“A gnoll? I haven’t heard of such a thing yet it seems I am blessed to meet one such as you. I’d like to apologize for my unsuitable choice of words but it seems my mind was elsewhere whilst I ask.” His hand moved through the creature’s hair again. As he removed it, he commented, “I hope you do not take offence but your fur does feel rather like that of a dog or wolf. It is strange yet familiar. I am quite curious of your race now.”

Stray chuckled, he didn't mind the petting feeling, actually he was amused to find it was quite enjoyable,
"None taken, not too far off, actually the fur is closer to that of a hyena. It makes sense to be curious, my race hasn't really been trying to make ourselves known."

“So if I may be so bold to ask, what is it that has brought you here?”

Stray sighed,
"I am here because it is no longer an advantage for my race to stay hidden, I was chosen because I was the only one who had delt with a human before, though I admit it was only with a young girl who had seen me training with a practice sword." Stray's hand unconciensly touched the pommel of Sequence.
"But enough about me what brings you here?"