View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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  • 1

    12 1.69%
  • 2

    3 0.42%
  • 3

    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
  • 5

    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Thread: Best final fantasy game

  1. #361
    First of all, they're all great, best games ever created. As for the best of them, in my opinion it's FFIX. I just loved the plot and the characters and everything. The X one is sweet, a bit depressive, but still sweet. But I just have to admitt that the best male characters are in FFVII.
    "Hey...have you seen a guy with spiky hair?

  2. #362
    i like ff7 but 12 is my fave
    a bit of a Temper
    a little like
    A lot of love

  3. #363
    My first Post!

    I went with the FF7 vote but right after I did it I regretted it, NOT because I didn't like it (honestly it might be my favorite) but I figured it'll probably already get the credit it deserves from others peoples votes. I should have voted for FF6 because it is tied for my favorite and it could use the credit. FF6 Had the best characters, game play system (learning magic and a completely customizable team) and an EPIC story with at least 10 of the 14 characters with a quite decent story and unique feel to them.

    FF7 had a great story to and it holds a lot of the nostalgia value to me as its what got me hooked on RPGs (The part where the weapons break out and diamond slowly walks towards Midgar... wow my first memories of any FF). The characters were fun too and possibly just as developed as any other FF characters (especially without being able to make all their scenes have close-ups on facial expressions and such). If a remake was made with those possibilities all those graphic stuck fools (not against anyone in particular) would have to kneel before this games might (lol maybe a bit overdramatic)

    Although I enjoyed playing FFX, it for some reason (i donno why) felt kinda boring... its saving grace for me was the voice acting and eventually i got obsessed with blitz ball

    FF8 was my least favorite I never got into it... and because of that i don't even remember it that much. But before people attack me I wouldn't say its bad, maybe i just need to play it again see if i missed something. From what I remember I didn't like it because it focused the most on guns and cars than other FFs and the main characters weren't abstract enough to be interesting. Sorry if 8 is your favorite I certainly don't hold it against anyone.

    Oh and FFT (The playstation one NOT the gameboy one) was really great to because I like the customization of every character. It had lots of replay value.

  4. #364
    Finally Back! :D Best final fantasy game Benjisan's Avatar
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    My favourite Final Fantasy is a tie between VII and X; VII because i enjoyed the storyline and the use of materia; X because of the Sphere Grid and the ability to switch characters in battle. It had an original storyline and original battle system.

    However, since we are only allowed to pick one, i will vote for FFX
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

  5. #365
    who's been touching my materia? Best final fantasy game Fang's Avatar
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    I enjoyed playing all FF games. But Final Fantasy VII is definitely the best one in my opinion. For it has the best story, great characters and beautiful music.

    My Heath Ledger fan sister:Unknown Entity

  6. #366
    Just a victim of your own conceit. Best final fantasy game RIOT999's Avatar
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    ..... the game that got me onto the final fantasy series was actually ffX and i got intot hat one when i was six... but then when FFx-2 came out i was crushed cuz (slow me) i didnt even have a ps2 back then so i bought ff8 and that one was pretty good,got the tactics, ff9,then x-2 and many others fter that.. I CANT POSSIBLY ANSWER THAT!!!!*faint*

  7. #367
    Tsuna Feesh Best final fantasy game Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    To me, FFIX was the best, but I knew FFVII would get the highest vote. Cloud's in it after all!

  8. #368
    I voted 6 for my all time fave... tactics(PSX) is a close second....

    the only ones i didn't really like where 8 and 10. They just didn't do it for me like all the other ones did... But i guess it all depends on the one you started with first i guess..
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  9. #369
    I invented Go-Gurt. Best final fantasy game Clint's Avatar
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    I've always liked Final Fantasy IV the best. It's the most original, in my opinion. Final Fantasy VII and X are good games, but they just didn't live up to expectation for me. I would have liked them more if they weren't so overrated. The next best ones besides IV would probably be VIII, and then VI.

  10. #370
    My favorite would have to be FF1 I like the simple story and I also like the challange the game provides.

  11. #371
    out of the few FF games I've played (so Far?)
    FFXII is defiantly my favorite.

    you should put Kingdom Hearts in this Poll. since that IS part of the FF series.

  12. #372
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Technically it is not part of the FF series, Kingdom Hearts may use several of the characters and one simularity that I can think of (Cloud chasing after Sepheroth) but other then that it has nothing what so ever to fo with the FF's. There is actually no direct tie to any of the FF games. So that is why IMO it is not on the pole.
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  13. #373
    Best final fantasy game Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    I didn't see this one.
    OK I'll go with FFVIII.

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  14. #374
    I havnt played many but my fave is FFXII Balthier was my fave character.
    But i liked V alot and ive heard FFVII is legendary

  15. #375
    Best final fantasy game Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Thumbs up V!!!

    Oh come on! Tell me I'm not the only one who appreciated 5!!! God, the humor in it is timeless, it has my favorite FF villain in it (Exdeath) as well as the funniest one in my opinion (Gilgamesh!!!), AND THE MUSIC KICKED ASS!!!

    But my least favorite is VII because of the enormous fans of the characters that never seem to SHUT THEIR TRAP!!! Besides that, Sephy - fans continue to say that he's the evilest, which is SO not true, because the creators never intended to make him in such a way, which is what fans refuse to see. Exdeath was possibly the evilest, because that's how he was intended to be depicted. Sephiroth looks for knowledge, while Exdeath looks for domination over all dimensions and the Void, none of that gushy "mother" stuff!!!

    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 08-30-2008 at 02:01 PM.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  16. #376
    I voted for VI it was the first one I played back when it first came out although it was known as III I owned I and IV (known as II in America) but they were my parents games I grew up watching them play them and when VI came out I was finally old enough to understand how to play. I loved the storyline of VI and even after playing all the older and newer ones it's still my favorite. I absolutly depised XII, I hate the whole battle system and the fact that you have to buy all your abilities. Magic is one thing but come on you shouldn't have to buy the ability to steal thats learned. My second favorite would be VII.
    Last edited by rowan_skye; 09-24-2008 at 01:22 AM.

  17. #377
    Ashe of The Round
    10 will always be my favorite, it was the first one I played and I loved the story line and the characters and the world it created.

    But 12 is a close second. I loved the battle system in 12, it was set up like an MMO, if you're out in the desert trying to get to the next area you can see what creatures are around you, how they compare to you in level and if you don't want to fight them, you are saving play time by not having to sit through the music and opening battle screens, like all the other games, waiting for your bar to fill up, getting attacked uneccesarily just to be able to select "Flee".

  18. #378
    The Diabolos Devil Best final fantasy game Deathbringer's Avatar
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    FFX Rules!

    My best Final Fantasy game would have to be FFX since all I have is FFX, FFX-2, FFCC: Ring of Fates (not on there...), and FFXII: Revenant Wings (again not on there...)
    Why, Tetsuya Nomura, WHY!? You messed up the battle system for KH CoM!? What did we ever do to deserve this!?

  19. #379

    My faves in Order

    It's time I made a list of my faves in order too.

    Joint 1st - 10 and 9
    2nd - 6
    3rd - 10-2
    4th - 7
    5th - 3
    6th - 1
    7th - 8

    I still need to play more of 4, complete 6 - although it still makes 2nd place even at just 60% of the story done , get further into 8 (just started the 2nd disc) and play 5 and 12. Unless I can get a free trial of 11, I doubt I'll ever play that one.

    I've said before what I love about 9 and 10.

    6 is a masterpiece but it's not complete yet and the Esper system is good, but frustrating with the lack of AP earned.

    Now I know people may disagree with me liking 10-2 so much but hear me now. Beneath its girly exterior lurks a frighteningly good game. Graphics could have been improved a little, although 10 really does tap into the PS2's power very well but that aside, the ATB system is fast and furious and works so well, especially with the chaining attack system and ability to stun the enemy and its a great return for the job system, even if it lacks a masculine name , as well as a good idea to focus on a different storyline to the obvious - 10 completists will know what I mean and its great to see how a saved world can change but not always for the better. And the FMVs are truly brilliant and the ending is a perfect way to wrap up the 10 storyline, unless a 10-3 were to go into the past.

    7 is a top game and I loved the sci-fi styled changes and the characters are top notch, even if the story can be bvery confusing. Even though I haven't finished the game yet (just started Disc 3), it can still take 4th place. It wasn't my 1st FF game - 1 and 3 took that spot but just like titles such as Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 weren't my introduction to the 3D era, I can appreciate them now as much as I can with FF7.

    3 is next. I upgraded my DS for this and it was very much worth it. The game is so hardcore and ancient at heart but looks and plays brilliantly and the final area was a real challenge, but I didn't enjoy around 9 fights before it was over and dying twice and having to start over wasn't nice.

    Now we get FF1. I've seen it played on NES through an emulator in 2002 but I first played it on GBA in 2004 and then fully in 2008. FF3 is a lot harder but this didn't seem that difficult, until the final boss was found. That was hard, especially with a certain trick he uses to keep the fight going, grr.
    It feels very old-school, especially as it's a 2D game and reminds me of Zelda 1 on NES but it's still a fun title.

    My final spot goes to FF8. I've only just got into the game's 3rd disc and I was very bored early on. Until the sorceress showed up. Then things got interesting. I would never give up but I'm glad the game got better.
    I really hate the junction system and I'd rather battle random monsters over and over as hitting the draw command non-stop is so boring.
    Still upon completion I'll probably like this more.

    No place for FF4 and FF2. This is because I haven't played enough of FF4 yet.
    FF2 however, I really hate. It has a terrible level up system that force random battles against specific enemies and it drags the game down. A real shame as the story was pretty interesting after the basicness of FF1.

    So what do you guys think?

  20. #380
    i think TFF VII crisis core

  21. #381
    Lord Deity of Harmony Best final fantasy game Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Of course i love ffx most... it's kinda hard... i got damn stuck at seymour flux... he beats me al the time with his stupid cross cleave and zombie stat + full life specials... i hate him so much!
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  22. #382
    My favourite will always be FFVIII, it`s the first one I truly played and couldn`t get enough of, I didn`t have much experience with RPG`s up until then. Since then I have gone on to play many others but none have drawn me in as much. The FMV scenes and battle system from VIII appeal to me the most. FFX comes in second and I have just bought it again and are getting ready to lose track of countless more hours!

  23. #383
    voted for VIII.

    Surprised X/X-2 are so highly regarded.

  24. #384
    Registered User Best final fantasy game DarkLightning's Avatar
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    In my own world...
    FFX/X-2 is the best game I ever play in my life
    the game is hard but i like it and the storyline
    was great.Also FFX-2 make me cry in the end.
    Really great game.

    all right. who's been touching my materia?

  25. #385
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Best final fantasy game Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I chose FFXII. I like FFVII, FFX, FFX-2, FFTA, FFTA2, and I cant wait till FFXIII comes out, and the remake of FFVII on PS3! But so far its FFXII that I like better.

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  26. #386
    Twilight's Enigma Best final fantasy game Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    My vote goes to FF7, this was a tough one because I liked 7-10, but I'm more exposed to 7 than the others.

  27. #387
    Final Fantasy VII.

    A lot of people do say it was over-rated and that Final Fantasy VI was so much better, but here are the reasons I think FFVII is the best:

    Storyline - It had me gripped all the time whilst I was playing through the game, and I found the more I played, the more I realised how sinister and interesting the story got.

    Gameplay - I've always liked the ATB system, and FFVII pulled it off perfectly with the fantastic Materia system making it so much better and interesting.

    Soundtrack - What can I say? Some fantastic scores in the soundtrack, and I always enjoyed listening to them even whilst I wasn't playing the game.

    It's just an overall really good game, and I love it.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  28. #388
    Best final fantasy game Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    love the game, hate the prequels/sequels.

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyranSolo View Post
    Final Fantasy VII.

    A lot of people do say it was over-rated and that Final Fantasy VI was so much better, but here are the reasons I think FFVII is the best:

    Storyline - It had me gripped all the time whilst I was playing through the game, and I found the more I played, the more I realised how sinister and interesting the story got.

    Gameplay - I've always liked the ATB system, and FFVII pulled it off perfectly with the fantastic Materia system making it so much better and interesting.

    Soundtrack - What can I say? Some fantastic scores in the soundtrack, and I always enjoyed listening to them even whilst I wasn't playing the game.

    It's just an overall really good game, and I love it.
    I can't say I hate the actual game, because yes, the storyline and characters were in fact quite innovative. For its time, it was outmatched with any RPG there was out at the time in terms of gameplay.

    However, the game slowly lost its shine when the remakes and movie (BTW IMO it portrayed the characters TERRIBLY in AC) started to become common in the franchise thanks to the "All Father" Tetsuya Nomura (curse him and all of his ilk). Now we have 2 prequels, 1 sequel, and they're STILL COMING OUT WITH MORE!!!!!!!!!!

    God, what's next, a story about Cloud's Great-great-great-great grandaunt or what?! The oldest chocobo in all of FFVII existence??!

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  29. #389
    Forgotten Face of Mankind Best final fantasy game Varimath's Avatar
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    I lay my vote for Final Fantasy, the first game of the entire series.
    Not just because it is the first. It is also a classical nostalgia adventure.
    As the wheel of life turns around, so will the fantasy.

  30. #390
    Registered User Best final fantasy game hax_love's Avatar
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    FFVIII was the best i think then FFXII.
    They're both my favourite

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