All my poetry is here

I dont think i have posted this but if i have just close or delete my old thread
my most recent piece is

Camouflage and Combat Boots

She places a candle in the window,
having hope he will
return to her someday,
dressed in camouflage and combat boots.

Amber sunset rolls across the sky,
as the baby begins to cry,
she rocks him back and forth,
with a mothers touch,
the child begins to hush.

Telling tales of magical lands,
princes and princesses,
among white horses,
and pixies causing mischief.
As a tear sldies down her cheek,
and stops upon the forehead of the newborn babe.

Back over in Iraq,
a storm of bullets and blood,
rushing through the desert sand,
Bodies dropping as vibrations from
tanks and cannons roar.

Men hiding under helmets,
guns and grenades strapped to their bodies,
firing away to save the day,
explosions of body parts,
through a dust of red,
turn day into night.

Back home,the babe finally sleeps,
as his mom quietly weeps,
hearing news of casulties,
wondering if shes a widow to be.

She hears a knock at the door,
she hesitantly gets up to open it,
tears flood to her eyes,
as he has returned to her,
dressed in camoflouge and combat boots.