--> Can you give Tidus his default name back?
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Thread: Can you give Tidus his default name back?

  1. #1

    Can you give Tidus his default name back?

    Hey, just had a simple question regarding name changing. Is there an item in the game or a place that you can change Tidus's name back to default.


  2. #2
    Registered User Can you give Tidus his default name back? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Can you give Tidus his default name back?

    Nope there isn't, considering it's the only name you can choose it means that you choose wisely

  3. #3

    Re: Can you give Tidus his default name back?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zidane77 View Post
    Nope there isn't, considering it's the only name you can choose it means that you choose wisely
    Haha, guess so, well thanks anyway.

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