Hey, I’ve only RPed a few times. Once on my own site, it was a Final Fantasy RP that I created myself but died soon afterwards, but I’m currently in a long running Resident Evil RP and its going great so it has given me at least some experience.
There are a lot of great looking RPs in this forum but I searched for a Dissidia style RP and found none. Hence I started my own.
Rules are somewhat basic. Choose from the remaining list of characters; (first come first serve, underlined characters are taken)
- Warrior of Light
- Garland
- Firion
- Emperor Palamecia
- Onion Knight
- Cloud of Darkness
- Cecil
- Golbez
- Bartz
- Exdeath = Exxdeath666
- Terra
- Kefka
- Cloud
- Sephiroth
- Squall
- Ultimecia = Occult
- Zidane
- Kuja
- Tidus
- Jecht
I realise that some of these characters are yet to be confirmed, but I chose the most logical main characters. I don’t mind a little leeway, especially for the characters that are still awaiting confirmation. For example, if someone would prefer to RP Celes instead of Terra, or Farris/Galuf instead of Bartz, but I’d like to stay as close to the above cast as possible.
The RP is about the war of good and evil, but RPers are free to make whichever enemies/allies they like. There is battling, but being defeated doesn’t mean death so please no god-modding. Bite the bullet and retreat then rematch. It also makes the story more epic. Also, every FF gamer is aware of what skills that the characters have so please chose your character based on their abilities instead of making them up. E.g. Squall can Renzokuken/Lionheart, Sephiroth can use masamune/magic/meteor (though less destructive than its FFVII counterpart), Terra can transform/use magic etc. The RP isnt just battling though, there are a lot of character interactions to roleplay too.
If anyone else is interested I’ll be glad to hear from you. If/when we get enough RPers, Ill post my first scene in the RP area.
Open to all ^_^
Character: Ultimecia
Bio: Ultimecia is the last remaining Sorceress of her time; she bears the combined Sorceress Power of every Sorceress to ever exist, meaning that within her body she holds the entire half of the Great Hyne that he granted to mankind at the beginning of the universe. Because of this, she has an inconceivable amount of magical power.
Although Ultimecia has the Power of every Sorceress that has ever lived, her own personal Sorceress Power seems to focus on space and time.
Abilities: Time/Space Magic (Maelstrom, Apocalypse, Hell’s Judgement, etc.)