For those not familiar with Scott Weiland, he was the lead singer for the Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver.
Now just recently Scott left Velvet Revolver (One of the greatest rock n roll/ Hard rock modern bands) to Make a new album with the Stone Temple Pilots, his first major band.
Now for fans of either or both bands, do you think he made the right move?
I mean Velvet Revolver is one of the greatest supergroups of all time, bringing back Rock and Roll into the mainstream (Which seems to be overun with crappy poppy emo rip off metal like Aveneged Seven Fold and Bullet For My Valentine)
But on the otherhand he is going back to his original band, his roots.
In my opinion although I love both bands, I think that it was a great idea to go back to STP, if fans still enjoy the music, then I think it is a good thing that they are bringing it back to this generation for people that missed out on being an appropriate age for the first time around.
What do you think?