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  1. No I'm not ! I was just looking for a good signature on the web and google gave me that banner with avatar too. I like very much Bioshock so I thought about a new one with a cute little sister. I don't want to cause trouble to anyone, if I have to remove them, tell me immediately pretty please !
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    ahh! vVv Gaming is a clan that sponsored my friends team for Halo 3 back in like 2008. He was on the team "vVv Breaking Point". I was just wondering if you were a member of them or something, but yeah that sig is legit!
  3. Heyyyyy Nova ! I was worried about you ! Where have you been ?

    Molto bravo per il "tedioso", it is not easy to know a parola like that ! Yeah poor Desmond...I want to see what Ubisoft is going to do once he discovers about his real nature and role in the society...but it seems like Ezio will have a big part in the story !

    I want to see more Assassins, of every part of the world, cooperating with my Ezio too !
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    Sì, repetition can become boring fast but sometimes backtracking and doing the same things is pretty fun like Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry. But with Assassin's Creed, it becomes tedioso.

    So he's a real swinger, isn't he? I feel sorry for Desmond because he's dragged into it all, huh?

    And all you have to do is put my in your signature, like mine.
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    you have a vVv gaming banner in your signature o_O

    may I ask what that is from?
  6. Esatto ! You have to do same things, and visit same locations...dio che noia !!!

    Ezio is more human ! He lives his life thinking about women and parties around Florence ahahah and he's handsome too =D

    Ok, from now on you'll be my little brother ! Do I have to do something in particular on the TFF ?
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    Yeah, it did get repetitive around halfway through didn't it? I mean, I didn't like going to eagle points all the time. He has more emotion and a bit of a sarcastic wit about him, huh? Oh, I got it right? =D

    Yay! Thanks! Sì, sì, sì! =D I would love to!
  8. View Conversation
    Hey Yuna! You been doing ok the last week?
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    Well, grazie, sorella! Yeah! It does actually, doesn't it?! xD Mezzo e Italiano, mezzo e Inglese, sì?

    Me, too! =D Oh, I liked the 1st one as well. The story is very entertaining.

    Oh, cool! That sounds like fun! Do you get to take anything home with you after work?

    Oh, ho 15 anni! I'm from Manchester in England. And you?
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    Right! I mean idk if you had this in Italy but for the PS2 release the GameStop nearest my hometown (2 hour drive) offered that if you bring in your old PS1 or DualShock plus 1 controller, 1 Memory card, and like 2-3 different games you could get a new PS2 plus Memory card for 75% off. A game didn't come with the offer. I did it but only cause I had 2 PS1 systems (my sisters bought me one for my birthday and the other I acquired in a game of poker), 3 memory cards, and The Spyro series that I can't stand. So to me it was almost all win minus the $50 I still had to spend on it after giving up all that, but w/e. I never heard about the deal involving the PS3 slim. It was that bad tho? Weak!!

    GameStop may be losing credibility but it has pretty much monopolized the gaming market here in America, what with it buying out eb Games and in the process of trying to buy out/put out Game Krazy (idk if you have/had those in Italy). Oh yea I forgot the euro all but wiped out varying money types in Europe cause it was supposedly "worth more". Politics these days is for the birds man. It's a wonder how they can say they do "what's best" for the people w/o really knowing what that is.

    Hm. America has places like that, where people are still wondering "Wtf is the internet?!" then again there are places where they wonder "Wtf is electricity?!" My hometown has 2 places where you can get WiFi and it's not even a good connection. Plus everywhere I have been that offers WiFi in the city you have to have your own computer/PSP/**** all that gets WiFi these days.

    Trust me, unfortunately GameStop isn't going anywhere any time soon. What's worse is that they will just be able to keep jacking up their prices as long as people keep primarily spending money on video games/accessories/systems there. At least that is how it is here. This country is run by Corporation. Seriously they need to add an Inc. or co. to the end of USA.

    lol I've never played the Fallout games I was gonna buy it and LAIR but instead I was pressured into selling my PS3 that day. I've heard a lot of good things about it tho and still can't wait to try it. However I did get to play F.E.A.R., Resistance, Call of Duty, and Bad Company. Those were fun ^_^. I also got to try Haze and Dead Space. Haze Sucked ass hard but Dead Space was good it was kinda like F.E.A.R. except with aliens instead of ghosts and had a better looking gameplay. I love Horror games that can actually set the mood properly like Silent Hill, Kuon stuff like that. Actually I think I like to get scared in general. Paranormal stuff is really neat to me. When I go back to school I wanna take a class on Demonology, but I think I'm getting off subject (sorry I do that a lot ^_^)

    lol ^_^ You should be able to find me online most of the time except on Saturdays. Those are my Tournament days. I'm trying to get back in the loop for Regionals so maybe I can go to Nationals again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. XD
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    Molto bene! =D I'll help you with your Inglese and you can help me with my Italiano! =D Yeah, I'll be your little English brother! =3

    I know what you mean. With your irregular verbs and phrases! They're so difficult to get used to but you get through it! xD You could have said "You don't have to say too many things." It would have given the sentence a little more sense but we're both learning! =)

    Oh, sounds squisito! What do you work as?
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    Mi piace Italiano! I find it hard when using grammar and sentence stucture but I can remember words and tense. It's pretty difficile but I guess practise makes perfect? Che cosa fai?
  13. View Conversation
    Well I am glad you like her. You seem nice and she is a sweet heart so I figured you two would go good together.

    I am not a the best person to be asking for advice on English lessons, I short hand to much and tend to use a lot of slang haha. I will point out that instead of saying "just say to me" try using "just tell me" and makes a little more sense.

    As for me I have just been busy trying to keep up with day to day life. Work, kids and the wife keep me busy all the time and the little bit of free time I do have I tend to spend on here or playing on PSN heh.

    Currently I am living in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the United States. Lived around these parts for more of my life. Never really lived outside of a 30 mile radius from this town haha. I believe the equivilant to 30 miles is something like 48KMs but I am not sure because I don't have to use Kms very much haha.
  14. View Conversation
    Oh yea I heard about that promo, "Bring in your old PSP and 1 memory card, and get the Brand new PSP GO!!" personally I prefer my fat PSP over the slim (idk why). Also I don't like the GO. I don't know a whole lot about it but I do know that it is a 100% download system which means if it takes a dive on you, you lose everything you payed for on it. For me that is just not worth it cause I tend to be accident prone with my electronics (I somehow drop them alot). Auchan? Never heard of it but I bet some of my friends have. Nice!! Now that's a promotion ^_^.

    Hmm that's cool. I've never played Little Big Planet, but GTA and GT are great titles!! although I prefer GRID over GT. Better car damage, more variety in types of races, better realism when it comes to steering/drifting/cornering, and more car varieties! IMO GRID pwns GT.

    You are absolutely right. Why spend so much money on a game/accessory at a store when one can just find it cheaper online, plus be guaranteed to find it w/o having to waste the gas/time it takes to drive/ride a bike/walk (however that person gets around) there on a possibility that the game/accessory will be there and not sold out.

    I'm not completely sure what happened. I tried to sign in on my PSN account the other day on my friend's PS3 (he just bought it) and it said that my account no longer existed. It was kind of strange. I can't wait! It'll be hella fun to play you on PSN ^_^.

    I'm assuming you are using a PC/Laptop and not the PS3's online feature. You said you have MSN Live correct? Alls you gotta do is add me to your contacts list wicked_child87@hotmail.com.

    Have you read the Advent Children Novel? In America it came in the Special Edition DVD. It goes into the stuff between Cloud and Tifa as to why he stays in the church what is going on in his psyche and so on. It's short but I enjoyed reading it.

    I actually never noticed until I bought the figurine of her. Ooooo I am considering buying the Vincent and Cloud earrings (my left ear is pierced twice)
  15. Il piacere è mio, Nova ! LOL !

    How do you find Italian ? There is so much grammar, I prefer english for sure !
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About Yuna

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About Yuna
Just a girl of 25 years old, escaped from a little island on the south, for reaching the extreme north. I said stop to university and now I'm working in a megastore, happy to have found a job in those hard times !
Turin, Italy
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Final Fantasy X
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