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Thread: Guitar FAQ - everything you probably wanted to know

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  1. #12
    Guitar FAQ - everything you probably wanted to know Daddy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    I am head of Banners too
    Quote Originally Posted by Corruption
    This article was overall pretty good, but I feel there were two errors. Primarily, you made it sound like you could put steel strings on a classical guitar. Most know that a classical guitar is not designed to handle the pressure of steel strings, and will result in the neck bending into a bow, until it breaks.

    The article also seems biased against single coil pickups. It may be your opinion, or where you got the article from. Or it could be that I swear by single coils for their twang and punch.

    You left out eight gauged strings as well. Not very popular, but with a good Telecaster, it can make very nice highs.

    When you get into writing your guitar care article, I suggest noting that people should de-tune their guitars when flying, or overall not in use. It is terrible for the neck. Also, the problem with people leaning guitars against walls and such on their neck, also terrible.
    Good point - reading over that section of the article, I jus realised that I made it sound that way. I was, of course, referring to steel-strung acoustics. I'll have to amend that.

    I am biased against single-coils, since the hum drives me nuts. Still, bias isn't good in an article like this, so I'll amend that too.

    I hadn't really seen 8 guage strings that often, so they didn't come to mind when I was writing that list. I'll add them for completion.

    EDIT: I've changed my opinion of single-coils, particularly on telecasters. A tele loaded with fender texas custom single coils produce the best clean tone I've ever heard, which has drove me to look for a three-pickup telecaster.
    Last edited by Daddy; 07-12-2006 at 08:46 PM.
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