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  1. View Conversation
    Garrus is my favorite character too, he was way cooler in first Mass Effect where he had more to say. I'll replay both games as soon as I finish Witcher 2, and Persona 3 Portable, I also began "only God knows how many times" Final Fantasy VIII, hopefully just in time to welcome Mass Effect 3.

    It's says in your signature that you're playing Dragone Age 2 right now, how can you stand that game (this comes from a guy who likes Digimon World 2 so you know this is not an offense)?
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    I asked smurphy the same question, how many characters have died on your first playthrough of Mass Effect 2? I lost Zaeed, Jack and Legion, the only member I regret losing is Legion, I couldn't care less about other two.
  3. View Conversation
    I'm not sure if you're familiar with listverse, but an interesting article appeared lately you might wanna read. You're probably familiar with everything on this list, it's still a good read though, enjoy.

    10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Mortal Kombat
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    Haha, I only meant that it's long. You don't have to remove anything. ^^;
  5. View Conversation
    ZantetsukeN, I love your signature, but it really is a bit much on the long side - it takes up my whole screen, and most likely the screens of others. I don't suppose you could at least resort to a spoiler tag for the text? ^^;
  6. View Conversation
    You could say Oblivion managed to disappoint me as well, it's interesting at first but get's tedious to play on higher levels, while intriguing, game's leveling system just wasn't balanced enough.

    On a side note, what's taking them so long to dish new episode of Mortal Kombat Legacy?
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    How far through Duke Nukem are you? I finished it the other day. I was not dissapointed. It done justice for me and I had played the originals. Also, the multiplayer is quote fun and with the whole "digs" things (levelling up in multiplayer unlocks new items and babes for you mansion), its most certainly keeping me entertained even after finishing the game.
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    I'm not a fan of it lol I guess it's not THAT bad, but most people who live here don't particularly like it haha. Aren't we like sister city's or something? Haha.

    It's so cold here right now. I've got my hoodie on lol it's 5.30 in morning and it is freezing!
  9. View Conversation
    Haha sorry to get you hopes up. I'm sure your Ipswich is much nicer than mine. I'm good
  10. View Conversation
    Hello there! I hail from Ipswich too! Only in Australia. Hehe. How are you?
  11. View Conversation
    Mortal Kombat is one of the reasons I can't wait my XBox 360 to arrive, til then I'll have to hop to my friends house if I'm to play it in the first place.

    I threw my PsP because of Azazel, the fact that Shao Khan is even more annoying is not something I wanted to hear. And what's with the final bosses in never fighting games, first Azazel, then Sin and now Shao Khan, they really don't need to use every aspect of oldschool titles.

    Also, love your new avatar, but Scorpion is way better =).
  12. View Conversation
    Mortal Kombat series is like reading a good manga, short, and sweet, though makes you feel sad when you realize that you need to wait a week for next one to come out.

    So how's the new Mortal Kombat game, I've heard, and read great things about it, though I have yet to play it.
  13. View Conversation
    Can't say I'm a Mortal Kombat fan, though during these couple of few weeks I've learned quite a bit by reading all those articles.

    Also, the new Mortal Kombat series looks sweet, shame though episodes are rather short.
  14. View Conversation
    Fan of Mortal Kombat? You should visit GamesRadar if you haven't already, that site is going through serious Mortal Kombar fever.
  15. View Conversation
    Oh I totally plan on it... eventually. Something stupid always comes up when they come to town.
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January 24, 1990 (35)
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I make gaming videos for Youtube, play games more or less 24/7. Just general nerd really :3
Ipswich, UK
Playing and making music, gaming, anime, manga
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Final Fantasy VIII
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