Raw Danger! is a game unlike any I've ever played before. Instead of fighting monsters with weapons that would land you in prison in real life, or jumping onto enemies to advance to the next level; you use your basic instincts and some well-placed items to survive a natural disaster.

In this game, you play as five different characters and travel the city of Del Ray while figuring out how they got in the predicament they're in. First player is Joshua Harwell, a college student traveling with a friend to see that friend's mother for possibly the last time. Then you play as Amber Brazil, a woman accused of killing her brother. Her journey is to clear her name as a murderer. Third is Isaac Schiller, a taxi driver who picks up a very interesting fare. Then you have to travel the drama-filled halls of high school with Paige Meyer, who deals with a school bully and a student-teacher. Next, you help Ivan Koslov remember who he is. He is an amnesiac who may have made a killer virus. There is also a sixth chapter, but depending on what you do during the first five chapters, you work as a different character.

I found that the first chapter was much longer than the others. Normally it takes longer to finish the first part of a game because you are getting used to the controls and other functions, but the designers put more story into chapter one than the other chapters. Chapter Four was completed in thirty minutes. It took more than three hours just for Chapter One.

After you complete the whole game in Easy or Normal Mode, you unlock Hard Mode and Free Mode, a mode that lets any chapter be completed in any order. You also unlock a collection menu, and you get an epilogue that changes depending on the different choices you make in the chapter.

The chapters are very unique, also. For example, in one chapter I was the nicest person in the world, and in the next I was the meanest. You get to make your own choices and make your own story. The main goal of the game is to be alive at the end of each chapter, but if you make the right choices, you win even if your character dies.

Overall, this game is good. There are plenty of save points to stop and play later, and the different characters give the game a great feel. It is a game, in my opinion, has no other games to compare to. This game makes me want to play over and over to see if making a different choice makes my characters different in the end. Also, the ESRB totally got it right when rating this game. i do not recommend this game for players under 13-14 years old. It involves some use of alcohol and tobacco, violence, blood, and several instances of strong language. The story could use more substance in Chapters 3-6, you can really tell that the designers spent more time in making the first two chapters. It gets boring in places, too. Although Chapter 1 was the longest, it also had the fluff to sift through. I played through the Easy Mode, and I found it was okay in Chapter 1; too easy in Chapters 2, 3, and 4; too hard in Chapter 5; and too easy in Chapter 6.

I recommend this game to people who want a game that is cut from a totally different mold. it may not suit the hardcore RPG gamers, but it does have action, car driving, romance, and guns...even if you're not the one doing the shooting. This game also makes you think. i mean, what would you do if a natural disaster occured where you live? This game can prepare you, in a way. The only difference being that you can't reload your progress if you make the wrong decision in real life.

*Please note that I in no way mean to offend anyone who has dealt with any sort of natural disaster. My heart goes out to all of the people who have had to go through such hardship recently. This game is by no means a certified preparedness tool in the event that such a tragedy happens.*