Hey im running through FFT on an emulator, ive finished it before years ago on my playstation but im having some trouble.

My party is absolutely crap, like they are so god damn weak in every fight and they dont seem to be getting anywhere.

Razmuz or what ever is ok, hes a monk with knights armor equipped and he can hit for about 50 hand to hand which is alright. His problem is that hes getting like no JP, ive been a monk for so long now and i still only have enough for Spin Fist i cant even afford anything else. Like i dont remember it being this hard to level up at all.

Im up to the fight where you meat Mustido (the gun shooting guy) after defeating Gusfogoagoa (dark knight >_>).

Whats going on? Its kind of miserable as my fighters are doing almost nothing the whole fight and its really boring. I made one guy a priest ages ago and i still cant afford cure2, and cure1 heals for almost nothing, like its completely negligible to the damage being done to me.

Help #_#