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Literature - Fiction

A blog post focused on fiction, or containing fictional story.

  1. The Inner Man - Episode 26 - Truth

    The Inner Man – Episode 26 – Truth

    Chiko took covered behind his mist shield as metal pieces flew around out of control. Red and gray smoke blew out of the wreckage of the car, as a mass of men lay dead across the school grounds while even more came charging in. Then out of the smoke a figure walked firing from it bringing down those that dare come close. Chiko released the shield, letting the mist fall away to the ground, looking to see who was the crazy idiot that was driving. As ...
  2. Shift - Chapter 25 - Not So Divine

    “Old habits?” Saki said thinly not believing the reason behind Seiji’s action. She never trusted him before when he spent time with Yuki. She was certain that he was part of the negative influences on Yuki that pushed him further during the more violent days for him. If Seiji remained nearby Yuki she was afraid that Yuki would start changing. “What do you want?”

    Yuki remained hanging on to Seiji, though his cheerful expression dropped a little from seeing Saki scowling eyes at ...
  3. Shift - Chapter 24 - The Watcher

    The jungles of Yuglaovia were not a place for man to be trespassing, but he did not know fear. The stories of the man eating plants that grew out of the trees and hanged like vines did not even make an impression on him. Wild beasts that had not been seen by the eyes of humans for thousands or millions of years were only further enticement for him. As for the ancient ruins where the rumored Yugla people were said to still inhabit due to their god granting them immortally to protect it from anyone ...
  4. The Inner Man - Episode 25 - Shattered

    The Inner Man – Episode 25 – Shattered

    There was darkness in the room feeling out the presence of those that would disturb the peaceful solitude. Black matte covered all to keep even the light from escaping from its net. It wanted no visitors; the unwelcome guests had forced their way in without care. There was no way to remove them and thus no peace any more. Darkness relinquished itself to the light allowing but a soft beam through the room. The two guests refused the light only ...
  5. The Inner Man - Episode 24 - Self

    The Inner Man – Episode 24 – Self

    Chiko sat in the back seat of the car as Mashiro drove back home. The Doctor was finally letting Mashiro get back to normal daily activities, all though much of that was Mashiro threatening him with violence. There was little the Doctor could actually do to stop Mashiro, they both knew that too well. Chiko was just glad to have Mashiro back as well as peace and quiet for once. He did not know how long it was going to last like this, but he was hoping ...
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