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Thread: The future of the FF series

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! The future of the FF series SuperSabin's Avatar
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    The future of the FF series

    I feel like we should dicuss FF titles past FFXIV, why not? anyways, due to the possibility of FF Versus XIII becoming titled FFXV, how about taking the long awaited remake of FFVII and title it FFXVI, makes sense right? and then Advent Children would be titled FFXVII and the HD remake of Dirge of Cerberus would become FFXVIII.
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Wait what? Why would they name a Remake VII into another number. Why would they make Versus XIII into XV if it's part of the FNC universe. That does not make sense at all.

    and why would they do an HD Remake of a Final Fantasy game that I hear less people talking about than the Crystal Chronicles series.
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  3. #3
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. The future of the FF series noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I agree with loaf, personally.

    Either way, I started a thread similar to this on UFF, but it wasn't about re-naming past FF games.

    It was more on whether the FF franchise would continue for much longer (which I doubt. Unless they move on and make XV and it turns out freaking -awesome-).

  4. #4
    Nah, noone's gonna rename anything. As to future of FF's, they'd better stay away from the 13's ARPG formula. FF's should at least be like Chrono Trigger, not more action oriented. They could allow going into the action modes at certain times, but mostly battles should be done with commands.

  5. #5
    I want to play a game. The future of the FF series Zargabaath's Avatar
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    If I could like loaf's post more than once I would. TC's OP was all sorts of hot mess. Sh!!!!!t.

    Anyhuma, word is that they be making a new FF for the next genz. Didn't show off anything at the PS4 event but that Agni's philosophy sh!t they showed at E3 last yr. Swell job square

    And rumor is FF Versus XIII will be going next gen as well.

    I would like to see a FF game directed by Hiroyuki Itou (FFVI FFIX FFXII)

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! The future of the FF series SuperSabin's Avatar
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    You all realize I was being sarcastic? I did want to discuss the future of FF but I also wanted to poke fun at the rumor going around of Versus XIII becoming FFXV.
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  7. #7
    I hope the next FF will really push PS4's limits and revolutionize FF's once again. Doing more FF XIII's like CoD is not the way to go.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Uhhhhhhhh ARPG's are like, Mass Effect and such. I play FFXIII with commands, it's more fun instead of spamming auto-battle but Auto-Battle is faster and better.

    CoD games are in production a couple years before it's release. Same went for the XIII games. It's like with Mass Effect 2 and 3. They basically had most of Mass Effect 3 under wraps when Mass Effect 2 of finished. It came out like a year and half later. (which was stupid, ME3 should be coming out now instead of last year).

    I really want to see more and more Ivalice games. I want to see the rest of that world. I think that SE does it's best with Ivalice. I feel it's the one FF world that they really scale it to a real world. Most of the continents in the FF games look huge and then there is just a town and that's it. You walk for a long time (which in game would be days) it felt that in the Ivalice games and having them based on a certain continent and giving you that much exploration and it was just on one continent. Almost like when you play an Elder Scrolls game, you have explored sooooooo much and yet that was just one country.
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  9. #9
    Queen The future of the FF series Crescent's Avatar
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    I have good reason to believe that the next FF will indeed be Versus XIII renamed to XV and that it will be The game announced for PS4 at E3.

    I now think the reason that Versus XIII has been delayed for so long and has had extremely little coverage/news/updates since 2006 when it was first announced all the way up to 2011, is that somewhere during those late seven years of development, Square Enix decided (with SCE) it would be better off released on its next gen platform so as to take advantage of the PS4's much more advanced processing powers(8GB GDDR5 RAM at 176 GB/sec..*_*) and supreme graphical capabilities-explains Agni's Philosophy Demo they're always showcasing given its a "next gen" engine advertisement for SE's own "Luminous Engine". SE's hands/mouths were so tightly tied/bound they couldnt say or breathe shit..If SE so much as even mildly hinted to any news about Sony's next gen platform ie PS4 before it was announced......

    That all said, Unless they've been secretly working on the Xbox version for some time now, I find it hard to believe its NOT a PS4 exclusive. Last we checked, Nomura did state that it was being built specifically for the PS3. That means that if it were to go to Xbox it would be a port... and a horrible one at that. Not that horrible ports are beneath Square Enix's integrity, but I'd hope they'd learn the lesson from FFXIII. It being rebranded would certainly open the door for it being multiplatform, especially if it's going next gen. But watevs..

    That's my 2cents anyway.

    Look just wait till E3 alright, I've waited 7 years I can wait 7 months.


  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy The future of the FF series Rowan's Avatar
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    Could it be possible that its the sequel to ff7? According to some official square crap, sephiroth has yet to show his true power and it will be revealed in.. a possible sequal? All I know is that we've yet to see the last of sephiroth. So perhaps its a sequal to ff7.

  11. #11
    Queen The future of the FF series Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Could it be possible that its the sequel to ff7? According to some official square crap, sephiroth has yet to show his true power and it will be revealed in.. a possible sequal? All I know is that we've yet to see the last of sephiroth. So perhaps its a sequal to ff7.

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy The future of the FF series Rowan's Avatar
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    indiana jones and the last crusade.

    yeah im somewhere inbetween that quickened rigamortus.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The future of the FF series Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I would like to see a FF game directed by Hiroyuki Itou (FFVI FFIX FFXII)
    This, so much this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Could it be possible that its the sequel to ff7? According to some official square crap, sephiroth has yet to show his true power and it will be revealed in.. a possible sequal? All I know is that we've yet to see the last of sephiroth. So perhaps its a sequal to ff7.
    Fourth time's a charm, I really hope this guy eventually lives up to his hype

    As for what I would love to see in future installments...

    I'm perfectly fine with classic ATB, granted there's more to it. Something that will make battles a lot more deeper and interesting, like junction system for instance. Make me love it's world as much as I love main characters because setting is equally important. Each Final Fantasy tends to have tons of beautiful locations, though the world itself and lore in general are usually shallow, save for Ivalice. WRPG's are pretty good at this, lots of trivia for us to read about it's world, characters and former major events through out the game should hopefully fix this.

    Add more monster variety, color swap monsters in earlier games and those with little to no difference in later are silly to say the least, Final Fantasy VIII & IX are I believe only games in the series that don't suffer from this issue. Huge open areas to explore, tons of sidequests, and fun mini games to kill time, in fact Hunts & Triple Triad should be mandatory in all future games. Preferably tons of fan service or allusions if you will. Most importantly though, the way a story is told. Take Final Fantasy IV for instance, those fake deaths really chipped away a potentially great story. For once drop down that generic bullshit "love always prevails", what can I say, WRPG's have spoiled me.

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  14. #14
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The future of the FF series T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I would like to see a FF game directed by Hiroyuki Itou (FFVI FFIX FFXII)
    This, so much this.
    Heavenly clouds; I agree as well!

    Perhaps it's a coincidence, but aside from FF III, Mr. Ito has directed all Final Fantasy games that are multiples of 3, and they've been wonderful. Not sure how FF Dimensions has worked, but I find it a great throw-back to old-school RPGs.

    Though, if it were me...I'd go with Ito as director, Motoi Sakuraba as composer (or Yoko Shimomura; maybe they can do a combined job, with Sakuraba dealing with action scenes and Shimomura with incidental and dramatic music).

    And Takenobu Terada as producer. Just for kicks. I mean, seeing the summon animations in full HD with the same intensity as SRW battle animations? Heck yeah!

    Fourth time's a charm, I really hope this guy eventually lives up to his hype
    Hah! I don't think he'll pull it off, if only because Genesis is gonna be waiting. I believe the last sequel for Final Fantasy will be Genesis vs. Sephy, just to see who was the best SOLDIER after all.

    But to that...meh.

    As for what I would love to see in future installments...

    I'm perfectly fine with classic ATB, granted there's more to it. Something that will make battles a lot more deeper and interesting, like junction system for instance. Make me love it's world as much as I love main characters because setting is equally important. Each Final Fantasy tends to have tons of beautiful locations, though the world itself and lore in general are usually shallow, save for Ivalice. WRPG's are pretty good at this, lots of trivia for us to read about it's world, characters and former major events through out the game should hopefully fix this.

    Add more monster variety, color swap monsters in earlier games and those with little to no difference in later are silly to say the least, Final Fantasy VIII & IX are I believe only games in the series that don't suffer from this issue. Huge open areas to explore, tons of sidequests, and fun mini games to kill time, in fact Hunts & Triple Triad should be mandatory in all future games. Preferably tons of fan service or allusions if you will. Most importantly though, the way a story is told. Take Final Fantasy IV for instance, those fake deaths really chipped away a potentially great story. For once drop down that generic bullshit "love always prevails", what can I say, WRPG's have spoiled me.
    I always say: look at Zeboyd games. Their latest game (the third installment of the Penny Arcade RPG series) is a throwback to 16-bit games, and they're both fun, fast, and quite challenging (then again, the fact I could finish the game right from Insane difficulty perhaps doesn't work at their favor...) They used the Grandia battle system, sure, but the way jobs and skills were used was definitely FF-based.

    Though...I'd definitely wouldn't ask Squeenix to look for my suggestions. Otherwise, I'd suggest an unholy blend of HD graphics, "Bullet Time" menu choices (time slows while you're making your menu selection), and a mixture of SRW OG Saga Endless Frontier and Valkyrie Profile battle systems, with spells straight from Final Fantasy, techniques drawn straight from the SaGa series, summon animations a la SRW series, character build-up based on Final Fantasy Tactics, and a story that wouldn't be a stranger to BioWare writers.
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  15. #15
    FF Dimensions is a blast. It feels so much like old school FF's, bosses are hard, some hard as hell. It's like reliving your first FF6 moments. This game rocks. Definitely up there with 4, 5 and 6.

  16. #16
    The Old Skool Warrior The future of the FF series LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Oh man, when Dimensions went on sale for $10 in the Play store, I jumped on that so fast. That game has all the charm of the old ones and honestly, $10 was an absolute steal and I wish I'd paid full price for it. Square-Enix listens more than you guys realize, but they also pride themselves on the exploration of fresh ideals. Obviously they don't always go over so well with everyone. I would really like to see FFXV take a giant step back and pay fantastic homage to the old school JRPG, with a lot of new school features applied to that style.

    Lost Odyssey had a great little interactive bit in the battle scheme to keep you involved with the targeting system for critical hits. Something small like that can take an "outdated" style and make it fresh again.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  17. #17
    The way I see things at the moment is 1) FF13 Lightning Returns 2)FF13 Versus 3)Remastered FFX AND FFX-2 are all in the pipelines for release let these ones come out and then give opinions and want for others. Also don't forget The PS4 is out in November and there is already a trailer for an FF game there (probably FF 14) its just a matter of waiting to see what happens but don't panic cuz I don't think Square-Enix will disappoint in my eyse they haven't done that yet.

  18. #18
    Registered User The future of the FF series
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    Well as you all know by now Verses is now FF XV and there is talk of direct sequels so it's possible that the PS4 will see this explored for quite a bit of time. However the one shining light here is that apparently the PS4 is wonderful to develop on, and with their new Luminous engine you would expect XVI to have a quicker development time as they will have become familiar with it with FF XV.

    Personally with XVI, I would love to see a more medieval setting and the return of Job Classes.

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