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    Yeah, he was really tough. One time a kid in my class got 99% in a test. The kid was pretty stoked, but the teacher just asked him why he didn't get 100% haha.
  2. View Conversation
    To be frank, the whole area really confuses me, sorry

    It's damn complex from my perspective. I mean, our countries/regions have almost zero interaction. The only thing I can maybe associate is that NZ troops had a major role in peacekeeping in Kosovo (I know it's a Serbian issue, but I'm just referring to the Balkans in general).

    I did have a Bosnian maths teacher for several years, however. He had a really thick accent that most people couldn't understand, but I found it alright. Very different style of teaching from NZ staff, but he was very effective.
  3. View Conversation
    alright koo, thanks.
  4. View Conversation
    I got a vote in before your post please edit your post in the member elimination competition.
  5. View Conversation
    You're from Bosnia and Herzegovina?
  6. View Conversation
    I will be right there with you when everything is said and done with hahahaha. Right now though it looks like I am a high roller hahahhaaa...
  7. View Conversation
    Check your bank in vBcommerce. It will tell you what transactions have been made. If it is not on the registry then the transaction did not go through. Also I dont recomment the use of commas.
  8. View Conversation
    Well, Anette's gotten only a single album, though. I wonder if upon their next album more people will learn to like her voice. Yeah, it's not like Tarja's not going to sing anymore or anything. She's just a part of something different that isn't Nightwish. Because according to them Tarja IS Nightwish. >>
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    You know how Nightwish is symphonic metal? I've always seen it as being like that when Tarja was still the lead signer, and when Anette took over she brought more of a symphonic rock genre to Nightwish. It might not be all the same, but it's really quite amazing. The Poet and the Pendulum is proof of that. Personally, though, I kind of prefer Anette.

    What's stupid is that all the people who can't stop complaining won't go listen to Tarja's solo music but they have to still listen to Nightwish and keep on complaining.
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    Naw, I personally don't think they're copying anything, it's just a lot of Evanescence fans are calling them out on that. >> It's kind of annoying. Oh, and I saw you like Nightwish? It's almost the same situation since Anette replaced Tarja. You have all those "Nightwish fans" saying how Anette sucks and Tarja is way better--the ones who won't stop complaining about how much Nightwish has sunken now. But those aren't Nightwish fans, they're Tarja fans, and they're incredibly annoying. ._.
  11. View Conversation
    Yep, someone introduced me to the band, and I loved Carly's voice and their style of music. ^_^
    It's because they're so much like Evanescence that I like them so much, I think. Even though people say they're just copying Evanescence (and their name is an allusion to Evanescence's first studio album), they're two different bands with different music to me, and I like them both.
  12. View Conversation
    You know, you're the only other person around here that knows what I'm going on about! xD I'll revise as much as I can in the coming days and thanks a lot!

    I've been trying to get into Final Fantasy XIII again. When I first got it, which was the release date, I brought it home and I left it there for a while. I guess I didn't want to be disappointed. So, a few days later, I started playing it and I just couldn't get into it. I've been trying to get back into every week or so but it just doesn't appeal to me... Heh... I got Super Street Fighter 4 and Tekken 6 a short while back as well and they're the same as ever.
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    I've got a week of relaxation because of half-term break but when I go back I have a GCSE in Maths to do... Not to happy about that but I'll live!

    I'm doing well though. Just gaming and going out with friends. You know, the usual stuff! Any new games that you got your hands on?
  14. View Conversation
    Hey, Xanatos! It's been a while! How are you and how has life been treating you?
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    He's a mage, so if used normally, the fighters best him by far, but when you know how to use him as a fighter, he's pretty good. I used just Leon to take down one of the superbosses with a little over two million HP, I believe. I loved his attitude. =D

    Yep, the Ethereal Queen, for one, has millions. And also, if you do the events with Philia, you'll turn off Gabriel's limiter, so he gains triple the HP at the end and becomes the hardest boss. Yeah, and some characters require other characters, so that's pretty cool, too. =) It's so nice seeing all the different abilities, though some characters like Noel, I just hate. ><
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May 21, 1989 (35)
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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