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  1. Oh neat, a title

    I am feeling good about school. Finally getting my shit together, and it feels great. Nervous about what my planning revealed but if all goes well, I can be in university by this time next year, on my way to becoming a Marine Biologist.

    Also, my friend and I had a pipe dream. We want to start a business, and we feel it'd do super super well, but we have no means of starting it. Kickstarter seems appealing, but we honestly would need a stupid amount of cash, not to mention the risks ...
  2. First Blog Entry!

    Okay, Well, Lately I Have Been Doing Well. Starting To Get Active On The Forums Again, Yay I Miss Everyone Here On TFF. Anyway, I Finally Platinum'd FFXIII-2, My First Ever Platinum'd Game On My PS3!!! I Am So Happy Only Took Me 105 Hours And 52 Minute To Do It. Anyway, I Now Have A Total Of 8 Games For My PS3, And 2 Blu-Ray Movies: AvN(Aliens vs. Ninjas) & FFVII Advent Children Complete, BOOYAH!!! So I Am Happy Right Now Just Cannot Wait To Get Pokémon White Version 2 On The ...
  3. The Joys of Electronics I

    This is probably part I of many.

    So, I got my stepfather a new GPS for his birthday on Friday. He does have one but being both technophobic and unwilling to learn how to use electronics beyond the TV remote, he has managed to break both his and my mother's. Mine's the only one in the household that still works right, mostly because I never let him use it. Since he is a hard man to shop for (he never uses anything he gets because it might get "dirty", including tools ...
    Tags: tech, technology
  4. Sort of an update

    Thought I'd make another post to update whats going on. I'm improving since last post, little by little, still got things to learn and sort out, but I'm getting there. I've been going around town and allowing myself to get in different environments which helps my mood some. I bumped into a few people I knew while I was out the other day, it was nice catching up with them and talking about current events.

    School is going ok so far, been busting butt to read through chapter 7 of cisco ...
  5. I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...

    Insecure Cyan: "I'm feeling vaguely unappreciated...^.^"
    Independent Cyan: "We've always walked alone, you weakling. What set you off this time, girly?"
    Insecure Cyan: "Well. There's really no one I can talk to ever since my sis moved out."
    Independent Cyan, nodding. "Yeah. I suppose an insect could consider that rough."
    Insecure Cyan: "Yeah. That's not what's bothering me... really" *Dramatic instrumental music*
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