I love Kingdom Hearts 2 ~Final Mix~+ so far I'm near the end and I'm currently try to defeat Marluxia, one of the opitional bosses and man he's tough. Were you able to defeat him, I'm having a hard time, if so can you give me some pointers? Oh my MSN username is ~Fantasy X~ same as my username here. My email address is fantasy-bleach@hotmail.com
hello nice to see another Kingdom Hearts fan around here. Have you played Kingdom Hearts 2 ~Final Mix~+ yet?
Nice FFX-3 sig, when I saw it it, I was like "wooah, another FFX spin-off!?" haha XD
Hutts are hermaphrodites. I am a hutt.
dont i go back to hallow bastion and then to cp world but nothing is happening over there
I also have an Aim Its Jatquest1@aol.com as well
yes i have an Msn.. Its Jatquest1@aol.com
yea i have yim its hybridwrestlingorganization@yahoo.com i need to get a new aim i havent been on in ages
yea you can hit me up whenever you want im never too busy lol
ok thats cool man:-)
Your welcome
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Aww yeah!