I like it. Looks nice. That's Tidus and Len (I think that's her name) right? Your Tidus looks a little meaner than the real one though. It still looks nice.
This is my second picture I`ve painted and I hope someone would like it
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with the heart.
-Helen Keller-
I like it. Looks nice. That's Tidus and Len (I think that's her name) right? Your Tidus looks a little meaner than the real one though. It still looks nice.
That is a beautiful piece of work. The only piece of criticism I have about it is that the eyes and lips are very sharply defined where as the rest of the figures have a very soft focus so it appears slightly out of place. I really love how you've done the brush strokes and how the colours are applied.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
The picture has an overall good feeling to it, as most of the colors go well with each other. The only thing that looks a little out of place is Len's lips(if you toned the color of the lips down a bit, it'd look better). But anyways, good work.