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Thread: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    Hello, My name is Windswept. I am writing an essay for an english paper. The topic is on MMO's and why people continue to play them week after week.

    Could you please give your opinions as to why you play? What is it about the game that keeps you coming back? The difficulty? The people? The loot?

    I would greatly appreciate it,

  2. #2
    The real reason why the rum is gone Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    Hello Windswept

    Well, I play Final Fantasy for a variety of reasons. The first and foremost being the storylines. Most of them are fantastic (especially 10 and 7). An engaging storyline always makes the audience come back for more, and that's exactly what FF does. Each game has a different story, but most are extremely engaging, hence why the Final Fantasy games are so successful. I find myself getting hooked to the storylines and I refuse to stop playing until I've completed it and found out everything lol. Of course, a lot of other games have good storylines. Personally, I think the Star Ocean series is pretty good for that. A good storyline is also a nice escape from the real world, especially for me. If you're sick of everyday life and want something else, it's good to play a game and get involved in another world. It cheers me up usually.

    Characters are also another major reason. FF games are usually pretty good at developing their characters. People won't wanna play a game with crappy characters that the audience don't want to get to know. How they look and their personality is important, I think. They've got to be believable as well, something else which FF games do pretty well.

  3. #3
    The Lone Dagger Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I would say that I play the Final Fantasy and the other MMO's like Oblivion that I play for two main reasons. The characters and the story, everything else is just gravy. I just recently picked up my PS controller, two gens in the past just so I could play some of my FF VII and IX files and what keeps me coming back is enjoying playing the game with the characters. Seeing them grow as I use them more and become stronger long after I have completed the storyline. I also like to do everything that the game has to offer, explore every side quest and really get the most out of the game. Right now I'm still working at defeating the weapons on VII and trying to get all the cards in XI, it's the little things but I find it very pleasurable when it's such great games.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I play for the chix.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
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    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    lol Oblivion isn't an MMO

    I play them because I like playing video games.
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  6. #6

    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    so why do i play? because i like seeing the different characters in each game. and how they developed over time along with the storyline. i like how at first how we started to know the characters and then over time we become very familiar with them, and very familiar with their past and personality and how we got to know them so well and be able to understand why they acted in that certain way. and when its time to say goodbye and move onto the next game, you would actually feel like it has been a real experience because you've met such a great party and will remember each and everyone of them. and if a game has that effect, its a game worth to play. and playing FF is a great way to learn more in life because the storylines in each and everyone of them is so different and yet its great for imagination and look at life "outside the box." well that is all.

  7. #7
    Let's make it rain. Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    Well I love developing my characters and making them better, for an MMO my goal is to be better than everyone, I'm very competitive. As for the loot, if I have better armor than you, I look cooler than you, therefore I'm probably better than you, so it's like when I start an MMO and I see those people with the crazy armor and high levels, it motivates me to wanna play more. You see?

    But as for Final Fantasy, usually the story drives me, getting the best weapons and highest levels and beating the hard side bosses, taking pictures and showing people, it's a false sense of accomplishment that I really enjoy. Ahaha. =] Plus most the things you do in video games, you can't do in real life, so it's like an escape to a fantasy world. It's really fun.

    I hope I helped a little bit.

  8. #8

    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    because I'm a gamer nerd, and that's what gamer nerds do.

    To be honest I couldn't tell you specifically why, that's like asking why I play any game for that matter. boredom?

    hmmmmm, RPGs themselves, probably because I like getting engaged in different story lines and worlds. Much more interesting than real life sometimes.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 04-16-2010 at 10:33 PM.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    First time i played was because of characters,music and storyline mostly and i kinda still is the reason. Then i started to like other things like the battle system,surroundings, plot, equipment, chocobos, moogles name it

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I play Final Fantasy because the vast majority of the time the games aren't MMOs. This saves me money (no monthly fee) and as the games are nice and long and often of the highest calibre I know I'm getting my money's worth.

    I do love the rare MMO without monthly fees (talking decent rather than the all too common free, ingame purchase supported lesser titles) like Guild Wars back when I used to play, but it's not often I can justify paying a monthly fee for a game, especially when it's not uncommon for me to have a large backlog of unplayed games which'd have my attention over the MMO regardless.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #11
    Registered User Final Fantasy, Why do you play? vicks and wedge's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    i play final fantasy and rpgs in general cause that is the gaming expieience i like most. I like the exploration aspect best of all. The whole travel the world explore a dungeon or castle, find great treasure and become all powerfull! thats the stuff i like. Story does not so much matter to me if you like good stories and character developement then there are tons of books and movies that do that far better than vidio games.

    What makes final fantasy the best to me is the mood these games set. The music, the graphics. Turn off the lights pop one in and get emersed in a world.
    Also ff has the smoothest battle systems. Other rpgs dont always hit here however ff battles are always smooth and challenging..i played alot of other rpgs where all i had to do was attack to win..other abilities were useless however ff makes you take advantage of all magics and abilities to get through.

  12. #12
    I like to lol. Final Fantasy, Why do you play? ExQuentin's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    The reason I play FF (or any other MMO) is just for shear joy. It is like asking... Why do you play soccer? Or, why do you play basketball? It's a game and people like to have fun (usually). Some people like their fun centered around fantasy, like me, it is fun to role play because you are not you. Not that I am saying that the person who RPs dosen't want to be them, but because it is fun just to be someone different once in a while. Instead of just ExQuentin all the time. It is also fun to dream for most people, and imaging. That is what humans are famous for games that incorporate RP have a dreamy effect to them. You do things unimaginable and sometimes impossible, fight monsters that do not exist. Finally, because the MMO world is endless. Such as, someone could wake up one day and come up with something completely new, unique, and obsure! Anyone can do it!

    So there you go, kind of long, but it is my opinion!


  13. #13
    Stream Crosser Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I play Final Fantasy because I think Final Fantasy is must-play RPG in people's history it offers a fabulous graphic and epic story line. FF characters are cool and entertain me so much lol that's why I play FF

  14. #14
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I Play Final Fantasy For A Few Reasons, And Here They Are:

    1: I Love the Storylines. They Are Very Gripping And Pretty Awesome, Also Makes Me Wanna Be There, Talking To The Characters, Party With Them(As In join Their Group To Kill Things), etc...

    2: I Love The Action. It Has Almost Everything You'd Dream Of...Swordplay, Magic, Summoning Amazing Entities To Reign Down Havoc & Chaos Upon Your Enemies, etc...

    3: The Gripping And Beautiful Graphics(For Its Time If Reffering To The Old Ones) That Make You Say Wow & Hohry Crap...LOL


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  15. #15
    Scourge of Esthar Final Fantasy, Why do you play? CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    Story. That's all it's ever been for me is the story. When I first started gaming there were very few games that could hold my attention. FF8 was the first game I ever played with such a huge emphasis on telling a story rather than go here and punch this or go there and kick that. I was able to really get into the stories the series had to offer. It gave a feel for the characters, a sense of something much bigger than what was immediatly apparent, and a truly epic experience that made you feel satisfied when it drew to a close. That's also why XIII is ranked up there close behind VIII. The story kept me entrhalled and all of the characters felt like they had purpose.
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  16. #16
    Registered User Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Shiro's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    I play FF for one simple reason: it makes me happy.

    When I play FF I forget about my problems, the crap day I had at work, the things that are bothering me. I become someone else and immerse myself in another world. FF allows me to get in touch with the emotions I tend to suppress in the real world as I laugh, cry and fall in love with the characters. It is a mentally and intellectually stimulating game as it requires strategy and concentration, so I don't feel like I am simply vegetating in front of a TV/computer screen.
    In short, when I play FF, I go to my happy place. And sometimes there is really nowhere else I'd rather be

  17. #17
    Registered User Final Fantasy, Why do you play? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    This is a great topic and I'll answer before I read the rest of your thoughts,,,

    I got into FF7 first when it was recommened to me, and I immediately enjoyed the relaxing feel of being able to move around without constant button mashing and the intensity of an action or adventure game.

    I loved the music and the environment.

    And as I played more I came to enjoy being able to develop a character and to go out and find upgrades for them as opposed to just having them handed to me.

    I like that I'm played level 3-2 for 400th time, and that the game is always changing and progressing.

    And I like that there are some enemies you encounter from time to time that challenge you to strategize and rethink how you engage in a battle.

    I also love the FF series for its ability to reinvent itself. Every game is the same in a lot of ways, but they're all extremely different as well. I want to think about how the design team from each game about developing a new battle system and see what they thought would work. I love to see how they use traditional elements while presenting them in a different way. It's an art form that you can respect and evaluate.

    Most of all I love how the game never really ends, and that there's is always more to do if you wanted to replay it, which is why I'll never understand why anybody feels the need to 100% a game. You're not supposed to really, that's why they make it so big and expansive. I just really love coming back to a game several years later and setting a challenge to do that one thing that I hadn't done the first time. It makes the whole thing a fun new experience.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 03-17-2011 at 07:29 AM.

  18. #18

    Re: Final Fantasy, Why do you play?

    HA! MMO.

    Anyway, why do I play Final Fantasy?

    The characters and story might be the most important aspect to me, I believe. I especially like the stories of Final Fantasy because they tend to be so much more imaginative. The worlds are fantastic and feel real. Like you could really find these places if you traveled to some alternate universe. Square/ Square Enix really pushes the bar on what "fantasy" is, and I love that.
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