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Thread: Dissidia RP

  1. #1
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
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    Dissidia RP

    Hey, I’ve only RPed a few times. Once on my own site, it was a Final Fantasy RP that I created myself but died soon afterwards, but I’m currently in a long running Resident Evil RP and its going great so it has given me at least some experience.
    There are a lot of great looking RPs in this forum but I searched for a Dissidia style RP and found none. Hence I started my own.
    Rules are somewhat basic. Choose from the remaining list of characters; (first come first serve, underlined characters are taken)
    • Warrior of Light
    • Garland
    • Firion
    • Emperor Palamecia
    • Onion Knight
    • Cloud of Darkness
    • Cecil
    • Golbez
    • Bartz
    • Exdeath = Exxdeath666
    • Terra
    • Kefka
    • Cloud
    • Sephiroth
    • Squall
    • Ultimecia = Occult
    • Zidane
    • Kuja
    • Tidus
    • Jecht

  2. I realise that some of these characters are yet to be confirmed, but I chose the most logical main characters. I don’t mind a little leeway, especially for the characters that are still awaiting confirmation. For example, if someone would prefer to RP Celes instead of Terra, or Farris/Galuf instead of Bartz, but I’d like to stay as close to the above cast as possible.
    The RP is about the war of good and evil, but RPers are free to make whichever enemies/allies they like. There is battling, but being defeated doesn’t mean death so please no god-modding. Bite the bullet and retreat then rematch. It also makes the story more epic. Also, every FF gamer is aware of what skills that the characters have so please chose your character based on their abilities instead of making them up. E.g. Squall can Renzokuken/Lionheart, Sephiroth can use masamune/magic/meteor (though less destructive than its FFVII counterpart), Terra can transform/use magic etc. The RP isnt just battling though, there are a lot of character interactions to roleplay too.
    If anyone else is interested I’ll be glad to hear from you. If/when we get enough RPers, Ill post my first scene in the RP area.
    Open to all ^_^

    Character: Ultimecia
    Bio: Ultimecia is the last remaining Sorceress of her time; she bears the combined Sorceress Power of every Sorceress to ever exist, meaning that within her body she holds the entire half of the Great Hyne that he granted to mankind at the beginning of the universe. Because of this, she has an inconceivable amount of magical power.
    Although Ultimecia has the Power of every Sorceress that has ever lived, her own personal Sorceress Power seems to focus on space and time.
    Abilities: Time/Space Magic (Maelstrom, Apocalypse, Hell’s Judgement, etc.)
Last edited by Occult; 08-24-2008 at 01:11 PM.
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  • #2
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard ^_^
    I'll post my opening scene so we can begin
    Others are free to join and post too

    PS. All characters fight in an "alternate dimension" where they can all exist in one world
    You may take your chosen character out of their game at any point in time
    eg. I will be taking Ultimecia from FFVIII just before she initiates "Time Compression"

  • #3
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Cool ill be Squall.
    Bio:Squall is a member of a special task force known as SEED. He uses a gunblade and is for the most part antisocial. Squall is a good fighter and almost enjoys combat.

  • #4
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    Living in St. Augustine Florida/From Jacksonville Florida.
    Name: Sephiroth
    Ability/Weapon(s): Masamune/Magic/Meteor
    Bio: Sephiroth is a very strong and intelligent person. He is a person that likes not to found out about. Yet he will take anyone out that stands in his way. He is not as much evil, but not good as well. Sephiroth will not appose anyone unless felt threaten.
    Last edited by Ulteka Mako; 10-17-2008 at 05:34 PM.
    Life or death. Nethire are consider to someone like me. For I am both. Nor death can happen to me, or can life. There is no other like me. For I am one with myself. Nobody else is. That is the way of the immortal. That is the way of Ulteka Mako.

  • #5
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Cool guys! I haven't seen Occult in awhile, but I will assume control of this thread until he returns! The show must go on!
    Uh, well in case you haven't yet, now you need to make a way to fit your way into the Dissidia timeline... Uteka, you might want to get on that. Also, while you don't have to go into numbers and detail like I did (though I highly suggest it), you should also explain each character's abilities...
    So cheerio, and I do hope we all have fun here!!!! MWAHAHAHAAA!!!

    ~With much regards,

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #6
    Once the greatest knight in the kingdom of Cornelia, he is corrupted by evil and kidnaps Princess Sarah. He wanted the king to give him his kingdom in exchange for Sarah's life. He is defeated by the four Warriors of Light.
    Quote from The FF wiki
    He has the power of Earth, fire, water, and wind.
    Stats: (1-10, 1 being weakest, 10 being strongest)
    Strength: 8
    Defense: 7
    Magic Defense: 6
    Speed: 4
    Air Attack: 8
    Ground Attack: 3
    Ex-Form Boost: 5
    HP: 2112
    Brave Points 350
    Aerial Magic
    Ground Magic
    Ground Magic
    Ground Magic
    (all depend on elemental weaknesses)
    Chain Sword: Range increased while wielding the chain sword. 400-500 Speed decreases by one when in use.

    His sword splits into two granting him faster attack. He also becomes a little slower at walking/running He also Gains a great boost in vitality giving him Plus 1000 HP. In his Ex form he also gains a small boost in ground attack bringing it to 4.
    Strength: 8
    Defense: 8
    Magic Defense: 7
    Speed: 6
    Air Attack: 8
    Ground Attack: 4
    HP: 3112
    Blade of Marilith
    Multi-purpose Buff (Enhancement)
    Adds 75 brave points
    Wrath of the Vampire
    Aerial Buff
    Drains the MP of the opponent with every attack you use.
    Ground attack
    Changes opponents brave points to 8
    Multipurpose De buff
    Lowers Accuracy and speed to 3.

    Might of the Fiends
    Damage:300-400 damage(6-7 times)
    Each time it strikes it deals low damage but strikes up to six times.

    Tell me if anything is gone/missing
    Last edited by sconethief; 10-18-2008 at 01:05 PM. Reason: Chose another char

  • #7
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    Well, I got my post in on the rp. It should give a good understanding on what is going with Sephiroths part in this story. Lets keep this thing moving.
    Life or death. Nethire are consider to someone like me. For I am both. Nor death can happen to me, or can life. There is no other like me. For I am one with myself. Nobody else is. That is the way of the immortal. That is the way of Ulteka Mako.

  • #8
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
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    WOW this is finally going somewhere...
    Excellent ^_^

  • #9
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    This is seeming like its going to be a good rp. I just want to say something. If you don't want your rp to die, then have people that type a lot and use a lot of details to describe what is going on in the rp. The last thing you want in your rp is a short post that leaves with nothing to work with and god-moding. So I just have to say, if you don't know how tp rp, then learn first.
    Life or death. Nethire are consider to someone like me. For I am both. Nor death can happen to me, or can life. There is no other like me. For I am one with myself. Nobody else is. That is the way of the immortal. That is the way of Ulteka Mako.

  • #10
    lol. I know how to RP and cn do so very well if I want to, but sicne i know just about nothing about FF I'm a bit lost ><
    (I was pulled into this....)

  • #11
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulteka Mako View Post
    This is seeming like its going to be a good rp. I just want to say something. If you don't want your rp to die, then have people that type a lot and use a lot of details to describe what is going on in the rp. The last thing you want in your rp is a short post that leaves with nothing to work with and god-moding. So I just have to say, if you don't know how tp rp, then learn first.
    Exactly. Occult, you hear that? We need numbers or else people r gonna be cheating muthas! You might also need to go more into detail with what we r trying 2 do here...

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #12
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    Living in St. Augustine Florida/From Jacksonville Florida.
    Also, if the next person that joins could be a character for the good, then that would be great. We have three evil and 1 good. So we need more good. We need people to join other then evil or other then good. You want this to be even out. That way we can get the story going good.
    Last edited by Ulteka Mako; 10-18-2008 at 12:05 PM.
    Life or death. Nethire are consider to someone like me. For I am both. Nor death can happen to me, or can life. There is no other like me. For I am one with myself. Nobody else is. That is the way of the immortal. That is the way of Ulteka Mako.

  • #13
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    This thread has been moved here. Sorry Occult, but we need to be a bit more specific if we're gonna get more members.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #14
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
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    Adding numbers makes the RP completly battle oriented instead of story and relationship oriented
    Stats and numbers are overly complicated and scare off newbie RPers
    Im more interested in RPing a great story than a mediocre battle
    But if thats what you guys want by all means

  • #15
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    I thought I'd drop in here to lend you some handy advice since Andromeda hasn't got round to it yet and this is escalating furthur and furthur into disaster.

    First up, you all need to turn off your signatures when posting in the RP and RP OOC forum, I've contacted Andromeda (I think, though he has either not recieved the message or is taking a while to do something about it), and if you don't turn them off yourselves, there is a chance that he could close the RP and all of it's subsequent threads, which he has done before.

    Secondly, Exxdeath, you really don't have the right to high-jack Occult's thread and actually create another two threads so that you can change the RP into a text-based RPG. Typically, RPs don't have any place for 'stats' or 'special techniques' (especially since every FF has a different battle formula) and as Occult says they are supposed to be about storyline and relationships and basically anything you would find in a novel.

    Also, the reason people aren't joining has nothing to do with the RPs lack of a pre-defined storyline (though it does give RPers something to work with), it could be that things about the RP just seem un-interesting or vague or that it's just a slow-bloomer. In fact, to tell you the truth, a part of me wants to join purely out of the lack of activity in the RP forum but unless you get your act cleaned up, nobody is likely to join.
    No one was likely to join anyway. I added stats and everything so that people would join. Besides, I didn't "hijack" it. I was just relocating it. I was even going to let him moderate it if he wanted to. I thought that most people would want the specifics, rather than just like a paragraph sort of explaining what it might be about. Go ahead and report me, but all I was trying to do was help.

    And another thing; my act doesn't need to get "cleaned up." It's your type of forum nazis that keep some people away from forums in the first place. If you aren't aware of the situation, then you need to either get informed and stop taking sides or just butt out!

    Occult... if you don't like numbers and stats, just tell me and I'll change it.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 10-19-2008 at 04:04 PM.

  • #16
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Dissidia RP T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    I'll have to defend Aerif over here.

    If you think the reason why people don't participate in RPs is because of stats, lemme illustrate you on something: how are you going to use them? In my case, I've worked with forum RPs in here, and none require stats; just descriptions. In the same way, I've worked with stat-based tabletop RPGs, and the stats only provide a general overview. However, those systems require you to have a method to randomize results. Forum RPs do not require a randomization method, as the results are more of a collaborative work between the participants. Each post is a snippet of a larger story.

    The reason, personally, because I don't join is because the idea of playing pre-made characters scares me. I feel unable to control my character as willing, and I usually don't like to assume a pre-established identity. As well, there's one major reason I have to consider: some of these characters are characters that I loathe, and some are characters I simply love. I wouldn't feel comfortable assuming the persona of either a character I loathe, or a character I love. It makes the playing experience a bit dull, or it may run counter to how you may remember these characters. I like to take my time to make a brief story for my character, or tweak a bit which abilities they have.

    Perhaps the mention of hijacking the thread is a bit overrated. Perhaps, indeed, you wanted to help people look over the thread and encourage participation. However, most of us don't see that adding stats will produce a better result than altering the entire concept of fixed characters. If you and your pals think that the idea of adding stats to the characters will make a difference, I won't stop you. Aerif and I are just giving counsel and opinion: something that would be grateful if you at least heard. We ain't talking about having you follow it. Just...listen.

    I mean, the entire backstory of Dissidia has a possibility. A bunch of heroes from different worlds meet to face their former villains and save the collective of their worlds from oblivion. Dissidia as a game relies on several battles: the entire intention of the game is a Smash/Budokai based kind of fighting game. But, the lore behind it seems really interesting. Perhaps focusing on the lore would make for a memorable RP, with the occasional battle between characters in RPB format; I presume this is the original intention. But, having essentially an RP that intends to be a clone of the game doesn't seem to cut it.

    Believe me, it's really hard to make a successful RP nowadays. Look at Memories of a Shinigami; that's the closest thing to an active RP, and it's rather slow. But they have their ways to make it work: mostly, if you notice, they allow people to make their own characters and develop them into the middle of the story. I don't mean to say with this "you have to do it as they do!!"; just that you have an example of which kind of RP is successful around here, in case you want some ideas on how to make this work.

    One final advice: attitude isn't always helpful. You tried to chastise Aerif for being a "forum Nazi"; yet your behavior made you seem a bit immature. I understand you want to make this progress and improve from its current condition, but that attitude ain't gonna help ya do it. I presume you'll feel a bit angry because of "interfering" without joining: you aren't getting new people to join the joint venture you guys are having. But, you need to listen to the reasons why most people aren't willing to join instead of assuming a shell of "if you don't care, get out of here". That'll scare people even more.

  • #17
    The Quiet One Dissidia RP Andromeda's Avatar
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    Aerif is not your place to be telling them what to do and what not to do. That is my job and we have strict lines about that sort of thing. I did nothing about the signature issue because every single RP and RPB was breaking the rules. The signature disable got removed bringing them back and so I was just waiting for them to be return since as you can see you can't see signatures that has been fixed.

    I'm issuing a pre-warning to Aerif for trying to assume my job, especially when not understanding the situation. And I'm issuing a pre-warning to Exxdeath for making a small attack back. Since you really didn't do anything too serious I'm not making it a heavy warning. But if someone does or says something you do not attack back even if you report it and leave that to me to deal with. Because you did not go into a flame or anything serious I'm just pre-warning and glad that you did not say anything worse.

    So you two leave things as they are. We have had people in the past pick up RPs and Occult was gone for 2 months. Occult came back and does not seem to mind what is happening. So while it might have been hijack per-say no one complained about it and even managed to turn it into an active thread. People are allowed to RP with whatever sub systems that they wish even if it is numbers so long as the others that join want to do that as well. The only thing I don't allow and I wish I had seen it sooner is short spamish posts that were carried through here. That is my only problem with this thread. So long as the spammish posts cease I won't have a problem. If Occult wants to run the thread again that is something between him and Exxdeath, that is not for you to decide Aerif. If Occult feels that Exxdeath broke a rule or something he comes to me.

    Continue about your business.

  • #18
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
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    Such drama for such a simple RP, or at least thats how I invisioned it
    Exxdeath I love your ideas for the RP
    If we could simply meet more central to your plans for battle and mine for storyline, Id be more than happy, otherwise you are free to do with DRP as you wish... If people didnt like my ideas and prefer yours then who am I to stop you guys from RPing

    As for stats, I realise that they can prevent god-modding but I really didnt see DRP as a competition anyway. To be honest, if someone had beat the crap out of my character I honestly wouldnt mind, so long as its done in a way that I enjoyed reading it.
    Everyone should be a winner in a great RP, that doesnt necessarily mean your character literally wins but rather everyone enjoys reading the posts and tries their best to make their own posts great when read by others
    I get so bored of "My Knight with 12 strength attacks your Mage with 6 defense"

  • #19
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    I agree that there is much Drama for such a small-scale RP.
    I also agree that this is not Hijacking...Especially if occult has no problem with it.
    Last edited by HUNK; 01-03-2009 at 04:12 PM.

  • #20
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    Hey you guys. I just wanted to let you know that I am not going to have access to a computer anymore. So I am going to have to drop out of the RP. Sorry you guys. Maybe some other time.
    Life or death. Nethire are consider to someone like me. For I am both. Nor death can happen to me, or can life. There is no other like me. For I am one with myself. Nobody else is. That is the way of the immortal. That is the way of Ulteka Mako.

  • #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Occult View Post
    I get so bored of "My Knight with 12 strength attacks your Mage with 6 defense"
    Agreed >.> sometimes its good to break away and make it seem more RP and less RPG.
    Also Exxdeath i would suggest you don't put your exact address as your location O.O don't want some people to use that to their advantage....... Just a suggestion

  • #22
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Split?

    Quote Originally Posted by Occult View Post
    Such drama for such a simple RP, or at least thats how I invisioned it
    Exxdeath I love your ideas for the RP
    If we could simply meet more central to your plans for battle and mine for storyline, Id be more than happy, otherwise you are free to do with DRP as you wish... If people didnt like my ideas and prefer yours then who am I to stop you guys from RPing

    As for stats, I realise that they can prevent god-modding but I really didnt see DRP as a competition anyway. To be honest, if someone had beat the crap out of my character I honestly wouldnt mind, so long as its done in a way that I enjoyed reading it.
    Everyone should be a winner in a great RP, that doesnt necessarily mean your character literally wins but rather everyone enjoys reading the posts and tries their best to make their own posts great when read by others
    I get so bored of "My Knight with 12 strength attacks your Mage with 6 defense"
    So u wanna like split the forum in half? That's a great idea! When people want to battle each other or something, I'll moderate that half, and you moderate the story and other custom stuff that you had envisioned more! Then no one takes any more credit than the next guy...

    Oh and oskar I want to apologize for my behavior earlier... I've just been having a tough week...

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #23
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    My pardon for being mega off topic but are we going to fight in different threads or somthing becuse I am totally lost. I still want to fight as Squall and really want to join but im getting so confused.

  • #24
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Post To answer your question...

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    My pardon for being mega off topic but are we going to fight in different threads or somthing becuse I am totally lost. I still want to fight as Squall and really want to join but im getting so confused.
    We will carry on the story dialogues and conversations in here and fight on my half of the topic. So yes we will be fighting on my thread and conversing and "storylining" on this thread.

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #25
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Hey guys its been awhile so I was wondering when are we going to get this thing started?

    I keep watching Dissidia vids on youtube and seeing them only makes me more and more wanting to do this rp. If were not starting now, can you tell me when?

  • #26
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    I understand your enthusiasm, but we can't get it started until we get more members. Besides, I don't even know where Occult is right now and he's really in charge...

    I'm looking for members that can join, but I hope you can do the same. Just a suggestion...

    Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, oh, where was he?
    Where could that mantree be?
    We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!

    And now it's...
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Jachol is happy and gay!
    We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    The islands are fine lands once more!
    Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
    Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!

    If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name! And remember:

    I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!

  • #27
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Alright, keep me posted if you hear word from Occult.

    In the mean time ill try to fish up some RP'ers.

  • #28

    Re: Dissidia RP

    If no one minds I would like to play Firion in the story based Dissidia RP if it gets off the ground.

    Thanks in advanced.


  • #29
    Learner Dissidia RP CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Dissidia RP

    alright i just finished reading Miss Vicky's guide on this so im joining!

    Name:Cloud Strife
    Bio:Former member of a the genetically enhanced human organization SOLDIER. Lives in the city of Midgar which floats in midair (sorta like Angel Island) with his friends, Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockheart, and Barret's daughter Marline. Wields a huge Buster Sword that pierces fear into the hearts of his foes. EX Mode Normal Look: Cloud equips his Ultima Weapon. EX Mode Alt. Look: Cloud unleashes the power of the Mako infused in him.
    Abilities:Cross Slash, Omnislash (EX Burst), Braver, Finishing Touch, Omnislash Version 5

    PS- if i can only have like three abilities then ill just take out please VM/PM me

  • #30
    Lady Succubus Dissidia RP Victoria's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
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    Re: Dissidia RP

    I don't know if you noticed, but this RP has been dead for about a year and a half.
    Also, what guide did I write? I do not recall writing one. I think you're thinking of DragonHeart's guide.

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