Alrighty now. Lets get this thing up and running.
Edit- Team Itachi awaits post from Aurora. *Bows respectfully.*
Edit2- *Laughs at Dante.* Dont be mad, its fun.
Ack! DOuble post. I hit quote on accident, my bad!
Alrighty now. Lets get this thing up and running.
Edit- Team Itachi awaits post from Aurora. *Bows respectfully.*
Edit2- *Laughs at Dante.* Dont be mad, its fun.
Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-21-2006 at 10:55 PM.
I assume her post will arrive in the wee hours of the night for. V.V No worries though, I need to focus on other things. *glares at someone*
"I'm really not in the business of killing children. And I don't much care for the idea of anyone becoming obsessed with defeating me either."
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
Don't go forgettin' my name! Just pray you never hear it again!"- GrimmJaw Jaggerjack
Oh man guys... I'm so drunk.. Your beloved LS went out and got f*cking wasted tonight.
Anyway, I felt compelled to tell you that. I'ma log on tomorrow morning and be the most embarrassed man alive, I tell you what.
But hey, listen, I'm proud of you all. You've impressed me thus far and earned my respect as RPers. For real. Anyway, I'd catch up and post right now, but yeah that'd be kinda difficult given the state I'm in. So I just wanted to take a minute and congratulate everyone.
Being piss drunk is fun... lol
Um, and LS, you're right. Most here are actually fairly decent RPers. Um... Damn I wish I was in that state right now! hah... I geuss we should stick on topic. I hope that what I used in my latest post was ok for using. I mean, with actually training with Naruto... Is that fine...?
wooooot!!! im rolling face for my first time!!!! omg am i ****ing loving it!!! oh yea, and the posts are goods too lol
Sorry for the hold up guys ^^;; its just that we have different time zones I guess lol
hey every1!!! good morning. So that were clear, im EST USA. and Aurora, I had an interaction between us. If u have a problem with any of it, let me know in here, okay?
oh and for everyone: quick question. When somone new talks, are we making a new paragraph everytime (like regular english rules) or can we put numerous quotes in 1 paragraph from numerous people?
I'm waiting for bluechain33 to post, Team Gai, before I do anything. Just letting you know.
I'd ask that we do separate paragraphs like regular English. It's really confusing for me to read several different people's dialogue in one paragraph. I can't tell who's saying what.
It's all good ^^ made me laugh a bit lol and what do u mean Good morning?! its 3 in the afternoon.Originally Posted by Seig
Last edited by xXViviXx; 10-22-2006 at 07:11 AM.
MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ty, but anywho... when are we getting our missions...? oh yea, im drawing my character as we speak, how do i put my picture in a link like Kimmy did?
Scan it into your comp and then use imageshack -
Before I begin I am sorry I was not here last night i was also piss ass drunk haha me and LS were texting one another due to the fact we were at seperate partys.... anannyywaaaays some corrections need to be made:
Edit:1Originally Posted by Kinjozu Hyuza
Remember people please have correct spelling and such and please make sure you read everyone's posts in their whole. I know it might be a pain in the ass but it slows down the rp just a little bit.
Remember i said that naruto was out on a mission with sasuke and sakura... please edit your post ^-^ thank you... sorry if its an inconvenience but please do it as soon as possible. Could probably just switch out the names for someone else unless it just cant be anyone other then Naruto. Actually you dont have to change it if you want to edit more info into your post saying how you caught him on returning from his mission. Than everything would be fine
Edit: 2
Ok and one more thing even though its been fine for alot of people recently please ask if you can control someones character "before" you post lol I know I know sometimes we just wanna like jump into it but we have to slow down sometimes too. The only reason you wouldnt have to ask someone is if you guys already talked about it being ok if you guys controled each others characters once in a while like me and LS. We know each other pretty well the be able to quickly recognize how one anothers characters will be played.
And last but certainly not least i will be posting shortly so no worries : D Sorry again... drunk <---- last night and got in about 4 am lol
Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-22-2006 at 08:07 AM.
post missons!!!! c'mon lets advance this thing!!!
p.s. please dont lecture me on patience in ur next post (u seem to like to do that lol)
Im not lecturing anyone I just don't want tension to arrise later on in the rp lol thats all. I've known people that just would get stark raving mad if you even said that their character waved at you without asking permission first. I am happy that everyone is more lieniant ^-^ thats all, and for those who dont know how to fix double posting you can delete your post by goiing to edit and then checking the delete this message box.Originally Posted by Seig
Edit: 1
I also think you are a very good Rper Sieg just like everyone else ^-^ when I typically mention something its not normally directed at anyone its just things that I see and am like Oh yeah thats right I wanted to mention that. So please sorry if i offended you ^-^.
Edit: 2
Also I will be posting missions soon. After LS gets on and makes a post I will begin handing out missions. But remember people we are low level ninja's and will also be givin low level Tasks. Though whatever the task may be just have fun with it !! lol alot of it in the beggining will be like silly stuff but it will get more serious as the story progresses. I just dont want to give any like dead serious missions yet because that makes us going into the fighting way to early. And fighting is awesome don't get me wrong its just that we need to also do fun things in the rp like repairing a block, or doing a delivery with some dangers involved with hiking and mountain climbing.
If anyone is apposed to this though we could take a vote and if its majority rules then i will back down and hand out more serious missions. Though I do think that "fun" awkward missions would be fun to start out with.
Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-22-2006 at 08:15 AM.
first it takes alot to offend me, so dont worry lol. second, i don't know what everyone else thinks but if we jump into battles so soon i can gaurentee this rp wont last very long. you need the "filler missions" to allow the story to evolve right. just remember, you cook a hotdog for one minute, and your eating a sorry hotdog.
Well we have a few people online. Lets get this thing going again.
Ok I have some pretty good ideas for some missions so I will post them after I get a post from LS, We will begin missions soon I just hope you guys can bare with me for a little longer. But we will be having missions by the end of the day. You can count on that !
lord storm, lets have some interaction! for sh*ts and giggles
lol, fine by me dude.
Edit- I just started it. Am gonna ask about your team and how you like your instructor after you post. Unless you ask first of course.
Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-22-2006 at 10:03 AM.
...i dont know how to kick it and also for cloud and LS. we need to start interacting w/eachother too. u guys have been quiet on the rp for a bit nowby the by... cloud, where r me u and um meeting? i can write a bit more if i know that much1!!!
bleh!??!? i didnt even realize i double posted!!! my bad all fixed now though
Last edited by Seig; 10-22-2006 at 10:51 AM.
please get rid of the double post ^-^ ty, and LS mentioned that our meeting place was near the main gates. and yeah we do need to interact a bit more but that will all come in due time.
Dude you are amazing.
Edit- Posted. I will be waiting on my teammates. If they do not show up soon then I will play as Itachi and have him beat them both there. But will let them decide if they are actually late or not.
Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-22-2006 at 10:42 AM.
OK, I've read your post previously to me, Cloud. I'll edit that I had met up on his arrival as soon as I'm done with this. As for my activity during the week, it's not so good... Just, anyone on my team, Include me on the missions, and go ahead and mess with my character. Remember to read the posts I've already made! >.<
I'll be on as much as possible.
Thanks, and Sorry 'bout that Cloud.
Ok guys when things start to roll I have an idea how we can do the post system so that not everyone is reading everyones post. Because I know sometimes you read something and your like... why did i read that it had nothing to do with me lol but hey before you post title your posts with a simple Attn: (attention) And then the names of the people you are talking to or are with.
This was an awesome way to seperate certain posts to specifiic peoplee, and it really does work. That way people can read your post if it involves them and if it doesnt people could read it if they want to. Most of my posts will be having that for of system because I will be controling alot of the Instructors (only in certain situations) and also baddies along the way to make it more interesting. Like animals for now sense we can't really have ninjas attacking us now lol wed all die.
But yeah tell me what you think about that and the template on how it would look like is something like this
Attn: Squad 1
Thats basically it and then if you see that Ive posted more then one Attn:'s, you can simply scroll down and just read that segment. Well tell me what you guys think of the idea.
Edit: 1
that is absolutly no problem man i understand that things can come up ^-^ but if you have a few minutes or so hop on and catch yourself up.Originally Posted by Kinjozu Hyuza
Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-22-2006 at 11:25 AM.
wow mad cool and orginized lol... u filing cabinet u... anywho, if we want anyone to read the post do we not put a subject or should we put Attn: Everyone?!
Great Idea cloud. I like giving my posts titles, almost like a small chapter or so, but I'll add the names or squads as given. Great way of awareness.
No everyone can read your post if they want to but if you are talking to everyone and you diffently need everyone to know about your post put in Att:All but other then that if your just talking to a few certain people or referring to like our sqaud and someone else put itOriginally Posted by Seig
Attn: Squad 1, [name]
that way our squad will raed it and the other person you were talking to
this also doesnt just have to be in the title if you want different sections in your post where your tlaking to us then someone else and your flashing back and forth use that wherever as well
Yes, my post was about meeting 'infront' or 'inside' (However you look at it) of the Ramen shop. I added Detor into it, as he jumped behind it, for the meeting spot, but also added that Gai sensei had entered getting some food.
Sorry if my team didn't want everything laid out as I made it, I geuss I can change and edit was requested, but I think it should work out. Lemme know peeps!