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Thread: Help - My party sucks

  1. #1

    Help - My party sucks

    Hey im running through FFT on an emulator, ive finished it before years ago on my playstation but im having some trouble.

    My party is absolutely crap, like they are so god damn weak in every fight and they dont seem to be getting anywhere.

    Razmuz or what ever is ok, hes a monk with knights armor equipped and he can hit for about 50 hand to hand which is alright. His problem is that hes getting like no JP, ive been a monk for so long now and i still only have enough for Spin Fist i cant even afford anything else. Like i dont remember it being this hard to level up at all.

    Im up to the fight where you meat Mustido (the gun shooting guy) after defeating Gusfogoagoa (dark knight >_>).

    Whats going on? Its kind of miserable as my fighters are doing almost nothing the whole fight and its really boring. I made one guy a priest ages ago and i still cant afford cure2, and cure1 heals for almost nothing, like its completely negligible to the damage being done to me.

    Help #_#

  2. #2

    Re: Help - My party sucks

    I think what i was trying to say there is that i have almost no JP and its making my party incredibly weak and really god damn boring.

    I use my guys every turn to try do something even if its just throwing a rock or using protect, so that i can get some JP but yeah, im wondering if the ROM is maybe not working properly.

  3. #3
    Registered User Help - My party sucks kupo's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    houston, tx

    Re: Help - My party sucks

    do you have the JP boost squire ability? if so and your still really lagging JP, maybe its an emulator
    Last edited by kupo; 10-13-2010 at 02:40 PM.

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

    final fantasy xiii-2
    pokemon fire red

  4. #4

    Re: Help - My party sucks

    I think it must be the ROM cause even tho i play my priest in every battle he is getting shit all while my knight randomly has the ability to be afford cure2 and be a monk among other things.

    I mean it kinda sucks, i dont know what i can do to fix it or whatever.

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