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Thread: The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED!

  1. #211
    Scald is fantastic. It is a shame they didn't make anything beyond WOTGIGP.
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  2. #212
    Yeah Will Of The Gods Is Great Power is fantastic, and Argyl's vocal performance is one of my favourites of any genre of music. He had a really nice midrange and his wails were just heavenly. Apparently the remaining members went on to form another band called Tumulus when he died, but I haven't heard anything of theirs. Apparently they don't sound much like Scald though.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  3. #213
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Gorath Sodom - Melodic: Catamenia, Dawn, Windir (Also Paganish), Elite, Taake, and thats about the only melodic stuff I have.

    Asatru/Pagan: First and foremost there is Icelands Fortid which sticks to the typical formula of Scandinavian folk with metal, also Enslaved. There there is stuff like Falkenbach, Nachtfalke (****ing excellent), Bathory, Ensiferum, Falchion, Isengard, Manegarm, Equilibrium, Thryfing and Vintersorg.

    Lately I cant get enough of Goatmoon, the first album is extremely raw and primitive then the second album has a bit of flutes but still classic. Also a bit of Noenum and Lutomysl is quite interesting to me.

  4. #214
    I hate it when people write off Witchcraft as some Sabbath/Pentagram ripoff when it is so fucking obvious that they're not. Sabbath/Pentagram/Witchfinder General/The Doors/Led Zep/etc are all a part of the sound and for some reason people really don't know how to look beyond the Sabbath influence.
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  5. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by The Witchfinder
    I hate it when people write off Witchcraft as some Sabbath/Pentagram ripoff when it is so fucking obvious that they're not. Sabbath/Pentagram/Witchfinder General/The Doors/Led Zep/etc are all a part of the sound and for some reason people really don't know how to look beyond the Sabbath influence.
    Oh, every doom metal (or retro heavy rock or whatever you'd call Witchcraft) gets the Sabbath comparison. Mostly for no apparent reason other than total ignorance. If I had a penny for every time I have heard/seen Saint Vitus for example described as Sabbath worship, I'd be among the richest people on the planet.

    Saint Vitus doesn't really sound anything like Black Sabbath. Unless the only Black Sabbath everyone has heard is the first 2 minutes of Electric Funeral played on an old car stereo.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  6. #216
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Its the same with Black Metal, idiots think most bands are a Darkthrone clone, then other idiots think that Darkthrone is a Celtic Frost Clone. Then everybody thinks everything is a Bathory clone. Whats worse is on MySpace you have all these Burzum and Immortal worship bands.

  7. #217
    That One Guy The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! dimmufan's Avatar
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    I need to update my metal collection. What are some good Norweigian Black Metal bands that I could put into my collection?
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  8. #218
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    There is much more to BM than true Norwegian BM.

    Whilst not really pure Black, I have been listening to Sigh a lot, not what I would normally listen to but interesting never the less.

    EDIT: Holy shit, Peste Noire is one of the greatest bands I have heard since.... Urfaust. This is exactly how BM should be made, none of the overly symphonic crap, just pure hateful Black Metal, proof that the French have some of the greatest Musicians in the world (Next to Germany of course).
    Last edited by Angantyr; 06-12-2007 at 08:29 PM.

  9. #219
    Born Again is such an underrated Sabbath album.

    Gillan > all other Sabbath vocalists
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  10. #220
    Born Again does have some good stuff on it, but the material is a bit inconsistent in my opinion and the production and mix could have been a lot better.

    As for Ian Gillan, I like all the recording Sabbath vocalists. I do hold Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy Osbourne and Tony Martin in higher regard when it comes to what they achieved with Black Sabbath. The only Sabbath singer I didn't really like is Glenn Hughes His voice was a bit too thin for Black Sabbath and both on Seventh Star and the albums he did with Iommi, he sounds very strained. He was awesome in Deep Purple though and as was Ian Gillan (even though I like David Coverdale better)
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  11. #221
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! TomStrife's Avatar
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    The Ever-Enchanted Land of Noisemaking where our only means of survival is Metal!
    Have you guys heard Between the Buried and Me?
    I just got back into their album Alaska.
    Man, they are awesome.
    Remember kids, internet debates are just like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

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  12. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by TomStrife
    Have you guys heard Between the Buried and Me?
    I just got back into their album Alaska.
    Man, they are awesome.
    Just another generic American metalcore band combining those melodic parts with some hardcore breakdowns to create something that sounds exactly like every other mallcore band. Mallcore is the nu-metal of this millenium and in a couple of years we'll all be laughing at those bands.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  13. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Kenneth
    Just another generic American metalcore band combining those melodic parts with some hardcore breakdowns to create something that sounds exactly like every other mallcore band. Mallcore is the nu-metal of this millenium and in a couple of years we'll all be laughing at those bands.
    There is no way in hell that Between The Buried and Me are generic, nor do they sound like every other metalcore band. Generic metalcore sounds like As I Lay Dying - a band BTBAM sound nothing like.

    Anyways ...

    BTBAM's self-titled is an amazing work - much preferred to their more recent albums even though I do love Alaska. The Silent Circus is WAY too chaotic for me to listen to often and Alaska I find to be a tad inconsistent. The s/t is the perfect mixture of chaos, beauty, and excellent musicianship, and while there are no songs that have such standout moments as the solo in Selkies or the completely massive breakdown in Autodidact - it works together better as a whole piece. I really am looking forward to Colors, and hope it gets released before the end of the year.

    They really need to do something good because my other favorite metalcore band, Architects, ****ed themselves over SO badly with the less than stellar Ruin.
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  14. #224
    Melodic Gothenburg parts - check
    Breakdowns - check
    Singalong parts - check

    To these ears they don't sound horribly different from the rest of that metalcore/deathcore bs. Not any better, not any worse. In through one ear, out through the other.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  15. #225
    They may have those elements - but you've not listened to alot of metalcore if they sound like the other bands to you. Their execution is totally different from the majority of the bands.
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  16. #226
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I admit I used to listen to Hatebreed for like 1 month when their second album came out (forgot the name) as I thought it was "Hardcore" but I quickly grew out of that phase.

    Oh I found me an old Sigh vinyl, "Requiem for Fools" which I've been told is worth quite a bit, just hope I can get it in time. Still waiting for my Drudhk "Anti-Urban" EP.

  17. #227
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Forgotten Tomb, who likes them?

    I was recommended this band about a thousand times, so I've checked them out. Fantastic stuff, although to be fair, there are a lot of labels for them...

    Black metal, depressive metal, depressive black metal, doom metal... What exactly are they? I can see how they'd have all of those labels, but can somebody "correct" me on this?

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  18. #228
    I vaguely remember having heard Forgotten Tomb, black/doom I guess works for them.

    Anyways, holy shit - everyone here needs to get their grubby little hands on Reverend Bizarre's III: So Long Suckers the SECOND THEY CAN - be it via downloading or ordering it the second it is released. You will NEED THIS.

    2 hours and 10 minutes long, but not once does it get boring, not once does it drag on, it is solid all the way through and there are like 6 bass solos throughout the entire album - all of them awesome. Simply damned impressive album.

    I thought Alcest's newest would be AOTY for sure, but this ... this is just beyond that on all levels.

    I don't want to prejudge SLS too much, but if it retains this over some time - it will make it into my top albums of all time.
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  19. #229
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan
    I need to update my metal collection. What are some good Norweigian Black Metal bands that I could put into my collection?
    Immortal, but I'm pretty sure you've heard them already.. Storm made a great masterpiece called Nordavind (Northwind).
    Limbonic Art - Melodic Black Metal.
    Einherjer and Enslaved are definatly good bands, Enslaved have made a great split with Emperor and Einherjer is great Viking Metal.
    Finally for now, there is Ragnarok, few bands are more tr00 and frostbitten than these guys.

    All these bands are favorites of mine and I am sure they will please your ears.
    (If you have all of these, just kick me in my ass and I'll hook you up with some more.)

  20. #230
    That One Guy The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! dimmufan's Avatar
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    Yea, Emperor is a great band. Thanx for the list. Sounds like they will become excellent additions to my collection. *kicks darkViVi in the ass anyways for not having more favorite bands*.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  21. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi
    Finally for now, there is Ragnarök, few bands are more tr00 and frostbitten than these guys.
    Ragnarök have alway come across to me as third rate BM - oh well.

    Anyways, I want to kick myself repeatedly for having not heard Warning - Watching From A Distance until now.
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  22. #232
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Forgotten Tomb is average Depressive Black Metal from what I heard, I have recently acquired everything from them but haven't taken the time to listen to them.

    I heard Ragnar&#246;k a few years back, like 1 song or something which was decent but never looked into them much further.

    I still say Noenum owns all.

  23. #233
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan
    Yea, Emperor is a great band. Thanx for the list. Sounds like they will become excellent additions to my collection. *kicks darkViVi in the ass anyways for not having more favorite bands*.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Witchfinder
    Ragnar&#246;k have alway come across to me as third rate BM - oh well.
    Oh? Well.. I like them, a lot. What makes you say this?

    Hmm more bands..? Ok I guess..

    Kinda hard since I don't know what you have or know but... here's some more...
    I'm not sure if memory serves but I think Agantyr is Norwegian, what little I have heard is most excellent. Winter can confirm or deconfirm their nationality but you should check them out nontheless.
    Mayhem, classic if you're into their stuff, worth checking out. Listen before buying.
    Windir - Great stuff, must check out.
    1349, check them out. Featuring Frost from Satyricon, though they are more Death than Black.
    Malsain, even though they are a bit Doomish I would really recommend them. Great stuff.
    Last edited by darkViVi; 06-24-2007 at 01:04 PM.

  24. #234
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Mayhem is kind of essential, but so is Burzum.

    Good Norwegians bands outside of the Second wave include: Taake, Elite, Tsjuder, Ildjarn (Only if you like it raw), Windir, Trelldom & Pantheon I.

    France and Finland is where its at now.

  25. #235
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    France and Finland is where its at now.
    Is what's at now..? New Metal sounds quite gay no matter where it come from, nothing can compete with the old classics.

    Anyway, I am pretty sure that Taake is Danish, is that not so? I might remember incorrectly but I am pretty sure about that. Clear that up for me please

  26. #236
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi
    Is what's at now..? New Metal sounds quite gay no matter where it come from, nothing can compete with the old classics.

    Anyway, I am pretty sure that Taake is Danish, is that not so? I might remember incorrectly but I am pretty sure about that. Clear that up for me please
    Ugh, I hate purism in metal - aside from in one thing, objective acceptance that the forefathers of black metal are the best. You don't have to like them more or anything - but one should accept them as the higher bands.

    None of the major Norwegian bands were bad - they had this, unique spirit, to them - they in a way crafted this sound off of their ideology, they were treading new ground that hadn't been even seen before. They sounded like what they did - because that was how they knew to express their souls through the musical medium.

    That is something no BM band today can claim - they play BM how it is, because they know that is how it is supposed to sound. No matter how much I may prefer current BM bands like Belenos and Epheles, they will never be able to claim they were making the music because that is how they envisioned their ideals expressed into music, but rather because they knew that is how BM sounded and the ideals expressed in the music were such they have to express.
    But this whole retroism bullshit just pisses me off - new metal can kill so much of the old bands it isn't funny.

    Taake is Norwegian.
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  27. #237
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Witchfinder
    Ugh, I hate purism in metal - aside from in one thing, objective acceptance that the forefathers of black metal are the best. You don't have to like them more or anything - but one should accept them as the higher bands.

    But this whole retroism bullshit just pisses me off - new metal can kill so much of the old bands it isn't funny.

    Taake is Norwegian.
    Meeh I just don't like them... The newer bands that is... They just... I dunno... I prefer the stuff I grew up with. I guess I'm old s<00l
    Some are alright but.. the old stuff is very krieg.

  28. #238
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I agree with The Witchfinder, I kind of understand where you are coming from darkViVi but believe me, there is still plenty of new bands. This year alone has which is only halfway through has seen good stuff from Shining, Life Lover, Alcest, Goatmoon, Kroda and the list goes on.

    Also there was other bands outside of Norway like Holy Death, Mortuary Drape, VON and the like who were playing their style before the whole scene got together.

  29. #239
    Hahaha, VON - what a joke of a band.
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  30. #240
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I was never much for them either, but apparently VON were a large influence.

    I'm listening to Craft, supposedly the new Darkthrone like Peste Noire is the new Mutiilation, Wolven Ancestery is the new Emperor, and I presume Watain is the new Mayhem... or so they say.

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