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Thread: Favourite FF Character

  1. #1
    The Brave Favourite FF Character
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    Post Favourite FF Character

    Alright, what's your favourite Final Fantasy character and why? One of my favourites would be Tidus from FFX.

  2. #2
    Pondering life's mysteries since '91 Favourite FF Character Recluse Writer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alisbet View Post
    Alright, what's your favourite Final Fantasy character and why? One of my favourites would be Tidus from FFX.
    A lot of people would probably bag me for this, but the first character i ever thought of as one of my favourites would be Cloud Strife from FFVII. On the exterior, he seems to be a cool, calm and collected swordsman and a veteran of many battles. However, he is in fact a very flawed, vulnerable and emotional person trying to discover himself in a chaotic and dark world.

    At the time i was playing this game for the first time, i was around probably 9 or 10 and Cloud was everything i wanted to be when i grew up - strong and powerful yet compassionate and loving. His dark journey throughout VII's storyline helped me with my own personal issues and would later form the basis for what morals i would uphold in my life and inspired me to become a writer. I felt a kind of kinship with him, as we faced our own private and personal demons - and for a young boy whose only male figure was depressed, angry and suffering all the time, Cloud became a sort of spiritual brother to me.

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favourite FF Character Rowan's Avatar
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    Well im gonna have to say Tifa... Because her personality is huge and i'd love to motorboat her personality.

  4. #4
    Pondering life's mysteries since '91 Favourite FF Character Recluse Writer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Well im gonna have to say Tifa... Because her personality is huge and i'd love to motorboat her personality.
    A man after my own heart ......kudos to you good sir! xD

    On a separate note, why they made Tifa's boobs so unrealistically big will forever remain a mystery to me. I know there's such a concept as 'fan service'.......but that may have been going a little too far in this case. Her and Lara Croft.

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favourite FF Character Rowan's Avatar
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    Lara crofts boobs were a pleasant mistake. Tifa on the other hand, was definitely in proportion. I think they are beautiful and I really hope they dont shrink them like square shrunk new lara crofts boobs in the remake.

  6. #6
    Zidane Tribal. He's friendly, nice, supportive and always wanted to help others.

  7. #7
    The Brave Favourite FF Character
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubblegum View Post
    Zidane Tribal. He's friendly, nice, supportive and always wanted to help others.
    You like Zidane? Well, he's my favourite too. Especially when he's flirting with girls.

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favourite FF Character Rowan's Avatar
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    Zidane reminds me a lot of myself;except when im at work. When I'm at work im more like squall.

  9. #9
    I use to love Cloud back in the day. He had this "I don't give shit" attitude and as you play the game you learn more about him. I liked that, but now... I would say as a whole my favorite FF character is probably Vivi. He is a black mage which is always awesome! Plus you can't help but to route and fall in love with him while playing IX. He is the best.

    Doing the Chain Chomp Stomp at the GS Forums!

  10. #10
    The Mad God Favourite FF Character Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Tough choice. I can narrow it down a bit, but I don't think I can really pick a favorite.

    Auron is the first to come to mind. Quiet, badass, and unlike the other quiet badass types, not a brooding emo kid. He's a man of age and experience, and born from the two, wisdom. He's one of the smartest protagonists in Final Fantasy history, having gained knowledge from his journey as a guardian, and more from his journey to another world, and more still from living on after death. The keeper of secrets role also earns some points from me, as I'm a man who values knowledge, and seeks mystery. He's the perfect character to fill the mentor role in the hero's story.

    Beatrix is another favorite. The whole story of her conflicting feelings about her oath to serve, and her clear awareness of the wrongness of what she was being asked to do made for a complex character. She kinda had the whole Cecil thing going with seeking redemption for past sins, but was just more awesome while doing it. And I always find the massively overpowered solitary warrior characters interesting. Also bonus points for being a female who uses white magic, and unlike all the other white magic using females, NOT being a pansy hiding in the back row providing support, but instead being the front row powerhouse with an attitude.

    Zack Fair, one whom if I had to choose right now, would probably be my top pick for favorite. Unlike other protagonists in the series, he hasn't been some conflicted tortured soul seeking himself. Zack had total clarity of purpose at all times. He was a man who fought for his dreams. He was unfailingly loyal to his friends, risking his own life to save others without a second thought. While other protagonist relied on the strength of their friends to accomplish anything, Zack carried he weight of his world all by himself, and did so with a smile on his face. His strength of character was unmatched by anyone else in the final fantasy universe.

    Sephiroth, another top pick. As villains go, Sephiroth is definitely my favorite. Cold, calculating, manipulative, ruthless, and knows just how to get under someone's skin. In addition to his character being perfectly suited to villainy, he had something other villains usually didn't. Real power. Most other obtained power through manipulation, or some twisted plot, but Sephiroth already had power. He didn't have to lie or go behind people's backs to get where he got. If he wanted something, it was his. He had no qualms with breaking into the highest security building on the planet to take something he wanted, and he killed anyone stupid enough to get in his way.

    Kefka Palazzo, while not my favorite villain by any means, there's something you jut have to love about a psychopathic homicidal clown.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  11. #11
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Favourite FF Character noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benji 'Silva' Maero View Post
    A man after my own heart ......kudos to you good sir! xD

    On a separate note, why they made Tifa's boobs so unrealistically big will forever remain a mystery to me. I know there's such a concept as 'fan service'.......but that may have been going a little too far in this case. Her and Lara Croft.
    Tifa really ain't got shiz on me, tbh. It's become a problem. I have lots of back pain. Why doesn't Tifa have a lot of back pain? She should be poppin' painkillers like there's no tomorrow. And I -ain't- talkin' bout OTC Tylenol or Motrin either.

    Anywho. Vivi. Vivi I love. And Fuujin. Don't ask me why I'm so fixated on her. Just always have been.
    I also like Selphie & Rikku. I gravitate towards characters that have more my personality.

    Buuuut this thread is kinda like that other'n down there. Innit?

  12. #12
    Pondering life's mysteries since '91 Favourite FF Character Recluse Writer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Tifa really ain't got shiz on me, tbh. It's become a problem. I have lots of back pain. Why doesn't Tifa have a lot of back pain? She should be poppin' painkillers like there's no tomorrow. And I -ain't- talkin' bout OTC Tylenol or Motrin either.
    I......did you really just compare your breast size with Tifa?!

    I........i'm at a loss for words.......Part of me is screaming 'fly to America and marry that girl' while the other half is giggling like a 5-year old

  13. #13
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favourite FF Character Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Tifa really ain't got shiz on me
    Pics or gtfo.

    anyway, girls that have massive breasts end up having back problems because the weight of their breasts bring them forward and places some pressure on their back... supposedly. If you hit a gym, work out your back, your problem will be solved. Surgery is the easy way out, and also a damn shame because big breasts are beautiful. If you are having back problems go to a gym and strengthen your back, problem solved.

    Also, by strengthening your back you will create better posture and as a result, stand straighter, taller and your breasts will appear perkier. Tifa seems like the kind of girl who exercises a lot, which would explain her stunning physique and lack of back pain.

  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    My favorite is Locke Cole. It ain't easy out here for a Treasure Hunter. Or a necrophiliac... It's okay Locke; you're still a pimp either way. The ladies love you. Edgar wishes he could be you. And you don't have to flaunt shit; you know you're hot shit. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    Spoony Bard
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    As much as my Y-chromosome would prefer to digress down this titillating topical tangent, I will refrain and answer the question at hand.

    General Leo, from Final Fantasy VI. Despite being the tragic hero who holds a high position within the ranks of the enemy, he has his own code of honor. He also had a pretty damned cool ability called Shock that was fun to use. A shame we couldn't use it for long.

    A close second---but almost a polar opposite in character---would be Delita Hyral from Final Fantasy Tactics. Very much a scheming, manipulating bastard. Not really evil, but not exactly good, either.
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  16. #16
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favourite FF Character Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incognitus View Post
    As much as my Y-chromosome would prefer to digress down this titillating topical tangent, I will refrain and answer the question at hand.
    Dont be ashamed nor let anyone make you feel ashamed for your sexual nature.

  17. #17
    Spoony Bard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Dont be ashamed nor let anyone make you feel ashamed for your sexual nature.
    Shame is not the issue. Alliteration is! It is the only reason that sentence was typed!
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  18. #18
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Favourite FF Character noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Pics or gtfo.

    anyway, girls that have massive breasts end up having back problems because the weight of their breasts bring them forward and places some pressure on their back... supposedly. If you hit a gym, work out your back, your problem will be solved. Surgery is the easy way out, and also a damn shame because big breasts are beautiful. If you are having back problems go to a gym and strengthen your back, problem solved.

    Also, by strengthening your back you will create better posture and as a result, stand straighter, taller and your breasts will appear perkier. Tifa seems like the kind of girl who exercises a lot, which would explain her stunning physique and lack of back pain.
    lolness. Nevar!

    I'm not like. fat or anything. They're just illegally large. I get lots of cardio at work running around and balancing plates on my arm all night. One dude wrote "Tits McGee" on one of my check out slips @ work. It was pretty funny.

    lolz @ Benji. I imagine that comment got several giggles from readers.

    Anywho. Tifa's cool. And come to think of it.. Kimahri is pretty bad ass.
    Ooooh and I'm just realizing that I really like Al-Cid's greasy creepiness (from XII). Dunno why. He's kind of an unexpected figure in the game, IMO.

  19. #19
    Pondering life's mysteries since '91 Favourite FF Character Recluse Writer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    lolz @ Benji. I imagine that comment got several giggles from readers........
    It's what i'm here for. Make awkward, suggestive remarks and cause people to giggle like little b****es

    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Ooooh and I'm just realizing that I really like Al-Cid's greasy creepiness (from XII). Dunno why. He's kind of an unexpected figure in the game, IMO.
    I'm not gonna lie - Al-Cid is so suave even i'd go down on him xD

  20. #20
    I like Rydia the most. Beautiful, smart, powerful, charming, very stylish. Rydia is my babe.

  21. #21
    My favourite would be Vivi. He becomes extremely powerful and has an incredible journey as a character. And he's just so tiny and adorable.

  22. #22
    Registered User Favourite FF Character TheLastAdventAuron's Avatar
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    If I had to pick any character out of them all, I would have to say Zack Fair from Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. Nuf, said


    amen to that!! XD I believe there is nobody who can resist her charms <3

  23. #23
    my favorite Character would be Ramza from final fantasy tactics♥

    I really like his eye color,and he is nice.
    he fights for others rather than for himself
    and knowing that the world is in danger,he still tried to do something about it even though he's a heretic nor anyone notices that he's trying to save it.

    Edit:I think Tifa is so beautiful♥
    and that Vivi is so aborable♥

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