An awkward atmosphere filled the space. The talk of calm winds blowing or bright sunlight was pointless, in fact, only an aggravation. If one really wanted to speak of wind, it was stale, if you had to insist on knowing about it. So stale that even in the coldest of days it still felt like a hot summer’s afternoon. It just sat and festered until all you wanted to do was itch yourself raw and spend the rest of the day bandaging yourself up for the terrible mistake made. Perhaps that over stepped ...
“I’ve come for you, Yuki Hayashi. I need you to save my people and I need your power!” Ayumi shouted at him sounding almost desperate, but pulled back quickly looking away gathering herself back. It was enough to make Yuki jump back a couple steps taken completely back by the change once more. He did not understand what was going on anymore. ‘Is this some joke that she is playing on me? Is Hiroshi near?’ Yuki looked around the school grounds trying to make some sense of what was ...