Hey Gamers!:
I have been playing FFX for a while.I finaly got around to figuring out how to max out my player characters on the Sphere Grid. First, I removed all the low value Skill nodes and replaced them with the maximum values. I found out how to get Clear Spheres on this very Forum. You have to beat three fiends in succession at the Arena after you capture all critters required in the various areas of the game. It says you need 5 but I only got it to work after getting all ten. It took a while.
I didn't max out the Luck value, as I only boosted it to around 110. This is so you have a better chance of getting rare items but still can readily get common items which are needed just as much, too! I then placed additional maximum value Spheres for various Skills and Attributes to get them up to 255 or within 4 points of it without exceeding that value, as I don't know what would happen if one did.
I boosted the Aions, too, by using spheres you collect during battles. I got their values up some but it takes a lot of spheres to get just a little boost. After doing that for a while it starts being like work.
By removing the low value Spheres I created many vacant nodes on the Grid. There was a very dramatic shift in the look of the Grid after I got done. Then I went a filled in all the vacant nodes with many HP Spheres and some MP Spheres. For final values I had the HP at about 64,000 for the Characters and I had 2 characters with 3000 MP plus the massive HP boost because I made special custom Shields for them. This took very many hours of sometimes tedious play to do.
When I finally got that done I made my way to the final battle. The Final Battle was more like a Cerimony or Ritual then a fight. The Dark Aions were taken down in one shot. Jeckt took a couple and that blobby look'n bug creature Yu Yevon was done in a few clashes. I guess I'd rather battle a bit more at the end then spending the hours I did redoing the Sphere Grid.I wanted to see what I could get out of it and now I know. Hope the info helps in your quests.
Keep'n on play'n da GAME!
Gamer X