Consider this your lobby for the next Tournament of Arms.
I'd like you all to take this time to write in character. What character, you ask? Any character. Any character you'd like. This is, quite literally, a waiting room. I have already decided on the theme for the next tournament, and will reveal that to all of you shortly. It's halfway through 2008 and it's been 15 months since the last tournament ended. This has been far too long, no?
We can discuss a timeframe when I open the next thread.
I reiterate: This is, quite literally, a waiting room.
Pick a character and pull up a seat. I want you to start interacting with one another and getting into the mindset for some tournament-worthy fighting.
There will be very few limitations on the next tournament in terms of character types -- no god-like characters, so that's out of the question off the bat. This tournament will, almost entirely, follow the standard RPB rules. I will make a couple of exceptions for some things, and a couple of restrictions, but these will be light.
I'm looking for something small this summer -- eight-player cap, honestly. If you can't be active for a solid 6-8 weeks for the duration of the tournament, I don't want you to apply. I'm considering starting signups as soon as a week from now, and the tournament as soon as two weeks from now. We'll discuss that at length when I get the information/registration thread up.
I may or may not get that thread up tonight; in the meantime, get to know one another.