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Thread: Did Scott Weiland make the right move?

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  1. #1
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Did Scott Weiland make the right move? Confession's Avatar
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    Did Scott Weiland make the right move?

    For those not familiar with Scott Weiland, he was the lead singer for the Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver.

    Now just recently Scott left Velvet Revolver (One of the greatest rock n roll/ Hard rock modern bands) to Make a new album with the Stone Temple Pilots, his first major band.

    Now for fans of either or both bands, do you think he made the right move?

    I mean Velvet Revolver is one of the greatest supergroups of all time, bringing back Rock and Roll into the mainstream (Which seems to be overun with crappy poppy emo rip off metal like Aveneged Seven Fold and Bullet For My Valentine)
    But on the otherhand he is going back to his original band, his roots.

    In my opinion although I love both bands, I think that it was a great idea to go back to STP, if fans still enjoy the music, then I think it is a good thing that they are bringing it back to this generation for people that missed out on being an appropriate age for the first time around.

    What do you think?

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  2. #2
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that Weiland was out of control and into hardcore drinking and drugs again, and was thus kicked from Velvet Revolver, not left of his own free will.

    Also, VR wasn't that good. The term "supergroup" these days usually means next to jack. Some of their songs were worth a listen, but none of it lived up to those guys' original bands. With the exception of Audioslave, good lord was that an amazing group.

    Edit: Nice sig, now I want to listen to The Misfits. =(((

  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    I was under the impression that Weiland was out of control and into hardcore drinking and drugs again, and was thus kicked from Velvet Revolver, not left of his own free will.
    I was under the same impression. And so was MTV news heh.

    But anyways, I think it is a great thing that Weiland is back with STP where he truely belongs, don't get me wrong but VR picked the wrong man for the job when it comes to a lead. I think they should of picked someone more hard core then Weiland. Who knows maybe the future will hold the next great singer leading VR.

    But like I said I am glad that Weiland is back with STP, they are one of my favorite bands of all times, sucks I missed the show that came through recently. I am glad that he is back to his roots singing some of those classics that I have loved for so long. Now if he could only kick the drug habbit for good.
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  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Did Scott Weiland make the right move? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I don't like Scott Weiland's voice, but Velvet Revolver were OK, and so I think he made a bad move. He was more known in VR. I had never heard of him until VR came out, (I did go back and listen to Stone Temple Pilots afterwards, and didn't like them at all).

    I think it was actually that he was a **** to the drummer of Velvet Revolver, but there were loads of different stories going around, but this one (supposedly) came from the drummer himself.

  5. #5
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    YES. I can't stand the guy.

    I WANT SLASH, DUFF AND MATT TO GO BACK TO GUNS N' ROSES. That's where they truly belong. That would be the best. I doubt it would ever happen anyway but you never know. It would be a dream come true for me!

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  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Chocobo View Post
    YES. I can't stand the guy.

    I WANT SLASH, DUFF AND MATT TO GO BACK TO GUNS N' ROSES. That's where they truly belong. That would be the best. I doubt it would ever happen anyway but you never know. It would be a dream come true for me!
    That would require Axl Rose to pull his head out of his ass and stop being the most egotistical piece of shit in the current music scene. I mean, seriously, I thought Chris Cornell turned into a douche after Audioslave, but Rose takes that crown. That Chinese Democracy album he FINALLY put out? Absolutely terrible - I also love how many musicians left GnR in the creation of that album. Axl's just clinging to a long lost memory with the name Guns 'n Roses.

    Oh well, at least that terrible album got me a free Dr. Pepper, and hours of amusement over the lawsuit he filed at the CEO.

    On topic: Velvet Revolver was doomed to fail, too many ****ing egos.

  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Chocobo View Post
    YES. I can't stand the guy.

    I WANT SLASH, DUFF AND MATT TO GO BACK TO GUNS N' ROSES. That's where they truly belong. That would be the best. I doubt it would ever happen anyway but you never know. It would be a dream come true for me!
    Win-win then for us both. I always liked Stone Temple Pilots a fair bit better than Velvet Revolver.

    But I did like Velvet Revolver as a group as well, so I hope they will corroborate on some new project in future. If not, oh well, I got enough great albums in my collection regardless.

    And I second what Sean said about Axl Rose. Blimey, glad I didn't fork over any money there for that album... ><
    It's truly a pity they've fallen so much as far as my tastes are concerned.
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