Happy birthday!
Yeah, I haven't seen you in a while. =o How have you been? =)
SHAKUGAN NO SHANA!!! i love that show!
Where were you deployed to?
Hiya, Endy! =D I'm doing all right, I guess, but I've had better days. =S And you?
I like your user icon. I love Shakugan no Shana
Hey it been a while ,whats up?
Stop ending my fantasies.
Three-part game? Does that mean like it has three separate discs? And hey, I love real-time. Gotta look in to that game.
I've always heard of that game before. What's it like? Is it real-time or turn=based?
Haseo, huh? I can't say I've heard the name ever. I thought he was from one of the Tales games. xD
Looks sooo familiar! Who are they?
It's going pretty great, I'd say. =D And that's a wonderful game! You'll fall in love with it. 8D
Hey, that's awesome! So even though they don't employ you yet, do you still have to work? xD
Great! =D Added, then~ So are you going to have to set off again anytime later?
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Arachnie Suicide
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Australian Goof
Chocobo Sage
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Au revoir.
Tsuna Feesh
...means nothing to no way
The Hero
Professional Klutz.
TFF's Token Imp
The Journey Continues
Cilla vs. Games
Asking all the personal questions.