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Thread: The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED!

  1. #181
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    At least he is not all talk.

    Anyway I am looking for some more Doom, so far I tried Norway's Funeral but didn't like the Vocals. November's Doom's new album but it seemed more like Death Metal. Right now I am listening to Longing for Dawn which is quite impressive, also Russia's Non Immemor Mei is admirable (though I may mentioned them before), Solstice which you suggested before was quite good.

  2. #182
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    ^This is not the brotherhoods thread... Or wait... It is! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    However non-members are also encouraged to post here, only Metal goes though.

    By Thorr's grim asshairs! I have never realized how much of a unholy masterpiece Nile is until recently! I mean I have been listening to them for a while but lately, they have grown to be one of my favourite bands. The drums are worthy of the gods, the guitar solos are KRIG! Plain and simple.

    NP: Von Unaussprechlichen Kulturen by band mentioned above.

    As for Varg "Greven" Vikernes, well atleast he burned down a church, that is a big score in my book.

  3. #183
    Nile is overrated filth, they run off of a gimmick and without it I bet no one would even know of their existance.

    Check out Lykathea Aflame instead. It is what Nile and Cryptopsy would sound like combined together with an "uplifting" sound.
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  4. #184
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Perhaps, and grazias for the recommendation, however, Death Metal is not my genre. I mostly listen to Symphonic Back Metal such as Emperor, Old Man's Child and that sort of stuff. I find Nile to be a band that sticks it's rotten head out from the Dath Metal scene, what I mean is that I seldom listen to the genre at all but I find Nile to be truly epical.

    Do not be so quick on calling something overrated, people have different opinions and tastes, and just so you know, Nle actually makes me wish to listen to Death more, but unfortunately most of the DM that I've heard is mostly about pace and not very technical, Nle however is technical indeed and utterly KRIEG!!

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi

    As for Varg "Greven" Vikernes, well atleast he burned down a church, that is a big score in my book.
    My complaints with the burning thing

    - To the best of my knowledge, at least one of those churches was originally heathen, which sort of defeated Varg's mission (though he later switched his story to redeeming it, or something)

    - While Christianity leaves a lot to be desired, churches (particularly old ones) are very impressive buildings. Dont destroy stuff that looks nice! I'd have been more impressed if he just amassed a ton of bibles and burnt them

    - One of the firefighters called out to clean up Varg's mess died in the fire. (Hence the length of Varg's incarceration) Not cool.

    Admittably, using a photo of a church he burnt down for the cover of Aske (Even Varg would agree when I say that Aske is RUBBISH! Listen to the vocals, man!) was pretty badass.
    Thus leaving a colossal amount of irony in my post...WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE?! [/flee]

  6. #186
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    - To the best of my knowledge, at least one of those churches was originally heathen, which sort of defeated Varg's mission (though he later switched his story to redeeming it, or something)
    This is partly true, however I believe Abbath, Ishahn, Euro, Fenriz and possibly more took part in it. Plus I do believe he was never actually caught as the one who did it.
    - While Christianity leaves a lot to be desired, churches (particularly old ones) are very impressive buildings. Dont destroy stuff that looks nice! I'd have been more impressed if he just amassed a ton of bibles and burnt them
    He can come to NZ and burn our churches any day he wants.
    - One of the firefighters called out to clean up Varg's mess died in the fire. (Hence the length of Varg's incarceration) Not cool.
    Again, Possibly not his fault how ever the world is rather populated.

    Admittably, using a photo of a church he burnt down for the cover of Aske (Even Varg would agree when I say that Aske is RUBBISH! Listen to the vocals, man!) was pretty badass.
    Thus leaving a colossal amount of irony in my post...WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE?! [/flee]
    I personally think Aske was excellent, however Det Som Engang Var is my personal favourite.

    I find most Death Metal rather boring, never gave Nile much of a chance, however DM that I do like is Aeon, Morgoth, old Morbid Angel, Kataklysm and perhaps Internal Bleeding.

  7. #187
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Heathen?? Who the hell told you that man?
    Maybe it is true, but I have never heard of any churches is Norway except for christian ones, and there are too many of them. (I live i that country BTW)



  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi
    Heathen?? Who the hell told you that man?
    Necrobutcher slurs it on the Mayhem interview on Headangers Journey (further proof why members of Mayhem should NOT give interviews. "**** YOU, you know, we're the best ****ing metal band....ever!" )

  9. #189
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Speaking of Mayhem, I am listening to one of their new songs with Atilia back on Vocals, seems a lot of people think its going to be good, hope so as I have never really followed Mayhem.

  10. #190
    While I appreciate their influence on the genre, I cant stand Mayhem's music.
    At all.
    Their demos, Deathcrush and De Mysteriis, are unintentionally hillarious. (UNHOOOOOLEEEEEE WAAAATERRRRRRRRRRR!)

    If they float your boat, that's cool. But I honestly dont see the appeal.

  11. #191
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Oh I agree, most people hold them in High Regard but I think Darkthrone, Immortal, Enslaved and especially Burzum had much more influence, plus Bathory are kings, as I said I never really followed Mayhem.

  12. #192
    DMDS is a fuckin' good album, aside from that I don't care.

    I'll agree that Burzum and Darkthrone had alot of influence, but not more than Mayhem. Mayhem was the band that essentially got the Norwegian BM scene to exist.
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  13. #193
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I would have to agree with the early Norwegian scene but it has expanded quite a lot since then and there seems to be a lot more bands influenced by Burzum's and Darkthrone's sound.

    Currently listening to Lifelover, its a little bit like Shining if you heard them but different, everybody said it was quite excellent and thus has proven to be. Also got the new Vintersorg which is ok, new Lord Wind which is quite good though I need a few more listens.

    Also is anybody here a fan of Summoning? I have been listening to them quite a bit lately, if you haven't then I suggest giving them a listen.
    Last edited by Angantyr; 03-10-2007 at 11:47 PM.

  14. #194
    Burzum- Aside from Filosofem, I dont care for his music at all.

    Darkthrone- With the exceptions of Soulside Journey, Transilvanian Hunger, and Goatlord (which doesn't really count, but still), I worship all of their albums.

    And Summoning are funky.

    All black metal that isn't Bathory or Venom is naff anyway!

    Oh, back to Mayhem- And when I said "Their demos, Deathcrush and De Mysteriis" I meant their demos AS WELL as Deathcrush and DMDS.
    Before some uber kvlt tr00 grymm pedantic mock psuedo-intellectual V@35 nekro cave-dwelling elitist black metaller corrects me!

  15. #195
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    4,241 is down at the moment and has been for a while the worse thing is that my HDD got wiped so I can't sort my obscure stuff, though there are other sites for the common stuff. Yes all hell breaks loose when MA goes down in the Metal community.

    Right now I am listening to the German BM band Empaligon, its kind of typical raw production Satanic Black Metal. It's decent enough, but not my thing.

    Also been listening to the new Shining, whilst is probably too weak for you uber-satanic nun sodomizers, I quite like it, it still has the same sound/style as the other albums but it managed to make something new. I am sure Daisy will quite like it.

    Oh and another band you might like Daisy is Blut Aus Nord, they also partly inspired the Silent Hill themed band as sound kind of like SH music except I do not think they have much influence, best desribed at least to me as Industrial/Ambient Black Metal, a real f*cked up sound kind of like their guitars are not tuned properly or something, and yet it sounds amazing, get The Work Which Transforms God.

    Oh and Lifelover FTW!

  16. #196
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    ^Haha, yep!

    What the ****? Is Entombed Melo-death? Only, I was told they are. Wow. Sure, I can hear it in SOME tracks, but...

    Also, any Infestdead fans in here?

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  17. #197
    Entombed's first album is a classic example of the Swedish death sound, their second album adds more thrash into it and after that they went for a more death'n'roll sound - never were they melodeath.
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  18. #198
    Clandestine/Left Hand Path are both masterpieces. (Or at least as "masterpiece" as an album with growling can be!)
    Everything else Entombed have done has just been "Eh, it's pretty cool", for me anyway.
    There's something wrong with you if you dont rock out to Wolverine Blues, though, hahaha!

  19. #199
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I had Left Hand Path years ago but I seem to have lost it. I find most Melo-death rather boring, I am more into Deathlike Thrash stuff like Nunslaughter, though stuff like Morbid Saint is pretty good too.

    Right now I am listening to a lot of M&#252;tiilation and Moonblood, looking at my profile I have too much Viking/Pagan/Folk Metal and need more raw primitive melancholic depressive black metal (especially from France).

    Oh and the new Candlemass, haven't had a proper listen though I think the older stuff is better.

  20. #200
    I've been really taken by a few of the Barbarian Wrath bands lately, such a fuckin' quality label.

    Countess, Tearstained, and Megiddo are absolutely fuckin' amazing and those who've not heard them need to like them, particularly if they're a fan of more orthodox BM, but with a nice original touch to them.

    Countess - Get Heilig Vuur and then whatever
    Tearstained - Get Monumental in its sorrow
    Megiddo - Get The Devil and the Whore
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  21. #201
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Latest listens and discoveries...

    Insomium. (With the help of Andrew).
    Suffocation. (With the help of Andrew).

    There are others as well. My "close friend" recommends me some good bands.

    Aborted sort of remind me of typical metal, so it sort of... bores me after a while. I like Insomium a lot, though. Suffocation are good, too. Possessed are alright. Opinions?

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  22. #202
    I like Aborted's most recent, pretty solid. I've never liked Insomnium too much. Suffocation obviously rules, Effigy of the Forgotten is classic, and Possessed oh man - Seven Churches is absolutely essential listening for any metal fan.
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  23. #203
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Not really a fan of nu-Death.

    My comrade has connections with the guys from Barbarian Wrath, Countess is excellent but I would say "Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam" is their best.

    Urfaust anyone?

  24. #204
    Warlord of Your Mom The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Suffocation is anything but nu Death, not even new Death. They're one of the oldest death bands, along with Morbid Angel, Death, Possessed, Bolt Thrower, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Sepultura, etc.

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  25. #205
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! TomStrife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    Speaking of Mayhem, I am listening to one of their new songs with Atilia back on Vocals, seems a lot of people think its going to be good, hope so as I have never really followed Mayhem.
    Mayhem certainly is a crazy band.
    While I'm not too found of their story (actually it's quite, mind-boggling) I do think they were talented musicians.

    I've recently been listening to more Death Metal for some reason.

    Behemoth (well, Black mixed with Death), Job For a Cowboy, and Becoming the Archtype are three bands I've been listening too quite often.

    Becoming the Archetype's new album looks incredible though.
    Has anyone here heard of BTA?
    Remember kids, internet debates are just like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

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  26. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    Not really a fan of nu-Death.

    My comrade has connections with the guys from Barbarian Wrath, Countess is excellent but I would say "Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam" is their best.

    Urfaust anyone?
    Urfaust is strange, really hood but still quite strange.
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  27. #207
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    M.C. Gorathus - Was reffering to Abborted

    Urfaust is one of the strangest bands I've heard in a while which is why I find them so intriguing.

    Too many kids read Lords of Chaos, I hate that book almost as much as the bible.

  28. #208
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! TomStrife's Avatar
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    Any guys hear like Job For A Cowboy?
    They're relatively new, but they're a decent Deathcore band.
    Remember kids, internet debates are just like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

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  29. #209
    Warlord of Your Mom The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    I know someone's going to probably stone me for this (for untr00ness), but I can't get enough of Dimmu Borgir's Puritanic Euphoric Misanthropia... I truely believe that to be the epitome of melodic black, if not black metal in general.

    I f*cking love melodic black metal though. I've been thirsting for some Asatru Pagan themed black metal bands (been playing Valkyrie Profile quite a bit as of late), any recommendations (I imagine there must be hundreds)?

    So far I know of Bathory (RIP Quorthorn) and Einjerher.
    Last edited by ultima_trev; 05-06-2007 at 09:31 AM.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  30. #210
    Not a black metal band, but I highly recommend Scald if you want some asatro metal. They only made one album because of the unfortunate passing of their singer, but the one album they did make (Will Of The Gods Is Great Power) is great.
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