What did you like LEAST about this game?
So, opposite of the other "What did you like most" thread about FFXII, I thought I'd make this thread.
I mean, I love FFXII, but there were a few things that they could've added to make it better. For example:
-Add some fun to it. I mean, the game was fun, yes, but here, I mean like "game fun." FFVII had the Gold Saucer and Chocobo Races. FFIX had Chocobo Hot & Cold. I think they should've added something like that to this game. Perhaps just chocobo racing would've been good.
-They REALLY could've come up with a better story. Two whole playthroughs of the game and still I can't even tell you exactly how the story goes. I'm clueless.
-The main antagonist could've been better. What happened to guys like Golbez, Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja? Vayne = possibly most boring main antagonist in the series.
-This one's nothing big, as in I could easily do without, but I wish they would've had the classic job classes, especially the classic black and white mages.
-Two better characters to replace Vaan and Penelo. These two (especially Vaan) are the two most mentioned characters when people are listing their least favorite. Rasler looked like he would've been a cool character. Could've had him instead of Vaan. Not necessarily his position in the game (King or Lord...whatever) since that would change the whole way the story starts out, but perhaps they could've simply had him be an ordinary knight while the King was played by someone else.
-They could've had the classic romance between two characters in the game. They did it perfectly in FFIX with Zidane and Garnet. But this one's not a big deal.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
- I hated how repetitive monsters were, they were nothing but carbon copy of each other with little to no difference. I understand why older games had that problem, I guess it's the same thing here but they could have gone with another DVD, and truly make it an epic game.
- Few Hunts during the game, not really beating them more process of finding them. I mean how's a person supposed to find those without checking a walkthrough.
Other than that nothing really bothers me, the game was nearly perfect.
I'm not bashing your opinion, I'm sure you have perfectly fine reasons for them, I'm just stating my opinion on few things you said, just the way I see things.
Originally Posted by
- They REALLY could've come up with a better story. Two whole playthroughs of the game and still I can't even tell you exactly how the story goes. I'm clueless.
I'm sorry you didn't quite understand the story of Final Fantasy XII, still, it doesn't mean it was a bad one. In fact, it's brilliant, fresh, without all those cliched elements Square was forcing on us with every new game. It's focused on a group effort rather than one man army, it features a well done villain with true motives, and interesting set of characters.
-The main antagonist could've been better. What happened to guys like Golbez, Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja? Vayne = possibly most boring main antagonist in the series.
Vayne was unlike any other villain in franchise, he actually had a noble goal, but no time nor means to achieve it in more peaceful way. He took all on himself, he killed his own father, and brothers, he was even prepared to lose what he values the most, all for people of Ivalice. What he did was terrible, but necessary it seems, one of the few villains who managed to achieve his goal. He lacked power villains such as Sephiroth have, but he was cunning, and brilliant tactician, he managed to trick the entire nation of Ivalice, even the Gods themselves.
Sephiroth, and Golbez, if second one can even be called a villain, are nothing more than poor, and cliched examples of what villain should be like. With all his power Sephiroth did nothing through several medias, even his biggest accomplishment came eight years after original game, as a mere result to feature him once more, now that's what I call a boring villain.
-They could've had the classic romance between two characters in the game. They did it perfectly in FFIX with Zidane and Garnet. But this one's not a big deal.
I'm actually glad it was subtle, something as in Final Fantasy VI. Square hit gold with romance in Final Fantasy VII, after that every game had to have one, I mean Final Fantasy VIII was focused on nothing more than love between Rinoa, and Squall, it became tedious, and overused after four games in a row.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
How political the story was at times.
I go to fantasy to escape that kind of thing.
I don't mind so much when it's a fantasy type politicalness, but when it mirrors the real thing so much... blecgh.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The primary antagonist of the game, Vayne Solidor. I didn't particularly like his story, although it did have its moments. I would have much rathered Doctor Cid be the final villain than Vayne. He just didn't have that hardcore badassery that other Final Fantasy villains have.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The Flans That Spit Out Mithril Bubbles...Its Such A Pain In The Arse, It Is Ridiculous...Ughhh >_< I Hate It...Its Making It Harder For Me To Get To Zodiark, Even With Level 80-99 Characters...Thats Why I Haven't Tried Getting Him Yet, I'm Waiting Till everyone Is lvl 99 Or Something...So I Can Finally Get Zodiark...Maybe...Hopefully...IDK...XD Other Than That, The Game Was Pretty Awesome For It's Time. I Loved Playing It Like Almost All The Time After School To Continue My Adventures And Progress Through The Story. It Was An Amazing Journey, I Can Tell You That.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Xanatos stole the words from my mouth! I completely agree!
What I liked the least:
- How Vaan's involvement in the the flow of the story seemed to vanish the more you progress into the game. I don't consider him as a main character, he and Penelo are sort of the side witnesses and would just tag-along.
- I played the regular European version, so I regret not having some of the features that were implemented in the International version; like having the separate license grids for jobs. That would have made the battles more dynamic for me.
- The summons, I hardly ever used them, they should have been refined and a bit stronger.
That's all I think. XII is a very close second to my favourite FF. I love the intriguing political themes, the brilliant storyline and that there wasn't an obvious love story. Final Fantasy is not a list that you have to tick a standard set of requirements to pass or fail, there is no right or wrong. You can say that you prefer FFVIII, for example, because you like romance-based stories, but don't say FFXII should have had more romance because that's how Final Fantasy works. It doesn't.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Ugh, It's just my least favorite FF overall.
Everything's just stiff and boring, and the battle system was the worst so far. I always got confused when I hadn't played in a while and had to figure out how to play the game O.o
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The fact that Vaan was made the main character, when he wasn't actually the main character at all, just a character that as Elise said tagged along. This kind of charascter just draws me away from the story, he's not part of the main issues that are going on, so why should I care about him?
The story, way too political, sure a little bit of politics is okay, and gives life to the world around me and gives me an insight to the struggles of the people who live in it. But don't drown me in the stuff. Easily forgetable too, by the time I did a load of missions I had forgotton where I was in the story.
The characters, they were boring, uninteresting, and there was a lack of character development, I did not care for these guys at all. The monster hunting was more entertaining then going through their story and trying to connect with them.
This is my least favourite final fantasy, but strangely enough (even though i argued against this in another thread) I did enjoy the battle system, as someone said to me once "It's a decent RPG, just a bad final fantasy game."
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
I disliked it when I accidentally tripped over my PS2 and knocked the disc out of the tray and scratching it up. :( Now, I can't watch the full ending because it freezes... But I can always just use Youtube, so problem solved! :D
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
hmmmmm.... what didnt i like... i didnt like the fishing sidequest im so bad at it
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
the thing I like least is that I have not finished the game yet! I liked the way the gambit system works. Nothing really sticks out as bad.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
[QUOTE=Gabranth;1316724]the thing I like least is that I have not finished the game yet! QUOTE]
haha *giggles jokely* i completed 50 times already
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
I wish the lisence system was a little more differential from each other. it would have been better if they were each amazing in there own way by the end of the game, your like lvl60 and everyones got basicly the same shit. francly its a compleate waste of an ability system. but otherwise it was boss. and i think that the hunts are like searching for the colosus in shadow of the calosus...that game was so boss..
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
I wish the lisence system was a little more differential from each other. it would have been better if they were each amazing in there own way by the end of the game, your like lvl60 and everyones got basicly the same shit. francly its a compleate waste of an ability system. but otherwise it was boss. and i think that the hunts are like searching for the colosus in shadow of the calosus...that game was so boss..
Your problem is the same as my problem and the answer lies in the International Version. There are separate License Boards for jobs and you cannot change them once you pick a job for someone. There are so many interesting changes like having the guest characters and espers controllable.
It's so annoying that I can't play the international version :shake:
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
Your problem is the same as my problem and the answer lies in the International Version. There are separate License Boards for jobs and you cannot change them once you pick a job for someone. There are so many interesting changes like having the guest characters and espers controllable.
It's so annoying that I can't play the international version :shake:
Wow...i wish i had that. i think imma take up japanise just so i can order a japanese ps2 and the international version lol....*sigh*
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The only thing I didn't like was the plot and the characters, which is really bad in an RPG. Other than that, it was enjoyable to play (but it could have been amazing sadly).
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
They really should have released the International version for the US. The seperate job classes is interesting. I kind of seperate my guys into seperate job classes in the regular game, and it works, but it'd be alot easier and just better if they already had set classes. Plus, controlling the guest characters and even espers would be nice.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
Wow...i wish i had that. i think imma take up japanise just so i can order a japanese ps2 and the international version lol....*sigh*
That or kidnap a Japanese person for translation... hiring them means you have to pay ;)
Actually the method I thought of was simply playing it in Japanese. We already know what's happening. Language didn't stop me when my English couldn't form sentences, I just became best friend with the dictionary :D
Originally Posted by
They really should have released the International version for the US. The seperate job classes is interesting. I kind of seperate my guys into seperate job classes in the regular game, and it works, but it'd be alot easier and just better if they already had set classes. Plus, controlling the guest characters and even espers would be nice.
Europe first!
I did the same though, I gave my characters weapons based on what I saw naturally fits them, and I never changed it.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
Europe first!
I did the same though, I gave my characters weapons based on what I saw naturally fits them, and I never changed it.
Yeah, this is how I sort out my characters:
Team 1
Balthier - Melee fighter; one-handed swords (wasn't a fan of the guns)
Fran - Mage (all magics); spears and lances
Vaan - Melee fighter plus thief; kitanas and ninja swords
Team 2
Ashe - Mage (white, green and time); one-handed swords, with the exception of the Save the Queen and Tournesol
Penelo - Mage (black and arcane magics); bows & arrows
Basche - Melee fighter; two-handed swords (one-handed swords until two-handed come available)
As I said, I wasn't a fan of the guns in this game. Axes, I also didn't like, since they did random damage. They could do 100 damage or 1000. It's really all over the place. Rods and staves I always felt were too weak.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
That or kidnap a Japanese person for translation... hiring them means you have to pay ;)
Actually the method I thought of was simply playing it in Japanese. We already know what's happening. Language didn't stop me when my English couldn't form sentences, I just became best friend with the dictionary :D
Europe first!
I did the same though, I gave my characters weapons based on what I saw naturally fits them, and I never changed it.
lol so true. that and i could get him to do my math homework XD and if he diden't i would tell him to swim home.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Penelo irritated me, usually. Vaan, I didn't mind much.
My biggest beef is that the summons were so weak, and it's a pain in the ass to get some of their attacks. Irritated me no end.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Originally Posted by
Penelo irritated me, usually. Vaan, I didn't mind much.
Penelo has to be my least fave charcter
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
Yeah, Penelo is bad. Almost no personality. Boring, plain look. Ugly ass hair-style.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
i absolutely hated FF12 no disresect to anyone else this is just my opinion but everything about the game right from the start it just didnt feel like a FF but in contrast there was a lot of people who loved it
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The Lack of Romance and the boringness of some characters ( Penelo for example). I love romance..and there wasn't much of that in this game :shake: Characters in this game are pretty cool or interesting (Like Basch,Balthier,Fran,etc.),but others like Penelo or Vaan are either annoying or just plain boring! But..I do like the battle system of this game,not the story line that much though :(
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The ending I love everything about the game but the way it ended was just boring for some reason.
Re: What did you like LEAST about this game?
The start of this game I hated! I couldn't play it for more than 10 minuets without turning it off, but the more the game went on the more I liked it. Completed it in roughly 50 hours at around level 50's