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Thread: Celtic's Miscellany thread

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    celtic_silver's miscellany (poetry and stuff)

    Well, I have a few things I feel are way to small for their own thread. Things such as limericks and small poems. While I'm definetely not all that organised, I found a few in the last few hours which I do plan on adding to. Odd scraps of this and that. In other words, celtic_silver's miscellany.

    Feel Free to comment on any and every item here
    Please remember however, most of these are tongue in cheek.


    A feeling to enjoy,
    be you girl or boy.
    A more valuabler thing,
    than that owned by a king.
    A feeling inside,
    some cannot hide.
    Looking at a soul,
    without it a hole.
    Lacking direcion,
    ruleless and free.

    The only deeper poem of my first few, I've held onto this one for almost a year now, I think.

    And some of my infamous limericks :

    I was once in a great fight,
    with a guy of considerable might.
    He didn't last one bout,
    before I punched him out.
    He sure got THAT right.

    There was once a monstrous rat,
    who was ever so fat.
    He ate some cheese,
    then had to sneeze,
    then was eaten by a cat.

    I found I had to sneeze,
    cough, choke and wheeze.
    Out in the dark,
    I soon found my mark,
    a soother, if you please.

    There was once a cat named Jude,
    who was a lttle crude.
    He dug a hole,
    in a pizza roll,
    'cause he was in the mood.

    Enjoy. And once again, feel free to comment.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    Pedobear approves Celtic's Miscellany thread Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    In your momma's bed !
    That Rat Rawks Dude !!!!!

    Note by Vicky: Add more content, please. Don't make posts like this in the future. It's called spam.
    Last edited by Victoria; 05-30-2007 at 06:50 PM.


    SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
    Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.

    My Family:
    My awesome sister which I love very much <3--Vampiric.Delirium
    My lazy, random, super-duper, twice-removed cousin-- Ralz
    My forever intoxicated vigilante brother--Celtic_Silver
    My Godsmack Addicted Brother--Omega Weapon
    My dark wolf obsessed somebody--Darkwolf
    My Bahamut loving sister--Bahamut1990
    My forever banned cousin--Dark_Angel2
    My sweet vanilla cousin--OceanEyes28
    My wacky evil loving sister--Annikit

  3. #3
    Celtic's Miscellany thread
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    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    7lol & o9.......Dammit Celtic, this reminds me even more of that friend i had at school who wrote poems & songs.

    Both of you seem to be masters of the misc poetry & songmaking...Those things are what we call here " akyra "*****, this is fraskered upp!!!!!! Keep this up man.
    Last edited by CLOUD; 06-12-2007 at 04:45 AM.

  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    SoD: Despite the warning, I'm still LMFAO. Even now.
    Cloudy: Thanks, dude. Love the MSN smilie references.
    And thank's to everyone for reading.
    Anyway here's some more:

    Chaotic Reasonings (Another side to the story)

    I hear about evil doers.
    Have they no soul?
    Is it true they are evil,
    with a heart of coal?

    Even coal can provide,
    It's warmth few can hide.
    Just needs to ignite,
    then all will be right.

    Laws can be simple,
    they can even bind.
    Few are really right,
    many can blind.

    I know there's no black,
    I know there's no white,
    without chaos,
    a world has no right.

    This is one I wrote while thinking. Noone is truly evil, right? It's all in the deeds...

    Thorn in my Heel

    There's a thorn in my heel,
    it's pain I can feel,
    intense and unreal.
    A feeling surreal.

    I cannot find it,
    I feel it there,
    a painful feeling,
    ripping skin bare.

    I shine a light,
    can't see a thing.
    It's ever so bright,
    the pain makes me sing.

    How can a thorn,
    an uninvited guest,
    cause me more scorn,
    than a punch in the chest?

    This one was inspired by some thoughts I had once again. As well as a literal thorn in my foot I picked up while walking. As I left it, I got blisters on top of blisters...

    And finally, some more limericks I found lying around. I've certainly written a few. For better or worse :

    Drinking too many a beer,
    makes you lose your fear,
    but in a brawl,
    can make you fall,
    and end up on your rear.

    I once smoked a magical weed,
    imaginings unbounded indeed.
    I saw a pink whale,
    and snow it did hale,
    because my mind was freed.

    I had me a bottle of booze,
    it's power I needed to snooze,
    I thought it was great,
    a fine twist of fate,
    until I started to shmooze.

    Ever see my bat, WHAM?
    It's power definetely no sham.
    I pounded a guy,
    right in the thigh,
    and laughed as he yelled DAMN.

    I once played a video game,
    which I found unbelieveably lame,
    It wasn't that long,
    the visuals were all wrong,
    don't know how it achieved it's fame.

    Hope you enjoyed those.
    And once again, feel free to comment.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Imperius Rex Celtic's Miscellany thread Storm's Avatar
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    Haha, good work Celtic!

    Those limericks are hillarious, I espeially love the Magical Weed one. You have a knack of being of sharp wit, its great! Its also nice to see that you are a really good poet too, your poems are really deep and get you thinking. Few people can pull of being funny and being serious, so I guess youre one of the few people!

    Keep up the good work, and post some more when you write/ find some more!
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Thanks Storm, good to know you liked them. ^_^
    I've had a few positive comments through posts and IMs. It means a lot to me guys.

    So another update.

    The Stain

    I sit in the rain,
    I see a blood stain.
    Why can't it wash away?
    I rub at it,
    I use my spit,
    But it still has to stay.

    I get some bleach,
    that stain I'll teach,
    just how to go away.
    I taught it great,
    let me tell you mate,
    but now I've seen a fray...

    This one I wrote about cleaning a bloodstain outta one of my white shirts. And scrubbing the bugger made it fray instead. Dang.

    And some more limericks, though these are far from my best. As I find them, I'll post them.

    At a rave,
    feel the wave.
    Drink it down,
    Sacred crown
    Make the save.

    Sitting in class,
    no topped up glass,
    forced to read,
    what I'll never need.
    What a farce...

    I need some green,
    cash I mean.
    What can I do?
    I checked through and through,
    so hard it is obscene.

    I was once not drunk,
    feeling like a punk.
    So I had a bottle,
    I drained full throttle.
    Now I'm feeling sunk.

    Feel free to comment on any and every poem in this thread, including those from previous posts.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Okay, I know I'm double posting, but this is a sizeable update. Even found one of my longer poems from a while back.


    Righteous ideals,
    golden thoughts.
    Good for everyone.
    Only killing minorities,
    the poor and oppressed,
    don't seem that good for some.

    So listen to them,
    the men of yesterday.
    Hear them out,
    preach and shout,
    paycheck still to come,
    One hellava large sum.

    It's good for us all,
    they'll say,
    showing many a figure.
    But it takes a real man,
    a strong man,
    to be a giver.

    Will they fight alongside us?
    It's their war after all.
    Or will they stop and barely watch,
    as men they start to fall?
    They're certainly great leaders!
    Of that I'm no believer...

    People can spin a lie,
    faster than others die.
    And for what?
    I wonder,
    Justifiable or not?

    This is one I wrote after talking with a mate. I started to see many a thing I didn't like in the area of world politics. It's a big piece for a big view.

    Fighting Thoughts

    Duck left,
    feint right,
    Punch up,
    duck back.
    Raise up the right,
    jab with the left.
    Spin, roundhouse kick.

    Grab face,
    knee up,
    When rising,
    elbow slam.

    Fighting thoughts,
    learned through the fight.
    The chaotic onslaughts,
    administered with might.

    When I fell,
    I rose again.
    In a hell,
    rise again.

    Don't give up,
    won't take that smut.
    Get up instead,
    And send 'em to,
    a hospital bed.

    An irregular rhyme,
    my fight's sublime.
    Destroy you all,
    before I fall.

    And that one was about what goes through my head when fighting calm. Move after move, and nothing else. It's also the original source of 'rhyme sublime', in my works. The first poem I used that in.

    And here are some more limericks.

    Cute furry dude,
    was looking for food,
    I spyed that mouse,
    inside my house,
    looking rather shrewd.

    Do not whine,
    that cheese is mine.
    I bought it cheap,
    so could you, you freak.
    Time for me to dine.

    Looking at my phone,
    feeling alone.
    Alone like a jerk,
    cause my mates 've got work
    Holiday's drone.

    I found a shiney disc,
    in a packet labelled misc.
    Inside stuff from the net,
    origins I do forget,
    possibly a risk.

    victoria aut mors

  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Just another three limericks for now.

    I sit on a natural chair,
    into space I start to stare.
    Maybe they're delusions,
    drugged thought conclusions,
    but everything seems fair.

    Gazing up at the ceiling,
    I get a rather strange feeling.
    I see a crack,
    caused by a whack,
    It'll need some healing.

    Laying on my makeshift bed,
    resting my weary head,
    I down some rum,
    and hope sleep will come,
    else I'll feel more dead.

    My jacket's warm,
    it's in good form.
    It maintains it's make,
    and refuses to break.
    Even in a fight or storm.

    Feel free to comment.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Just another three limericks for now. Enjoy.
    And it might be another while til my next update here. A few commitments and stuff, though soonish. A fortnight tops. Promise.

    I once had a save on a card,
    for a game that was a little hard.
    I played and I played,
    But then I was dismayed,
    someone finally killed my bard.

    I absently picked a flower,
    it made me see my power.
    No-one had cried,
    though the flower had died,
    a life given by rain's shower.

    I once took a punch to the head,
    behind a rusted shed.
    The shot was rounded,
    and I did feel pounded,
    but unluckily for him I wasn't dead.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    Celtic's Miscellany thread
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    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Someone finally killed your bard....hahahaha, rofl. This is a good one. I hate bards by the way, they're weak.

    You absently picked a flower which made you see your power....shit, shis is deep man, so deeeep!!! *cries* Intellectual as well.

    But the best of all is the last one. I always enjoy your fighting-themed misc poems. That's the way. Keep it up.

    This has been the result of ".........." you add the rest.

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Well I got rid of most of my scraps in a big clean up so I lost many of my old poems, and since I gave up the pot I haven't been able to come up with any new limericks, but I did write this one longer poem very recently.

    A New Beginning

    The party ends,
    my life extends,
    my mind,
    I feel it's clearer.
    The fog's lifted,
    but the cost of creativity...
    It's dearer.

    A world dimmed,
    existence made brighter,
    Obeying more laws,
    less of a blighter.

    Insanity restrained,
    soul feels drained,
    wish I knew,
    why I feel strained.

    Felt the crave,
    a hardened pull.
    gave it the wave,
    it took my full.

    Lost my wonder,
    gained insight.
    Not a blunder,
    gained more might.

    Still I wonder,
    was it right?
    All that turmoil,
    took all my fight.
    Lost my illusion,
    stupidly grinning.
    Hence my confusion,
    a new beginning.

    As with all my work feel free to comment. I hope you like it or get something from it.
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Loose Tie

    The knot unravels,
    a tie unbinds,
    dark against the white.
    Thread picked away,
    ties fall apart,
    It seems you lost your sight.

    Weren't we friends?
    I thought we were,
    a time ago,
    it seems time past.
    You fought with us,
    never against us,
    thought we were meant to last.

    Frustration unknown,
    anger well sown,
    your spirit,
    it was bitter.
    A petty vandal,
    small time crook,
    running has made you fitter.

    So run my friend,
    there's no destination,
    quite like the pits of hell.
    Like you can't move on,
    neither can we,
    it's your soul you sell.

    Think hard buddy,
    none like a thug,
    but remember we're all forgiving.
    Change your ways,
    we'll welcome you back,
    friends to keep you living.

    This poem's one I just couldn't get to work as a song. So it's a slightly longer poem instead. Anyway I hope you like it.
    - celtic.
    Last edited by Furore; 07-19-2007 at 04:17 AM.
    victoria aut mors

  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Anti-Hero Hero (A tribute to a Grizzly Old Fart who called me a hypocritical SOB.)

    Anti-Hero Hero

    So what if I'm a drunkard,
    and I like my pills...
    So what if I'm pissed off my face,
    and cause a lot of spills?
    A weakness for girls,
    affinity for cash,
    yeah I might really be trash.

    But who was the one who helped them out?
    Who helped those getting bashed?
    It was me you old fool.
    Doing my thing as you stood around.
    So don't get huffy,
    you've no reason for pride.
    I may be an Anti-Hero,
    but at least I ain't snide.

    I don't take kindly to abuse,
    especially from try-hards.
    So shut up dickhead,
    don't show me your cards.
    Joker wins this one bitch,
    this ain't solitaire you know.
    Only thing verbal backstabbing does,
    is foster fury to go.

    And if you start up again,
    you know what will happen?
    You'll get a fist through your face.
    Because as you said,
    I'm a disgrace.
    I'm no hero,
    no, just some thug,
    I'm the Anti-Hero.

    I know, I know...
    This one does seem a little nasty.
    Still I needed to vent AND I will make sure the guy reads it.
    I seriously dislike some people....
    Like this dude....
    Anyways, enough of that... enjoy this update.
    victoria aut mors

  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Destiny (Together Always)

    Destiny (Together Always)

    A thousand paths,
    a million miles.
    A billion laughs,
    a trillion smiles.
    Sometimes it's hard,
    but then you see,
    the best piece,
    the brightest shard,
    exactly what it's meant to be.

    Life's a game,
    win or lose,
    it don't mean a thing.
    But play it right,
    don't lose sight,
    a winner's song you'll sing.

    Walk the paths,
    run the miles.
    Spritely laughs,
    and widespread smiles.
    It's not that hard,
    don't you see?
    The best piece,
    a crowded shard,
    where we're meant to be.

    Got my back,
    I got yours,
    this is almost cheating.
    We'll win this game,
    we're near the end,
    game of life we're beating.

    End to the paths,
    end to the miles.
    Nostalgic laughs,
    mirth filled smiles.
    At times it was hard,
    but then we did see,
    it was the best piece,
    the perfect shard,
    exactly where we were meant to be.

    Just a quick piece. I hope you like it. And what was I thinking posting that last one? *slaps self*
    victoria aut mors

  15. #15
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celtic
    There was once a monstrous rat,
    who was ever so fat.
    He ate some cheese,
    then had to sneeze,
    then was eaten by a cat.
    This one made me sad... poor little rat.

    You have some talent in your longer lyrics, however, it's all pretty basic. Whilst you have some really good and not often used stuff, I bet you could make somekind of career out of creating lyrics for emotive or nu-metal pain inspired bands. Whilst those genres are a little cliche, they're very popular, and your lyrics would probably speak to a lot of people.

    All in all, nice.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Thanks Chez. Can't believe I missed that ^^;

    Anyways, nothing major, just adding the limerick from my sig, as I am about to delete it from the sig.
    Archival purposes...

    In the depths I looked for height,
    with eyes closed I still have sight.
    It's not what you'd expect,
    just a thing you can neglect,
    sanity's not always right...

    This one just randomly came to me...
    Cool, no?
    victoria aut mors

  17. #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Be not afraid,
    the madness surrounds you,
    See not a thing,
    the insanity hounds you.
    So gaping a hole,
    in many a soul...

    Subjective reality,
    I can afford,
    to swear my fealty,
    to my own Lord.
    A personal autonomy,
    make your own law.
    an external anarchy,
    paradoxical to the core.
    victoria aut mors

  18. #18
    Air from my lungs. Celtic's Miscellany thread Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    Like I said, it's pretty good, Nathan, especially since you came up with it right on the spot. Keep 'em coming

    Last edited by Violet; 04-04-2008 at 11:54 PM.

  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Doin' Something?

    A great day for nothing,
    though I'm doin' something.
    Gazing at my knees,
    lazing back,
    feelin' that breeze.

    Not doing something?
    I'm doing something,
    as to do nothing..
    ...would surely take less effort.

    A great day for nothing,
    though I'm doin' something.
    Gazing at my knees,
    lazing back,
    feelin' that breeze.

    I'm doing nothing,
    yet it really is something,
    as it is what I please,
    I'm feelin' that breeze.

    I'm feeling that breeze,
    It's just what can please,
    while doing something,
    under the guise of nothing.
    victoria aut mors

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