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    Well i jammed it on a football that one of my bros threw on thanksgiving before supper.It hurt and over the night it was turning blue.Then the next day it was even more blue so mom and i agreed to go check it out at the hospital.Then when we got there it was even more blue and a little purple and swollen.X-rayed it and found out that a chip of my bone came off.So now i'm wearing a on off brace for 2 weeks.The end.Well i took out a few things.But thats mainly it.
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    Wow...huh.My hand it getting on my nerves today especially my thumb.
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    I think I saw that bit about how they were a Christian Rock band the other day. I couldn't believe that. They sure changed quickly, though. =P Still, I haven't heard any of those songs yet; maybe I'll listen to one and compare it. xD

    Well, I can tell you that I hate rap the most. It's very annoying. And also, the loud, screaming stuff. Oo Usually, anything that's sad or calming, I'll like. But I'll listen to any kind of music, except for the ones I mentioned that I disliked, of course. How about you?
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    Hahaha.I have to take three pill every 8 hours.Not including the stuff that i have to take for my health. I had my two back teeth pulled out in elementary./ don't remember if top or bottom ones.Then last year i got my other two teeth pulled out,don't remember if top or bottom.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh not to mention I was supposed to be in the thanksgiving parade at some place but when we got there we couldn't do it because of the rain.
  6. View Conversation
    Really busy...and I broke my thumb on thanksgiving...and today my heath hasn't been doing well since I forgot to take the stuff top make it better because of the pills I have to take to keep the swelling down..and,yah.
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    Yeah, I was surprised when I first heard it, too. Evanescence usually has the really epic, dark songs. It worked really effectively, though. 8] Still, their other songs are great. Bring Me To Life, Call Me When You're Sober, Going Under, Lithium, et cetera. =D
  8. View Conversation
    God, I just saw this comment on My Immortal: "Except that this is my favorite song it always brings some good old memories back." Ha! That song is amazing! <3 I would rep you, had I seen it two months earlier. ><
  9. Hey Xan, Long time no talk, eh? Hehe^_^ LOL Anyway, How are things man?
  10. View Conversation
    Thank you very much, Xan! =D I'm sure it'll just be a wonderful day~ =]
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    It was horrible I felt bad for him, he was a nice guy who just wanted to make friends. I rememer my 11th grade year our football coach told us we had a new player on the team and out walks a 6 foot 8 giant with long blonde hair. He told us his name was Sebastian Johannson from Sweden. Apparently in Sweden he was a pro football player and he was only 17 big ol son of a bitch. He was a cool guy and it was interesting talking to him. No one made fun of him, they were all scared I would be too he was 275 lbs of muscle. I see mocking because they are from a different country quiet often here, I have talked to friends I have in Korea and those in the U.K. and like you they all tell me they havent heard of such a thing..
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    It is true that America is not the only one, but being that I am from America it is what I hear from most often. When I was in high school we had a vietnamesse foreign exchange student and everyone would make fun of him cause he was not from America they didnt care to get to know him or anything.
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    Thats cause most people in America dont care to educate themselves on other places in the world. As for the police force it is world known, the ATJ Lucko anti-terrorist task force. You're croatian it is interesting talking to individuals from other backgrounds gives you a chance to look into their life...
  14. View Conversation
    I am well versed on most European countries, history was always my favorite subject in high school so I loved to learn about places and their culture and all that.
  15. View Conversation
    No... Not yet i think... Not heard anything from those forums.
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