If you had the power to manipulate time and space and live in a certain time period would you? Pick several time periods that you would be interested in going back to and keep the following questions in mind as you prepare your post:

The Past

Basic Questions
1) What kind of person would you be?
2) Your profession?
3) Who would you like to meet personally?
4) Any empires, cities, civilizations, and important landmarks would you like to visit?
5) What events would you like to witness?
6) What things would you alter/change?

Helpful Resource:
World Timeline

The Future

Basic Questions
1) What do you think the Future will be like if you traveled x amount of years?
2) Would you be interested in knowing how your future self, family, and friends are doing?

Hopefully these questions will turn on the light bulb above your head and help begin your post. Keep in mind that this may require some research.

As always, have fun! Run wild with your imagination! Take as much time and space as you need!

I'm gonna have to keep this short since I got school the following morning... I'll update later as soon as I got time. I apologize if it seems like I didn't put a lot of work into it. ><;

510-338 BC Athens Athens is the center of art, philosophy, and learning. I would like to meet and possibly learn from Socrates or Pericles. I would like to be a philosopher or a someone like Pericles; general, orator, and statesman.