View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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  • 1

    12 1.69%
  • 2

    3 0.42%
  • 3

    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
  • 5

    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Thread: Best final fantasy game

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  1. #1

    Best final fantasy game

    which final fantasy game do you think is the best ithink that ten is the best an always will be
    ffx rules

  2. #2
    awwwwwwwwww final fantasy tactics (PS1) wasn't up there

    so i voted FFX its my second fav

  3. #3
    6 quite easily.

    But where's X-2?

  4. #4
    FF9 is definitely the best one.

  5. #5
    Registered User Best final fantasy game King Fenii's Avatar
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    Hey! Where is FF Mystic Quest?! Let's say I wanted to vote for that!? Aw well, guess I'll just have to vote for FFVII...bummer...

  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Well... my favourite always has been Final Fantasy VIII. It was the first RPG I ever got in to. Once I started playing it, I couldn't stop. I love all the characters...(except Irvine, he really annoys me ). I really enjoyed the storyline all the way through. The bosses were sometimes a good challenge, especially Ultimecia/Griever and the Omega Weapon. The limit breaks in this game were excellent. Lionheart was definitely my favourite because it was so powerful and did a LOT of damage each time. The FMV scenes were great, I just really loved this game.

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  7. #7

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Going along with the popular choice for once, i would have to say FFVII - for starters, it was my first Final Fantasy game and is one of my inspirations for writing.

    I absolutely loved the story, and all the optional extras as well (Chocobo Breeding was the best thing in the world at my tender young age) xD
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Len View Post
    FF9 is definitely the best one.
    Yeah ff9

    Vivi is awesome!!

  9. #9
    Let's make it rain. Best final fantasy game Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Len View Post
    FF9 is definitely the best one.

    It's ViVi, ViVi is amazing, I couldn't believe they put ViVi in Kingdom Hearts 2, and the fact that he wasn't in there long upset me. But, back on topic, Final Fantasy 9 is just a beautiful great amazing game that I just can't let go from my number one spot for final fantasy games.

  10. #10
    FFVIII, it has my favorite battle system. Along with characters, music, and well everything. I know some don't like the whole junctioning thing but I loved it. Tactics would come close, with the stories and battle system, but in the end I would still have to go with VIII. I haven't played all of them, but hopefully I will someday.

  11. #11
    Hey my favorite is Tactics!.... Not really, just making a point. My favorite is... wait for it... not yet... ok now....FF4!!!

  12. #12


    sorry to all the people out there who couldnt find the other final fantasy games in my poll . the poll wouldnt let me have more than ten options so i figured that i should put simply 1 to 10 sorry!!!!!!
    ffx rules

  13. #13
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I am going with V, it was a great story and had a killer battle system, I do not understand why it is the least popular, I want to play it again but I have sooo many other games that I havent beaten lined up.

  14. #14
    I vote for Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X is well known for its soundtrack and battle system. Suteki Da Ne is the most wonderful song I ever heard, and then there is To Zanarkand, To the Ends of Abyss, and We Are Al Bhed, and other songs. Final Fantasy X has the best work of Nobuo Uematsu in my opinion. The world of Spira is immersive. Anothing I like is that the places are contiguous to the overworld, in terms that there is no real world map. However, that is one of the things Final Fantasy X is criticized for. Final Fantasy X has some spells such as NulBlaze and NulFrost, which were previously in Final Fantasy I. Each Aeon has an excellent summoning sequence. Final Fantasy X is original to some extent, such as Sphere Grid and Conditional Time Battle. In Final Fantasy X, you can switch party members during battle, which is something you cannot do in Final Fantasy VII. This feature was first used in Breath of Fire IV.

    However, Final Fantasy X has garnered mixed reactions, especially near the time of its release in 2001. The term mixed reactions means that there are many who adore the video game very much as well as there are many who absolutely detest it. Final Fantasy X was criticized for its world continguity, linearity, controversially sounding voice acting in the case of Tidus and Yuna, and sphere grid. Its direct sequel Final Fantasy X-2 has moreso garnered mixed reactions. Final Fantasy X-2 was criticized for its status as first direct sequel to a Final Fantasy game, for its radical departure from Final Fantasy traditions and motifs, for its Charles' Angels theme, and for supposed overreliance on fanservice.

    Final Fantasy IV was my first Final Fantasy game.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Zanarukando
    I vote for Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X is well known for its soundtrack and battle system. Suteki Da Ne is the most wonderful song I ever heard, and then there is To Zanarkand, To the Ends of Abyss, and We Are Al Bhed, and other songs. Final Fantasy X has the best work of Nobuo Uematsu in my opinion.
    I agree with what this guy said. I have the FFX OST, I listen to the FFX OST, I love the FFX OST. A few of the FFX-2 songs are really good too. I know a lot of people don't like it but some goods ones were: Besaid, Eternity, 1000 words, Epilogue(Reunion), Yuna's Ballad, and Calm Lands.

    FFX was the first FF that I played so nostalgia might have effected my vote, but even then it is still a spectacular game.
    I want to go to Caltech

  16. #16
    i may not have even played alot of the ff games like 3 4 5 6 9 and all others after 10-2 but i still no matter what say ff10 because it not only was the first ff i have ever played but it also has auron and seymour who are my favorite people in any video game and it also taught me alot about many things and if you want to know these see my thread in ff10 "the main point" that is all i have to say.about that and to you two who were fighting all over the thread please don't fight in threads it gets really annoying when people are reading the thread making sure you don't ask a already answered question or to see if they have already posted in this thread like i was.
    Last edited by auron501; 06-20-2006 at 11:45 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by auron501
    about that and to you two who were fighting all over the thread please don't fight in threads it gets really annoying
    Actually I was rather entertained by their rambling. NOT that I am promoting rambling in threads or anything. Sorry this post is rather spam like so I will say something on the topic in an attempt to unspam it.

    I've noticed about myself that good music in a game really helps me enoy it. I already told you that I loved FFX's music but FFVII's also. The music you play on Tifa's piano really moved me. This explains why I liked those two so much. The only FF's I have completed are 1,2,4,7,10,10-2 so the others don't even have a fair chance from me yet. I will play the rest this year so that I can have solid ground to stand on when I say which is best.
    I want to go to Caltech

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHasteChocobo
    The only FF's I have completed are 1,2,4,7,10,10-2
    you completed that many ffs i have only beaten 10,disc 1 on 7 disc 1 on 8 and not to far on 1 and 2 and i enjoyed the arguing too but after awhile it got annoying

  19. #19
    When Your Love Is Lost Best final fantasy game cbchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Zanarukando View Post
    I vote for Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X is well known for its soundtrack and battle system. Suteki Da Ne is the most wonderful song I ever heard, and then there is To Zanarkand, To the Ends of Abyss, and We Are Al Bhed, and other songs. Final Fantasy X has the best work of Nobuo Uematsu in my opinion. The world of Spira is immersive. Anothing I like is that the places are contiguous to the overworld, in terms that there is no real world map. However, that is one of the things Final Fantasy X is criticized for. Final Fantasy X has some spells such as NulBlaze and NulFrost, which were previously in Final Fantasy I. Each Aeon has an excellent summoning sequence. Final Fantasy X is original to some extent, such as Sphere Grid and Conditional Time Battle. In Final Fantasy X, you can switch party members during battle, which is something you cannot do in Final Fantasy VII. This feature was first used in Breath of Fire IV.
    exact same reason. i voted for FFX also just because to me, it has one of the best storylines in the ff series and the graphics were pretty amazing. i enjoyed the game a lot and loved blitzball :B

  20. #20
    Best final fantasy game TomStrife's Avatar
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    Am I the only person who went with 7?

    I thought it had the biggest fanbase.
    Remember kids, internet debates are just like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

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  21. #21
    Best final fantasy game Anomaly's Avatar
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    Nah, I voted for Seven. Though granted, this is only because I came to FFVI and FFIV later in my life.
    As I stood here at the break of eternity
    The planets realigned to hide the sun
    The moon was red and the sky turns black -
    The Dragon roared in rage
    And I was silent, waiting for a sign
    But on the ninth day the earth did not open
    There was thunder but no rain -
    The Dragon howled five names

  22. #22
    TIE: 8 and 10

    Both Really fun to play, and loved the characters...

  23. #23
    I don't know... In my opinion, VI was the best. It just seemed to have the best story, and the most evil villain.

    Kefka is just.....deliciously evil

  24. #24
    I'd say seven is the best but i like nine too

  25. #25
    Best final fantasy game penelo rocks's Avatar
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    ff vii is the best
    'Dont listen to Ondors lies'

    vann, final fantasy XII

  26. #26
    Then best FF game that I've played would be all of them.

  27. #27
    Best final fantasy game Clodan's Avatar
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    I've voted for FFVII because this game was the first F-game what i played and this game was for the technologie in the past very good and the story and subtance was very clever.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  28. #28
    FF6 WAS the best! the only reason that people are saying #7 is because most people played that one first, realized how good it was, and just compare the others to that. A lot of people i know (not me btw) expected #8 to be just like 7 and it wasn't so they ended up hating it, (again, not me i loved 8) and they didn't realize that each final fantasy is known for it's unique personality. I DO like FF7 a lot as well, don't get me wrong, i thought that it had the best magic-learning system of them all in the materia, and i think sepiroth is the best villain. However, i've always loved the magicite system as well, and all the other aspects of FF6 (storyline, characters, music, replay value, villain) just make it a clear choice for me that FF6 is king of games.

    Plus, I always liked nintendo better than sony, and was devastated when square switched over to their side after making FF7...

  29. #29
    FF8 all the way cue it was cool
    it was the coolest game i played

  30. #30
    Final Fantasy VII kicks all the others to the curb.
    LONG LIVE SEPHIROTH!*huggles sephy*
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