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  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior Welcome to the Waiting Room LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Waiting Room

    Consider this your lobby for the next Tournament of Arms.

    I'd like you all to take this time to write in character. What character, you ask? Any character. Any character you'd like. This is, quite literally, a waiting room. I have already decided on the theme for the next tournament, and will reveal that to all of you shortly. It's halfway through 2008 and it's been 15 months since the last tournament ended. This has been far too long, no?

    We can discuss a timeframe when I open the next thread.

    I reiterate: This is, quite literally, a waiting room.

    Pick a character and pull up a seat. I want you to start interacting with one another and getting into the mindset for some tournament-worthy fighting.

    There will be very few limitations on the next tournament in terms of character types -- no god-like characters, so that's out of the question off the bat. This tournament will, almost entirely, follow the standard RPB rules. I will make a couple of exceptions for some things, and a couple of restrictions, but these will be light.

    I'm looking for something small this summer -- eight-player cap, honestly. If you can't be active for a solid 6-8 weeks for the duration of the tournament, I don't want you to apply. I'm considering starting signups as soon as a week from now, and the tournament as soon as two weeks from now. We'll discuss that at length when I get the information/registration thread up.

    I may or may not get that thread up tonight; in the meantime, get to know one another.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Welcome to the Waiting Room Victoria's Avatar
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    I'll be using my TM character. Her profile is in a word document, and if you want me to add her profile onto this post, let me know. Cause you don't exactly specify to include it in.

    The scent of damp socks and rotten fish filled the air around me as my wings carried me into the waiting room for the next Tournament of Arms. I've heard about this tournament from a few colleagues of mine. Day in and day out I trained with my halberd and carefully concocted extra drugs to use for this tournament. Riiiight, drugs. Like I'm really going to use them in this kind of tournament.

    A constant, soft breeze flew through my long brown hair. My emerald green eyes took in the other combatants and their expressions. I could feel the green in my pupils slowly fade to red, but I shook my head to abstain the desire of my hunger. Not just yet, girl. This is just the waiting room. Don't get a head start on yourself.

    While my mind was occupied with restraining myself, I felt someone brush up against me.
    Last edited by Victoria; 06-07-2008 at 08:13 AM. Reason: Forgot to add in my eye color.

  3. #3
    So I take it this year its single characters rather than two. Like Toph, if I profile is needed now, I'll post one.


    Striding towards what was called the waiting room, the stench seemed almost overwhelming for Solstafir. He covered his face as to dampen the smell of rotting carcase and decomposition. Such was his manner at the time. In all it reminded the warrior of battle and how unpleasant the finish was. But it truth he like the smell, he adored. It was the odour of life and death.

    Stepping through the open door, he saw some just gliding in but he paid the creature no heed. Instead he just followed it and looked at the other combatants waiting within. Again he fell bored from what he saw but looks were always deceiving. Sitting down on a chair, he felt the black fur on his shoulders rub against something that wasn’t the wall behind him but something else also. Turning his head, he saw the winged creature from before at his side. Solstafir was mesmerized by its eyes changing from brown to red, then back again.

    The warrior found the humanoid to be interesting as she displayed abnormal qualities already. So in a gesture of kindness and with what smile he could muster on his pale face, he offered his hand out and said,

    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 06-09-2008 at 08:38 AM.

  4. #4
    The Old Skool Warrior Welcome to the Waiting Room LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ((No profiles in this thread. My next day out of work is Tuesday; expect information then.))

  5. #5
    Lone Wolf Welcome to the Waiting Room Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Well, our numbers seem to be diminishing. Count me in, and I think of doing something very special with my Dragoth character, so once profiles are needed expect a change ^^ I've got a great idea for him.

    As the once great warrior stood amongst his kind, he head a greeting from one. (So is this man attempting to be friendly?) He, almost instinctively, reached with his right hand to his left side,. He stopped himself as he touched one of his 2 blackened blades. (I must remember, Akilroth is no more...) "Hello" said Dragoth. He walked twords the man and stopped when he was about 3 feet in front of him. Once he had greeted the man, as a hint of disrepsect before he could allow the man to react, Dragoth made a swift jerk of his neck, turning away from the man. Once his head was out of view, he allowed himself a quick smile... but he seemed to be caught surprise by another person that was in the room. He quickly frowned and faced the man once more.
    Last edited by Darkwolf; 06-11-2008 at 02:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Turning to face the next individual who had approached him, Solstafir’s attention was broken from the angelic being next to him. Still that attempt of a smile was across his face as his eyes met the other mans. Darks eyes reflected in his chaotic own. The ruffian shot dagger at the other as a swift “Hello” was spoken before an act of sheer and blatant rudeness was displayed. Solstafir’s eyes grew sharp and cold, filled with a silent rage that was ignored by the warrior walking away.

    Cursing in a foreign tongue beneath his breath, he crossed his arms beneath his cloak and propped one of his feet on his opposite knee. His change in manner seemed similar to that of a child with his response to such an action. But it was expected. The aged man thought that such un-pleasantries were normal in an environment like this. Still, he sighed and muttered,

    “Disrespect as that will cost him if I meet him within the fields of battle.”

    Turning once more to the figure at his side, he felt his approach rejected and so left it. Yet still his gaze hung upon her emerald eyes as they captured his thoughts once more. The thought of their beauty alone as if rivalling those in his blades.
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 06-12-2008 at 06:03 AM.

  7. #7
    Synthesized Ascension Welcome to the Waiting Room Zardoch's Avatar
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    The vibration of striding and thundering footsteps surged through the front entrance of the waiting room as a shadow approached. Its face and body was too obscure to make out details with the light behind it blanketing its large back. All one could see was a giant figure moving forward with its shadow outstretched and its silver eyes the only thing illuminated within the darkness.

    As it reached the entrance, the giant leaned down under the low entranceway with one large leg sweeping forward. When Aziel came through and stood at full height at seven foot four inches, he blocked all the light coming through the door and took a good look around. A light from above cleared away the obscurity revealing Aziel's large muscular build, his human face, large wolf-like ears, and an entire body covered in silver fur. He wore no shirt, only thick brown leather pants with thick black boots, a gray strap across his chest with a pendant embedded on it holding a massive sword on his back, and a belt that held a large round mace with the handle sticking forward.

    "A rather unclean room, isn't it?" He said to himself noticing the smell as he began walking forward and took notice to the three that had entered before him. One was a winged woman that no doubt had the scent of deception. Another was a pale-skinned fellow and the last was some battle-worn man of arrogance. Aziel suspected as much since this was the tournament of arms after all, stopping at the center of the room away from the other contestants. He was unsure whether or not he should converse with the unsavory company.

  8. #8
    Welcome to the Waiting Room draco's Avatar
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    He walked tothe door of the waiting room and saw many people wainting around and chating. When he took his firt step into the waiting room he could start to feel the power of the other participents and looked at everyone of them and said quietly "I know none of these people and have never heard of them and yet there power level was so high". He walked to the first person he saw. Well it didn't look like a person h was about seven four and had a muscler body with silver fur. " ???? asked whats this tornament about and why were the strongest of u choosen to come".

  9. #9
    Lone Wolf Welcome to the Waiting Room Darkwolf's Avatar
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    "Feh, so we have newcomers" Said Dragoth as he walked foreward. He stared straight at the wolf creature's eyes for a brief moment, looked at the ground and said. "I thought this was supposed to be a tournament of fighters, not berzerkers. One who would be so slow in combat deserves to be in the front lines of a war, where they might fine SOME use" Now was his chance to observe. If the man reacted as he predicted, he would obviously be no challange at all, this waiting room seemed to be so much cheating for Dragoth. He only needed to study his opponents to see what he was up against.

    Acting as he would ignore any response from the...whatever it was, he walked to the next newcomer. He looked confused, and so therefore did not pose a threat at all to Dragoth. If someone can't keep their act together in a waiting room then what would they do in a real fight? Of course they would freak out and go berzerk, leaving themselves open to so much attacks.

    He gripped one of his two blades. They both were pitch black, and they curved forward to a sort of hook at the tip. Nonetheless, they both were double bladed, and had guards. The entirity of hte blades were pitch black, with red markings that seemed to glow. This was another of Dragoth's genious ideas. If he showed his opponents that his blades glew, they would believe that he would not be able to hide in the shadows. Wrong. He had the utmost control of himself, and his tools. It was as simple as lighting a fire with magic. It could be done without any energy being used, as both blades were apart of him. Zelithiel and Craosven were not like Akilroth. They were created as part of Dragoth. They had no seperate "mind of their own" and therefore are much more effective as weapons.

    After making contact with his future opponents, Dragoth pulled down his pitch black hood, to show his black hair, shortened to spikes with red tips going to his shoulders. His eyes were deep red, and he was nowhere close to being what he used to be. He had thrown away his bulky armor long ago, and decided to wear leather armor, all black, as his armor instead. Now that he fancied himself as a demon of speed and fire, he smiled and walked back twords the man he first made contact with. This would be fun...

  10. #10
    Synthesized Ascension Welcome to the Waiting Room Zardoch's Avatar
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    Aziel's ears twitched lazily at the sound of the new arrival's voice, his head slowly turning down onto the much shorter creature. He stared at him for a moment with sleepy eyes and turned his hips to be facing the mouthy child. For a moment, one could feel the glare of Aziel's stare creeping down ones' back, though suddenly the atmosphere changed. Aziel smiled at Dragoth and lifted his forearm with only his index finger extended.

    "Tell you what. If you go get me some scissors, I'll neuter you for free. That way you won't try to pick anymore pointless fights." Aziel chuckled at himself as he sat his arm down. "At least I would find it comical to see you in one of those head cones. I bet it would simply look adorable." Aziel said teasing Dragoth, continuing to chuckle and laugh, though not at him. He did not act aggressive in anyway.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 06-15-2008 at 10:11 PM.

  11. #11
    Full Time Glompasaurus Welcome to the Waiting Room Raider's Avatar
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    Sinumo couldn't hear much except for her ipod blaring out Avenged Sevenfold's afterlife. She walking into the waiting room, she was quite a contrast there. They all looked dark and miserable but she was bright happy and listening to one of the greatest songs ever made. Afterlife. Hehe. She would be sending some of these people to the afterlife soon. Oh so very soon.

  12. #12
    Lone Wolf Welcome to the Waiting Room Darkwolf's Avatar
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    " you belive your size and strength can defeat me. Tell you what, thing. I'll see if I can make your death quick." As he said this he shot his body foreward, until he was behind the creature, and placed both blades at the beast's neck. "I know, I'll behead you for free, and you won't have to feel pain anymore."

    The reaction was typical of a beast, he overestimated himself, and now that Dragoth had the chance to cut off it's head, maybe Dragoth wouldn't be underestimated. Of course this would cause commotion, since Dragoth was threatening to fight so early off. Of course he wouldn't injure anyone at all, this was only to show people a tad bit of his strength. Maybe Dragoth had gotten a little bit cocky than he used to be, but he knew that he was simply too proud of his newfound strength. He put his blades away, and smiled.

    "I guess you had better think twice before making those comments. I would be hear your cries as your bloody and mutilated body lies on the ground, between death and hell. Oh how I would love to kill you myself. Things like you need to be put down before they give people like us some horrible disease."

  13. #13
    Synthesized Ascension Welcome to the Waiting Room Zardoch's Avatar
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    "No, my dear boy. You're simply too quick to assume what you think you know. That and for someone who claims superiority with such arrogance, you have rather thin skin." Aziel said as there was no surprise in his eyes when the dark elf leaped forward, predictably rushing around Aziel to come up behind for an attack. Pitifully, Dragoth didn't seem to take into account of Aziel's size as the two blades that tried to move around Aziel's body didn't come close to his neck. Being so tall and so wide, Draogth would need arms at least five feet in length at least to fully reach the neck and then be two or three feet taller to be able to bring the blades over Aziel's shoulders.

    "I know, I'll behead you for free, and you won't have to feel pain anymore."
    "If you wish to do that, I could always help you get a soapbox so you can at least come face to face with me, Mr. Elf." Aziel replied, keeping his back to the smaller creature.
    "I guess you had better think twice before making those comments. I would be hear your cries as your bloody and mutilated body lies on the ground, between death and hell. Oh how I would love to kill you myself. Things like you need to be put down before they give people like us some horrible disease." Dragoth then said, Aziel rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
    "Stop being so melodramatic. You're as edgy as a crack-head without his daily crack. Lighten up, eh?" Aziel asked as he glanced back. "If you want to fight, you're going to have to wait."

    Continuing to stand with his back to Dragoth, Aziel waited for the kid to calm down. The dark elf seemed almost paranoid as he picked words right out of Aziel's mouth as if trying to justify his need to fight. To show him he wasn't threatening him in anyway, Aziel stretched his arms out as a gesture of welcoming, even though his back was still turned.

    "I'm not going to fight you until we officially meet one another in the tournament. I'm also sure if you continue to cause trouble, the man who runs the tournament could possibly disqualify you. Tsk tsk, that would mean you wouldn't get the chance to send me to hell."

    OOC: Might I remind you that Aziel is not a wolf creature and is bigger than you assume. Imagine him as the hulk, except with silver fur, not as bulky, and only has wolf-like ears. He's 7'4" and very wide. Even if your swords were six feet long, they'd barely brazen his neck. Of course, this is assuming your dark elf is 5 or 6 feet tall because otherwise he won't be able to pull off that movement if you're behind Aziel.

  14. #14
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I'm gonna use my Entity. I used a similar profile to the Entity in my story I'm writting...


    Stepping carefully over the stone slabs on the floor, Entity makes her way over to the door, which reads "The Waiting Room". Already, she can hear voices rising up from inside the chamber. Breathing slowly, she opens the door, and the noise drops a few levels as others turn to see who next will pass its doors. As she walks in, she recognizes a few people she has seen on her travels. Smiling as the thoughts of having worthy opponants cross her mind, she turns to shut the door.

    After walking to a seat, she finally sits. The smells of death and heat are hanging in the air, but she has smelt much worse after her last battle. This smell is nothing but pure daisies to her nose.

  15. #15
    The Old Skool Warrior Welcome to the Waiting Room LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Just as a reminder, let's keep the tempers to a minimum, plzkthx.

    Also keep in mind that EVERYTHING that happens in this thread has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on the actual tournament. None of this will have happened once the tournament starts. This is just to play around with your characters a bit and get into the proper mindset for writing at a tournament-level with them.

    Again, when the tournament starts, NONE OF THIS HAPPENED.

    I'll set up the scene accordingly.

  16. #16
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    The gnoll strode in, his 6'6" form bending down to get through the doorway. Stray entered, he looked around at the others waiting; he quickly spotted one who needed to calm down. An elf of some kind it appeared, and it was trying to attack, some odd human-like creature.
    "I know, I'll behead you for free, and you won't have to feel pain anymore."
    "If you wish to do that, I could always help you get a soapbox so you can at least come face to face with me, Mr. Elf."

    Stray chuckled at this, He felt he could get along with the big guy. Stray remained silent for now, hoping to avoid any comments on his race, he tends to fly off the handle at someone calling him, dog or mutt.

  17. #17
    Sniggering to himself on the chair he hadn’t yet moved himself from, Solstafir could help but laugh at the ways the others acted towards each other. He sat there quietly observing the others and no one had approached him as of yet. But he was thankful of that. The rudeness of that obscene elf had put him off somewhat but now he wanted to seem sociable towards the others.

    ‘Who to talk to?’ He thought to himself glancing over all people that had entered. Little did they know that he’d been watching them all with unflinching eyes and noting their details. His experience in battle usually lead him to assume what powers people had with next to no fault in it. But what he found unusual was there were some he had never seen before. Of all these was the latest creature to enter. It looked like a wolf of some sort but if it was as smart as a wolf, why was it here? Deciding to be inquisitive about it, Solstafir got up and walked over to the strange creature. Placing his hand on it head and the warrior ruffled its head whilst asking politely as he could,

    “What are you? Some form of dog?” Staring at it, his eyes filled with wonder. He carried on, “Can you understand me? You seem intelligent enough or you won’t be here. Maybe I’m mistaken with the rules of entry here.”

  18. #18
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Smilling as she hears Sinumo's taste in music, Entity rises from her chair and runs up to her old friend. She hadn't aged a day! Sneaking up behind her, Entity puts her hands over her head and covers Sinumo's eyes.

    "Guess who!" she laughs.

  19. #19
    Full Time Glompasaurus Welcome to the Waiting Room Raider's Avatar
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    Two hands enclosed her eyes and a female voice said "guess who." her initial recation was to throw her over her shoulder but when she did the person pulled her backwards and caught her. Only one person could do that. Entity.
    Laughing she said "hey i haven't seen you for god knows how long"
    Sinumo laughed back.

  20. #20
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    The smile faded from Entity's face as she notices everyones reaction to some friendly behaviour. Frowning at the various faces, she says loudly:

    "Moody little morons... Get a life - make some friends!" Turning back to Sinumo, she says:

    "Don't worry; when its our turn to battle, I'll go easy... But it'll mean going MAD on everyone else!"

  21. #21
    Full Time Glompasaurus Welcome to the Waiting Room Raider's Avatar
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    OCC: Shame this "never happened" e
    "yeah morons"
    Simuno Gasped and slid to the floor in pain grasping her hand in pain. After about five muinutes of writhing she stood up and quietly sta down.
    "ingnore that" she said absently rubbing her hand.

  22. #22
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    “What are you? Some form of dog?” Staring at it, his eyes filled with wonder. He carried on, “Can you understand me? You seem intelligent enough or you won’t be here. Maybe I’m mistaken with the rules of entry here.”

    If stray had not been sitting down, the man would not have tried that to a Gnoll standing 6'6" Stray didn't mind the petting thing, he could deal with that, he had before, it was the calling him a dog, that ticked him off. 'calm down, he's probably never seen a Gnoll before.'

    "Yes I can understand you, I am not exceedingly intelligent, but I would venture to say a bit above average. I would just like to say one thing, and this goes for everyone. NEVER, under any circumstances call me dog, or mutt, okay, I'm a Gnoll."

  23. #23
    Hardly moved by the now named gnoll’s reaction, Solstafir carried on trying to converse with the creature feeling that it was a common mistake with his presumption. Still, although neither eyes nor expression showed it, he felt somewhat embarrassed at his rude remark.

    “A gnoll? I haven’t heard of such a thing yet it seems I am blessed to meet one such as you. I’d like to apologize for my unsuitable choice of words but it seems my mind was elsewhere whilst I ask.” His hand moved through the creature’s hair again. As he removed it, he commented, “I hope you do not take offence but your fur does feel rather like that of a dog or wolf. It is strange yet familiar. I am quite curious of your race now.”

    He stepped back, eyes looking up and down the gnoll and absorbing its characteristics into his mind. Solstafir was perceptive of all the creatures physical features and thought to himself, ‘It’d be better that I know how to recognize one unless I dislike my head.’ Smirking to himself once more, he continued to talk.

    “So if I may be so bold to ask, what is it that has brought you here?”

  24. #24
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    “A gnoll? I haven’t heard of such a thing yet it seems I am blessed to meet one such as you. I’d like to apologize for my unsuitable choice of words but it seems my mind was elsewhere whilst I ask.” His hand moved through the creature’s hair again. As he removed it, he commented, “I hope you do not take offence but your fur does feel rather like that of a dog or wolf. It is strange yet familiar. I am quite curious of your race now.”

    Stray chuckled, he didn't mind the petting feeling, actually he was amused to find it was quite enjoyable,
    "None taken, not too far off, actually the fur is closer to that of a hyena. It makes sense to be curious, my race hasn't really been trying to make ourselves known."

    “So if I may be so bold to ask, what is it that has brought you here?”

    Stray sighed,
    "I am here because it is no longer an advantage for my race to stay hidden, I was chosen because I was the only one who had delt with a human before, though I admit it was only with a young girl who had seen me training with a practice sword." Stray's hand unconciensly touched the pommel of Sequence.
    "But enough about me what brings you here?"

  25. #25
    Welcome to the Waiting Room draco's Avatar
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    OOC: Mokkan Brushtail I'm talking to you.

    Well it looked like no one was going to talk to him then all of a suuden he saw a new contestment. Hi are you new to this tornement.
    Last edited by draco; 06-18-2008 at 07:21 PM.

  26. #26
    Completely observant to what the gnoll had to say and what he did, Solstaifr was enthralled by the creatures and its circumstances. Not completely blinded by his mind though, he noticed how it reached to touch its blade. Wary of what could happen, the warrior slowly took a small step back. The gnoll seemed pleasant enough but he knew nothing of their culture so he did for personal protection. It seemed the thing had not seen his small retreat as it raised a question to him.

    "But enough about me what brings you here?"

    Somewhat startled by the question, he began to think why exactly he was here. His eyes looked elsewhere as Solstafir tried to conceive some reason for his being here. Looking back to the gnoll, he spoke.

    “Erm…. Well its quite complex if I say so myself. I could say I’m here on my own accord but that wouldn’t completely define the point. If I said I was here on behalf of my village then I’d be telling the truth and lying.” He sighed. He knew why he was here just didn’t know how to explain it to the gnoll. To come out saying he was a puppet of Gods and by their fickle nature he had come to win for both them and his own personal gain would seem fanatical to anyone who heard it.

    “I’m sorry. I must be talking absolute dribble now mustn’t I. My reason is quite hard to word without making myself seem mad. I will say though that one of these reasons for entering was to amend for past sins although now, I’m not completely sure.”

  27. #27
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    “Erm…. Well its quite complex if I say so myself. I could say I’m here on my own accord but that wouldn’t completely define the point. If I said I was here on behalf of my village then I’d be telling the truth and lying.” He sighed. He knew why he was here just didn’t know how to explain it to the gnoll. To come out saying he was a puppet of Gods and by their fickle nature he had come to win for both them and his own personal gain would seem fanatical to anyone who heard it.

    “I’m sorry. I must be talking absolute dribble now mustn’t I. My reason is quite hard to word without making myself seem mad. I will say though that one of these reasons for entering was to amend for past sins although now, I’m not completely sure.”

    "Well I'm not sure about absolute Dribble, but I'll admit it wasn't simple. Hmmmm, well that works I guess good luck on that, but know this even because of that I won't be letting you win if we fight." The Stray heard the other on, the human who hadn't done anything speak to him,
    "Hmmm, oh yeah, I'm new to this, my whole race is new to this."

  28. #28
    Welcome to the Waiting Room draco's Avatar
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    "Well so am I. This whole place is filled to the top with high level players and i don't think i'll even make it threw the first round. But who cares right I only entered this tornament for two reasons. One is to get some fighting EXP and the second is, well just to have fun."

    "Well now I want to ask you some questions about you and your race> First what kind of race are you and were did you come from. Second, I know I should've asked this question first what is your name. Last Do you have any family."

  29. #29
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Welcome to the Waiting Room Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Well so am I. This whole place is filled to the top with high level players and i don't think i'll even make it threw the first round. But who cares right I only entered this tornament for two reasons. One is to get some fighting EXP and the second is, well just to have fun."

    "Well now I want to ask you some questions about you and your race> First what kind of race are you and were did you come from. Second, I know I should've asked this question first what is your name. Last Do you have any family."

    Stray was amused and annoyed,
    "Just to have fun, If you don't take this seriously then you really do have no chance. I am a gnoll and my village's location is not to be told to just anyone, My Name is Staranza, but you may call me Stray if that is to much of a mouthful, and no, my family is dead, has been for a long time." He didn't like bringing up his family. He wasn't going to talk about it know.

  30. #30
    Finding himself laughing once more, Solstafir had backed out of the conversation after the child butted in. Just from a look of him and hearing his manner of speech, he found him to be a great impertinence, hardly worth a moment of his time in this tournament. It wasn’t this that made him laugh though. It was his dull simplicity, his naivety to the others around him. The warrior couldn’t help himself as he found the fact the kid had entered for fun and experience. Still from the reaction Stray had given the boy, he felt the need to step in.

    “Pardon my interruption but I feel its best I ask you to, erm…how can I put this nicely? Go back to your seat? Yes, that’ll do. Well can you? You’ve appeared as rude from the start by jumping into the conversation I was having with this gnoll.” Stopping for a moment, he turned to Stray and like before attempted to smile. The warrior thought it might be misleading for the others if he pretended to be nice and so he did the best he could. Turning back to the man in front of him, he continued, “Also I find that your bombardment of questions towards Stray has again been somewhat disrespectful. Are there such things as manners where you come from? You can also see his reaction to your probing questions were as a normal, curious person would have treaded more lightly into personal matters. I’m sure I sound hypocritical now if you over heard what happened moments ago but I’m sure mine was a common mistake.”

    With that Solstafir wavered his hand to the man, a gesture for him to go, as he turned round to Stray. Again smiling, he spoke, “So your name’s Staranza if you didn’t mind me overhearing. Then I might as well introduce myself then. I am Solstafir.” He offered his hand to the gnoll, hoping for a pleasant response unlike before.
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 06-19-2008 at 12:44 PM.

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