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Thread: Welcome to the Waiting Room

  1. #31
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Stray looked a Solstafir glad for the interruption, He didn't want to discuss that much of his personal life.
    "Sorry, but I don't really like where you're taking the conversation, umm could you just, well you know, back down."

    “So your name’s Staranza if you didn’t mind me overhearing. Then I might as well introduce myself then. I am Solstafir.”
    "Didn't mind you overhearing, you act like it's your fault. Call me Stray, only the elders ever Call me Staranza. Glad to meet ya Solstafir." Stray took the man's hand and gave it a hearty shake.

  2. #32
    Welcome to the Waiting Room draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Well than stray since you want me to take this tornament so seriously then I will have fun beating you!"

  3. #33
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "Well than stray since you want me to take this tornament so seriously then I will have fun beating you!"

    Jeez, he had to put the last word in as well...
    "Fine, just know I won't be holding back then." He turned to Solstafir and grinned, he felt he could trust this one, he hoped he was right.

  4. #34
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    sorry guys but I won't be able to stay in the tourney this time round, but I will be back next time, and Stray will return with me.

  5. #35
    Lady Succubus Welcome to the Waiting Room Victoria's Avatar
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    (OOC: ...The tournament hasn't even started yet! Not to mention, you never even registered in the Registration thread to begin with.. and tomorrow's the deadline! So even if you were able to stick around, if you don't register, you can't participate. *sigh* Will add an actual post later.)
    Last edited by Victoria; 06-20-2008 at 06:58 PM.

  6. #36
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [I did register, I just deleated it, I pm'd Loco Colt explaining

  7. #37
    Welcome to the Waiting Room draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Thats to bad. I was hopeing to fight you in tornament.

  8. #38
    The joke is far too true Welcome to the Waiting Room loner-kid's Avatar
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    Kryn entered the room sliding easily through the back wall, old habits die hard. Everyone else seemed to be here but she didn't care about that. Soon the fighting would begin, a brief lull in evading assassination attempts and even some money if she won.
    'we don't even use money' Rydell whispered from the depths of her mind
    'But what about the get out of assassination free card, that's got to count for something' Kryn responded sarcastically
    'And maybe we'll be able to eat real food for a change' Rydell said wistfully
    'What's wrong with pot noodle?'
    'Well you did make it using beer once'
    'Didn't we give that one to the hopeless romantic who wanted to kill us in our sleep'
    'You ate it too, and don't be so nasty about my cousin'
    'Dear god killing him would have been a mercy. If you weren't there I would have stabbed the fool the moment he began reciting his own dodgy poetry'
    ''It wasn't that bad'
    'the stars shine out with holy zeal, as our paths begin to congeal... What the hell kind of poetry do you call that?'
    'Admitidly it had its bad points'
    'It was like that the whole way through!'
    'What about... The pendulum of time keeps swinging, slicing out the seconds lingering'
    'Hey, you know I made up the last part because he forgot his words'
    At this point Kryn noticed her competitors staring at her, she flung her hands into the air.
    "let's all watch the crazy lady talk to herself,wont that be fun" She said flippantly. Though this seemed to make people stare at her more, she felt a lot better. She didn't need to talk to anyone, Rydell's constant chattering was bad enough.
    'I can see every thought you have you know' Rydell said flatly
    'Yes, we once had to have a long chat about mommy's and daddy's when you started poking around were you don't belong'
    'It's not my fault I no longer have a body'
    'So? Why mooch off mine?'
    '...Imagine me storming off in a fit of hysterical rage' Kryn began to laugh under her breath. Ah well, no one was going to bother her know, she just had to wait until the thing began.
    "I wonder if there's something to drink?"

  9. #39
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Entity was beginning to feel nervous. Many of strong men and women had passed her, and she now knew that this may be harder than she first thought. She knew it was to be a challenge but... Well, its too late now...

    I must stand tall... she thought to herself. I mustn't show these people my weakness... Standing from her seat, she made her way over to the drinking fountain. The water looked disgusting, but she was thirsty, and she was sure her stomache would welcome any liduid...

    She gulped down as much water as she could, and she felt a little better after. If only I had thought to bring water from my land... She thought. But I need something stronger... From her cloak, she pulled her small canteen, which was filled with red Brolo... The best wine around Itally! Taking a sip, she felt relaxed. I'll save the rest of this until my battle is over...

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