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  1. View Conversation
    It's nice to meet you, too!

    Oh, that would be brilliant! Thank you so much!

    Thanks. I've always found other countries and their languages interesting so when I chose my options, I went for Italian! Thanks for the add as well!
  2. View Conversation
    Hey, Yuna!

    I heard you are Italian? I'm studying Italian in school so that's good to here. I'm not fluent but, you know! xD

    Nice to meetcha! =)
  3. View Conversation
    Cool Imma add you asap ^_^. Hmm, but I won't have any problems with adding you when I get my PS3 right? Also I just found out my original PSN account got deleted so I'll need to make a new one (that's a year of neglecting the outside world I'll not be getting back anytime soon).

    I added you to my MSN let me know if it worked I'll be wicked_child87 or Faust Walker I'm not sure which will show up if not then You'll have to add me [email protected]. I agree IM is way better. ^_^

    lol Tifa was my first ever video game crush. Aeris was/is (however you prefer to phrase it) definitely strange and, IMO, her personality was too "in your face". What I mean is she was too invasive (if that makes any sense) almost as if she didn't understand the meaning of "personal", you know? Idk, Tifa was different she gave Cloud his personal space (a bit too much, I feel). I agree fully with you she [Tifa] was a strong and independent character, whose sole goal was to make sure that Cloud never lost his way or felt alone. I won't argue with anyone who understands that it was Cloud and Tifa that were meant to be together, NOT Cloud and Aeris. Aeris had her special someone in Zack and I don't feel that she had any intention of replacing him with anyone, even Cloud. I think that she saw something in Cloud that reminded her of Zack and she wanted to have that again just one more time. Besides it was way too obvious that Cloud was into Tifa anyway he just didn't know how to let those feelings out.

    I was upset to see Aeris die, but at the same time a part of me was glad to see her go. Plus she, Like Zack, had a great death scene. There was a lot of emotion in the way it was done that I could swear I knew how Cloud felt. I felt her death was necessary upon seeing the end of Crisis Core. I mean she was the last character image on the DMW which obviously means that she was the last thing he thought about right before he died. It was beautiful. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I hope to be able to share that type of emotion with a woman at least once in my life. I was glad to see that they [Aeris and Zack] could once again be together.

    FF stories don't seem to pan out correctly in real life huh? I don't understand people that claim to have handed their heart over to someone and yet still can with hold things from the person they say they love/care about so much. It makes no sense to me, If you love/care about someone enough there should be no secrets.

    Trust is key in any relationship. Without it how do you know that person has your back when you need it most. How do you know that he/she will be faithful. Through personal experience I have learned that Lack of trust breeds jealousy, jealousy breeds untrue thoughts, untrue thoughts bring death to a relationship.

    lol Yuffie is the best!! She makes me laugh so hard. Alas I feel that the English voice actor was all wrong for her though. She needed someone that sounded strong but still bring a youthful sense to the table as well. I feel that Christy Carlson Romano missed. She [Christy] didn't ruin the character of Yuffie, she just didn't do it how I envisioned Yuffie to sound.

    =D O_o Must destroy GameStop!! Or at least force them to better their terrible prices. ^_^
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    =D I mean it though! Don't get me wrong she is cute, and that type of eye color "set up" is really cool my older brother and I both share that as well (his is more noticeable) he has one greenish yellow eye and the other depends on the lighting sometimes brown sometimes greenish, one time it was blue at least I think it was blue we were goofing off at the time wrestling he had me pinned and I flashed him in the eyes with a camera. idk how it works but its soo cool. However on a girl I think eyes like that are sexy. lol well judging by the conditions it takes to see your other color, one would really have to be gazing to see it properly. Still eyes that change colors are really cool to see.

    I agree, Lulu is great!! Her demeanor is just.....idk how to explain it but she is one of the 3 FF characters I would like to meet in real life. OMG!!!! FINALLY!! Someone else who like Aeris and Yuffie!! All of my friends hate both of those girls and only one of em has given me a good reason why on Aeris. Edea was an interesting character to say the least but I was glad to find out that I didn't have to kill her upon finding out who she really was. I'm not sure who Ashleia is but I'm assuming she is from XII to which I haven't played enough of to see whta she is like and I haven't played any of XIII.

    Zach is an Amazing character for almost all (I'll have to take your word for it on the gorgeous thing) the reasons that you stated ^_^. I don't like Cloud because he is too whiny and he is weak willed/spirited/hearted. He blames himself too much for all the things that go wrong and he takes too much on himself unnecessarily without looking around and realizing that he's not as alone as he thinks he is. I feel the same way about Squall too. Zach was everything cloud wasn't. He was Strong Willed, Determined, Some times it got away from him thus he was dubbed "The Little Puppy" by Angeal but at least he knew who was close and that he could overcome if he just tried. I grew so attached to Zach that by the End of Crisis Core I had to force myself to finish cause thanks to FFVII I knew what was coming. THAT. ENDING. WAS. INCREDIBLE. Drove me to tears it did and I'm not much of a crier.

    I'll admit that this particular one isn't my best nor can I take complete creative genius for it either. One of my best friends helped me make it. He suggested the song and provided the clips but I assembled it all into a video and cut the clips I didn't think fit. So it was a 50/50 effort. I have better ones on my other computer I just need to get it out of storage.

    GameStop in America just like everywhere else I have found is wayyyyyy too overpriced I have found games at wal mart for cheaper that were just released. Unfortunately I have not replaced my PS3 yet but it is #2 on my to do list, no joke (#1 is to get my games and PSP back from my friend's sister). However you will be the first to know when I re-buy it. ^_^

    Btw Do you have a Yahoo Instant Messenger account?
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    Just stopping in to say hi and see how things are going. Haven't got to talk to you since I assigned you an adoptor heh. How was your weekend?
  6. View Conversation
    Like I said I like Yuna but Lulu and Rikku are my favorites of the girls. Lulu because she is smart and and emotionally reserved. It's like something that happened in her life was so devastating it caused her to hide herself (reminds me of how I am today). Rikku because She is funny and out there, She reminds everyone that they need to be strange at times to hold on to sanity in dark times (reminds me of how I act today). Although being a guy I try to make that connection with the male characters that fit that profile like Sephiroth and Zack. ^_^ Yuna is naive in a way that can prove to be quite hazardous to herself but she is lucky to have friends that won't leave her stranded in a time of need. lol I personally love the japanese language as a whole and have my entire life. I miss being there.

    To be perfectly honest the Avvy/Siggy I have are not mine either they are some neat pics that I found online while looking for some good Chibi art, I'm a sucker for Chibi, it makes me laugh. To be perfectly honest I can't draw at all nor am I any good with Photoshop. AMVs are my forte Like this one I don't veiw using others artwork for Avvys/Siggys is bad I do However feel that using them and claiming them as yours are (like you said). Also I am a Writer/Musician. IMO Sephiroth is the the greatest villain of all time. His back story, his look, the way he works. It's all really amazing if you take the time to study up on it.

    What I don't understand is why so many people didn't like Final Fantasy X-2. I agree with you it wasn't perfect, IMO but the story was solid the characters were great. The atmosphere of the game was good in terms of it drew in the player. Also I enjoyed the Dress sphere aspect of the game it brought something new and inventive to the series that made it more interactive. The music wasn't that bad either. Yes it was poppy but the lyrics were sound the melodies flowed and it was actually kind of catchy (I am straight btw). Luca and Killika are my favorite areas idk why maybe its because they are right there by the ocean.

    Oh I see, GameStop got ya huh? I almost did that but I just couldn't part with my PS2 plus I dropped it the morning I was gonna take it in and had to "void the warranty" (cut that little sticker on the side) just to fix it. Fortunately though I still got my PS3 at the retail cost of $525 USD only to sell it a year later to help my brother pay his bills. *sigh* it was fun whilst it lasted . Now I can buy a new at the mere retail cost of $400 USD

    BTW you insinuated that you weren't that good looking.

    You said: "I like her too, she's so beautiful and kind ! You know the first thing a girl can do is trying to be the same of her favourite character, but Yuna and I are totally different: she's cute, a good person, shy, even in FF X-2 she cares a lot about others and Spira. I'm totally different"

    I just saw your pic and I would just like to say that you are gorgeous! Also you seem like a pretty nice person to me. I'm usually a good judge of those types of things too.
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    You are very welcome. I never say anything I don't mean except in jest. It's funny cause the first time I played FFX was just this last February. Before that I used to scorn it because my brother ruined the ending for me but he didn't explain it right so I thought that at the end of the game Yuna woke up from a dream that never really happened and I hate stories like that. It's like one big middle finger to all the people that took the time to sit and play/watch. However in December my friend and I both got X-2 as a gift each so we decided (having both sworn off FFX) for shits and giggles to see who could get the most done and beat the game the fastest. We both got so immersed in its story that we forgot we were competing and by the end of the game HAD to play FFX. Now it is my #2 favorite game of all time.

    Btw that sux about your PS2 being gone. What happened to it? I just recently got mine back from storage but alas, I do not have any of my games to play on it and am starting to have some serious with drawls. Although it has gotten me back into playing and competing in TCG tournaments.

    I would be happy to be your friend. Thank you for the compliment on my Avvy/Siggy. I like yours as well ^_^, although my friend would like it much more. I like Yuna as a character, but he has a love fantasy thing going for her. As a joke he flirts with his tv when he plays FFX and X-2. XD
  8. View Conversation
    I've read a few of your posts around the forum about FFX AND YOU"RE TOO WELL SPOKEN!!! GTFO!!! Seriously though I like that you put so much tought into it and post as intelligently aas you do it's hard to find ppl that say such nice things about a great game as well as you have.
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    <3 <3 <3

    Sardinia sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. I've been trying to find a way to get to Europe for awhile now I would love it there, true story.
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Yuna! How has your weekend been so far? Well, that is if this is a weekend to you... If not, then how have the past two days been?
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    Hellooo there! I thought I'd leave you one of these VMs too. If you don't know how to use them, it's pretty simple - to reply to a VM, click on the "View Conversation" link in the lower right of the message, and reply there. Then you won't write on your own profile. xD

    Also! I thought I might be able to interest you in Rulers of PSN. T'is a group I made for everyone who has a PSN account, and looking for some others to play with online. Feel free to join and post. I sent an invite. =D
  12. View Conversation
    well you're from italy and not sicily, but you can't be faulted for that

    at least you all have AC Milan! <3 <3 <3
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About Yuna

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About Yuna
Just a girl of 25 years old, escaped from a little island on the south, for reaching the extreme north. I said stop to university and now I'm working in a megastore, happy to have found a job in those hard times !
Turin, Italy
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy X
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