Lady GaGa is a secret soldier for the Illuminati, using her music as a form of mind control on people. She is to be stopped at all costs.
Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet | The Vigilant Citizen
Who here likes her?
When people find out I like her, they think I should be embarassed about it, but I'm not. I love her music. I bought The Fame, and have listened to it tons. I bought it on Vinyl, and it sounds even better. Her new song 'Bad Romance' is her best yet. I'm going to buy The Fame Monster when it comes out, even though it comes with The Fame again.
She is awesome.
Anyone else think so?
Lady GaGa is a secret soldier for the Illuminati, using her music as a form of mind control on people. She is to be stopped at all costs.
Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet | The Vigilant Citizen
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Quoted for truth.
I think her music is horrendously bad. I can stand hearing two seconds of Pokerface.
You know what's weird, I kind of picture Mistress Sheena as being like her. (Don't kill me) I don't have a clue why, I just do.
I guess you could say that Lady GaGa is a good singer and it shows because so many people like her but I don't really like anything she does and I don't want to listen to her sing when I'm in the car listening to the radio! So in response to the question: No I don't like her.
Last edited by ViviMasterMage; 10-27-2009 at 12:38 PM.
My things:
In all honesty her music is catchy and has a really nice rhythm, I'm not a big fan of her but I do listen some of her music although mostly when I'm drunk.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Hey! Read my movie blog!
She's got some legit credentials, getting accepted into Juilliard as a kid and then going to NYU's art school (wikipedia). It's proven that the girl can sing, but her music is pretty terrible. It's kind of just blaring and obnoxious. She's got a decent body, but is a total butterface and wears clothes that don't make my wiener happy.
And vivimastermage is wise beyond his years.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Lady Gaga's songs are good and catchy for me, and very good to dance with, since mostLy it's upbeat and very LiveLy.. and my favourite song of her is "Paparazzi" I just heard it on the radio/T.V, and I Like it more than seeing her singing Live, 'cause she dances very weird..
other than that there's nothing more I Like about her..
Last edited by Yesha; 11-11-2009 at 03:21 AM.
My Art Thread:
I think Lady GaGa is alright. I don't mind listening to her occasionally, her music is catchy and she uses great beats. But with that said, just like any other artist, If I hear too much of the same song, it gets old really quick. I usually end up liking a song by her for a while. Then, I get sick of it because that's all I ever hear on the radio or, music channels. But, once I get around to listening to it again later on, it's just as good as it was before I got sick of it, unlike songs that you get sick of and never want to hear agian for the rest of your life.
Two things
1.I just have to clear this up is lady gaga a hermaphrodite
Read this
2. Listen to something called the cherry tree sessions she sounds so much better on it
My Sigs:
Lol I heard the stuff about her being a Hermaphrodite... But so what? Granted I dislike her singing, but it doesn't make her any less of a human.
The following is all quotes by Micheal J Caboose
"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
"No. No. Wait. Go back! Why are there six pedals if there are only four directions?"
"I think so... That guy Tex is really a robot, and you're his boyfriend. So that makes you... a gay robot!"
"Look, more sleeping people. It must be nap time! But who has nap time now? Nap time comes before pants time, not after. I think these people are just making up times!"
"I have to go to the bathroom now for some reason... Which is odd, because I already went when we were standing in the creek together!"
"Running time!"
"You are a good person, and people say nice things about you."
"My name is Michael J. Caboose, and I hate babies!"
"I will eat your unhappiness!"
"Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black parts."
"See? He is mad. Now he will stare at me until I stop talking. Then, when he thinks I am done talking, then he will start talking, again."
"I think I will call him Crunchbite."
"I think blarg means me. Or apples. *gasp* Apples must be the name of his cat! Alien, is Apples stuck in a tree? I will call the fire department!"
"Do you need a blanket? Tucker, do you want some hot dogs in a blanket?"
"I hope we meet a cleric on the way. We don't have anyone who can heal."
"Just like chiropractors. Ok, so, um, Tucker is the fighter, Crunchbite is the healer and I am the powerful.....and intelligent wizard Mophumax."
"You told me it was another arm..."
"Church, if I die, I want you to have my orange juice."
"The last time I was shot I got a purple heart. Yeah, I hope this time I get a purple lung. You see, eventually I hope to build an entire purple person. And we will be best friends."
"Hey Chicka Bum Bum."
All quote directly from Red Vs. Blue...Lady Gaga makes me feel like this i hate her damn music and feel she should be destroyed...
Last edited by Josh_R; 11-04-2009 at 07:48 AM.
.....P-P-P-P-P-Poker Face is my guilty pleasure. There, I said it. Now shut the **** up and close this thread plz. Kthxbai.
You must think I hate you, but I really just like to ask you questions! XD
So, you hate her music and you want her to be destroyed, that is perfectly okay with me, as I'm not a huge fan of her. But I wouldn't say something like that. It's okay that she's alive and making songs. Everyone should have the right to do so. Why not just ignore her? (No offense, I would've said that to anyone ^^)
As for me... I didn't like Pokerface at all (though I liked how Cartman [South Park] sang it in last week's episode XD), but I liked Paparazzi. It's not the best song I've ever heard, but it's not that bad. After listenening to it (not just hearing it while working XD") it wasn't that great anymore.
Though I'd like to think that she wrote the lyrics and thought about what she was singing. xD" I mean, isn't it nice to sing about paparazzis after her gender was discussed so heavily? xP
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
I don't think you hate me Freya...I was joking when I said she should be destroyed probably should have put jk after my post so everyone would know..I just really dislike her music and I would have no problem ignoring but it's everywhere you turn on the radio there it is, turn your tv to mtv there it is go to a club to party it up they are bound to play her song's...It's everywhere so I can't ignore it therefore I will just bitch and moan until it is gone for jk
Mmmmm gotta love those pointy pyramids, as for the Illuminati I may be wrong but wasn't it an all male brotherhood or sect what ever you want to call it.
I think she is god damn hot if you ask me and I don't care if she has a penis or not I would go the shemale just for her![]()
Her songs are catchy I don't mind them actually but the get over played on our radio stations.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
The only song of hers that I've ever heard was Pokerface. And I've heard it, and heard it, and heard it, and I've heard it some more... It gets played to the ground on our radio stations too... It wasn't bad the first few times it was played, but now I don't really pay attention to it. It's just noise to me now.
Rofl.Posted by Kindness Saviour Dragoon/RamesesII
I think she is god damn hot if you ask me and I don't care if she has a penis or not I would go the shemale just for her![]()
Click at your own risk.:
I'm one of Lady Gaga fans. i like her music style.. also her hairstyle, performance and everything! she's just awesome! lol~ i don't care what's people think about her but she still has many fans out there..
Not sure if she is or not but that's probably why she is actually a he, so there ya go.
I do like this song that Kid Cudi did.
YouTube - Kid Cudi - Make Her Say (feat. Kanye West & Common)
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I'm pretty sure Lady Gaga is actually a tranny anyone know for sure whether she is or not cause I have heard this multiple times but I have no idea whether she is or isn't...
So you're sure that she's tranny but you have no idea if she actually is...
You know I'm rather sick with this story, so what if it's true Kisuke, does this make her any less of a singer? I myself really don't care what's in her pants as long as she makes good music, it's not like I was listening her songs only because of her looks and I highly doubt her voice will change even if she has a **** down there.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I messed up on my words a little bit there Xantos I apoligize...But as for her being a guy or girl it was simply a question I never said anything about effecting her voice or anything and my opinion will not chaneg whether I know for sure or not I think her music is horrble male or female...
I know Kisuke, you've stated multiple times that you're not fond of her music and it's rather clear that it has nothing to do with her being female or male, at least in your case so my apologizes.
My question shouldn't be directed to you, it's for all those people who were fond of her and liked her music before this let's call it "media scandal" and it's frankly shocking that those same people don't listen to her know simply because she might be hermaphrodite. Few of my friends belong to that category, I mean if you liked her music before why sudden change? So what if she's hermaphrodite? Her voice and music style didn't change which brings my question, why have you listened to her in the first place?
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Okay, I don't know if this is throwing the topic off track, but OH MY GOD THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!
Well, I find it hilarious because I am a HUGE fan of LittleKuriboh and his YuGiOh anime abridged series! If you haven't heard of it, then some of the humor may be not known to you, but I think this is a great parody of Lady GaGa's Pokerface.
Click at your own risk.:
I understand and what you mean now Xantos...I may sound like a hypocrite for this but about a half an hour ago I heard a song by her called paparazzi and it wasnt that bad, all the other ones I heard poker face and that damn song about riding a disco stick were crap but this actually wasnt that bad of a song...It certainly will never be in the top 100 of my favorite but it wasnt horrible...
Paparazzi, and poker face. Wow I don't care what people think of her/him. She/he is awesome. I love her/his voice{ I don't know what to believe, I'm so cornfused[yes cornfused not confused cornfused]}I like all of her/his son's so what am I saying?!?!
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
I enjoy her music but she wears some insane outfits, I don't understand her fashion sense but she's got talent. Her songs are all catchy and fun. I don't know whether she's a hermaphrodite or what but she's still cool.