The Time Mages guide was published in the paraxial universe by the adventerous Multax "Chicken" Turmos. earning the title of chicken as after have a close brush with death with a very nasty looking squirrel.
After many years of seclusion in his home, he came up with the Time Mages guide. he said it is a repository for all time mages to use when traversing time and space. and the do's and do not's. When commented on his reasoning for staying in his house for so long to work on this story, he mentioned saying that time mages can not go through space and time without knowing the dangers in themselves and the dangers around them, as well as a very mean looking squirrel that made a nest in a tree next to his house.
Expendus Crono Encyclopedia has a blend of machanical bindings from future like worlds with magical inscriptions to confound those who do not use magic. this has made the book virtually unusable to common people and has been listed as one of the best coasters used in the kings court of Ulna of the Syphanx universe.
The universe is big, so mind blowing big it could not contain itself as its reality keeps exapanding. many cult time mages say that the creations of the multiple universes are the work of a great and powerful Organism that seems to split itself when it gets bigger. it is believed by many to be a load of bull hockey.
As there is an almost seemingly infinite amount of worlds and universes to visit, it is important to bring your bathrobe. such a large and indeterminate amount of dangers or happenings in each world that goes on, that one must be prepared, the guide has this to say about the bathrobe.
"The bathrobe, one of the most useful traveling tools to take with oneself when crossing into the fabrics of time and space, it is said that one could survive the frigid colds of the Hermus universe where the sun has dissipated, the fabric too produces a strange electric field which repels other creature from coming near or suffer the fate of a miniature thunder attack. its sleek, light and very fashionable no matter where you go."