A much more recent (and unfinished) sketch, of a self created feline dubbed the Manega Leos. Full color and grayscale colorations should be up fairly soon.
Well, I'm not a particularly great artist, but I dabble here and there. There will be both traditional art and some digital (mostly maps for now) here, but critiques would be much appreciated on my work. Thanks. ^_^
Oldest to newest in each category.
Pokemon Art:
Wes - Orre
Redisgined Micheal - Orre
Male Nidoran
Female Nidoran
Pidgey - Chillin' Like a Villain
Digital Maps:
Pokemon: Erana (Rough Draft)
Dragon Heart (Working Title) - Rough Map
Animal Art:
Fantasy Art:
Manega Leos - Lineart
Other Art:
Other Fanart:
Drawing canine or feline facial features is something that simply doesn't work with me, as in I just can't do it. The perspective is just too much for me to handle but I'd say you've pretty much nailed it on that one. The left side of the face could do with a bit of touching up in that regard but other than that it looks all gravy to me. Unfortunately I'm not expert and simple line art such as this is even less of a forte of mine so I can't really say much more.
I'm definitely curious to see "Pidgey - Chillin' Like a Villain" if not for the name alone, and seeing the Gyarados piece too wouldn't go amiss either.
Thank you for commenting, Joyful Blue, its much appreciated. ^_^ Mmm, the Manega Leos sketch was fairly rough, but I altered it slightly with the pending colored versions. Heheh, the pidgey drawing isn't especially special, but merely done in blue ink. Guess I added the "like a villian" for the humor part. ^_^"
Anyway, here is my newest map, a work in progress of the Dragon Heart world. (Title is pending.)
Spoiler'd because it stretched the screen.
Animal expression is somethign difficut to create, good work on yours.
I would like to see the pokemon pieces.