiest eyes in the FFVI opening for PS, but as she's not in the list...

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  9. #9
    parkour messenger extrodinaire which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    paine I guess, I always liked finding eyes that can hide things well behind anger, and become cold like that, it is interesting.
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  10. #10

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I would say tifa because she shows anguish towards her enemies

  11. #11

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mokkan Brushtail View Post
    paine I guess, I always liked finding eyes that can hide things well behind anger, and become cold like that, it is interesting.
    paine has very cool eyes. thats why i put her on the list. but it seems shes a little under rated. i thought "coloured" eyes would have more attention. paine has deep RED eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by deathlord View Post
    I would say tifa because she shows anguish towards her enemies
    tifa's are very interesting. she doesnt have the colour but she has the "emotions" and thats deep.

    here maybe i'll post the pictures for you to see visually rather than mentally...
    tifa [IMG][/IMG]

    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-26-2010 at 03:44 PM.

  12. #12

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?


    paine(srry cant find a close up) but you can see the red colour.

    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-26-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  13. #13
    The real reason why the rum is gone which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I vote Yuna, but only because Rikku wasn't on there >_< I love her pretty Al Bhed eyes!

  14. #14
    Dragoon which girl character has the prettiest eyes? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Nearly voted Yuna as I love green eyes and and the idea of different colour eyes, but I saw Paine and I would LOVE to see red eyes. Damn fine!

    Couldn't vote Lightning as not seen her eyes properly. Are they purple?

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  15. #15

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Quote Originally Posted by TigermusiQ View Post
    Couldn't vote Lightning as not seen her eyes properly. Are they purple?
    they are blueish green.

  16. #16
    Scourge of Esthar which girl character has the prettiest eyes? CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I've always liked that blueish green (or aqua if you want to get techincal) color for eyes. And with Light they're just mesmerising. I've actually caught myself staring at them before. (and considering I'm a guy the eyes aren't usually what I catch myself staring at)
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  17. #17
    Everyone needs a savior which girl character has the prettiest eyes? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    mine was definatly gonnna be rikku but she wasnt on there so i had to go with paine i love her red eyes
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  18. #18
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I think LuLu's beats them all...
    And even quistis with her perfect blue eyes.

    But out of thoses choices, Definet;y ahh...

    Color- Yuna or Paine
    Shape and axis- Tifa
    Emotion- Aerith and ... that's it.
    I think Lightning has ugly eyes, nothing special.

    Hell, Vanilles eyes are a perfect green.

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  19. #19
    Red Mage which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Henry's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Aerith has the most prettiest eyes <3 oohh! Shes so pretty.

    SPOILERS! to someone who haven´t played FF7 yet..

    I hate part the of the game in FF7 when she dies I cried at first time! Damn you Sephiroth! >

  20. #20
    Registered User which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I chose Yuna, although Aeris and Tifa have beautiful eyes as well.

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    Last edited by Rowan; 03-10-2011 at 06:05 PM.

  22. #22

    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I'd have to go with Tifa on this one. It's not about the color, though. Her eyes show her emotions, and that gives them the edge.
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  23. #23
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    OKay, I know these aren't on the list but, I just thought I should post.

    Edea, Vanille and Rinoa.

    Rinoas are like Tifas.

    Vanilles is the prettiest color

    And edea is pretty and exotic.

    Sorry bout this tho haha

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  24. #24
    Just kind of there. which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I vote Yuna. Because Heterochromia is awesome. And strangely beautiful.
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  25. #25
    The Mad God which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I'm at least 50% certain her's is the sexiest eye I've ever seen.... and I'm about 50% certain that's a she.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  26. #26
    ___________ which girl character has the prettiest eyes? Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I just voted for Lightning.

    Rendering and graphicly, she's the best I've seen. At first I thought about how well the characters were done in the movie FFAC. Then I thought about promotions and how well I thought Lightning was done. It's get me thinking if her banner has been made for that character test.

    I just saw Vanille for the first time. Wow.
    Last edited by Kyreaan; 03-03-2011 at 05:57 PM.

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    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

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    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

  27. #27
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! which girl character has the prettiest eyes? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: which girl character has the prettiest eyes?

    I would say Lightning because of her obvious life experience, and Aerith because she is an Ancient, so has fountains of wisdom in her eyes, but i had to choose Aerith over Lightning.

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