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  1. View Conversation
    Yes indeedie. I'm from Londaaan.
  2. View Conversation
    If you are ever online on MSN or whatever it's called these days, I'll send you that album.
  3. View Conversation
    Do you have Qotsa's first album?

    And do you like Twin Peaks?
  4. View Conversation
    The following sentence has never been more true: You couldn't be more wrong about Donnie Darko. Are you sure you saw the right movie?

    I like Snatch better too. And yeah, Ritchie made a lame movie starring Madonna. They're not together anymore though.

    Are you a Queens of the Stone Age fan?
  5. View Conversation
    No. It's one of those on my to do list.

    I still can't believe you don't like Donnie Darko.

    Have you seen Blade Runner yet?

    And what are your thoughts on Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels?
  6. View Conversation
    I saw The Big Lebowski again.

    Loved it, again.

    I realised it's one big tribute to America really. The music (DYLAN!!! CCR!!!), the bowling, the conversations, the Dude's background (truthful or not), Saddam, Vietnam, a cowboy.

    I have been addicted to playing Kenny Rogers' Just Dropped In on the guitar for a couple of days now. I've been trying to make a punk, or at least more up-beat version of it, and that ain't easy.
  7. Sadness?

    Sadness is for emo kids and chumps.
  8. View Conversation
    Haha. I can close the thread.
  9. View Conversation
    Beats me. I've never understood it. People just seem to get offended at the mention of it.
  10. View Conversation
    Just read the football thread. Holla at another Dolphin fan.
  11. View Conversation
    I liked Jesse James, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

    And I'm Not There is just a director's way of telling people how awesome Dylan was. It's barely enjoyable for non-Dylan fans I think, and even I had to look things up to understand some stories.
  12. View Conversation
    I gave I'm Not There another shot, but it's just not as good as you say it is.
  13. View Conversation
    Yeah the length was a bit excessive. I think Jackson felt he had to stay true to the book (meaning that he had to include aspects that weren't necessary or sensible for a film). But I wouldn't know, because I haven't read the book. I don't read fantasy.

    Yeah I got that impression when I saw them live on Friday. They were playing immediately before Muse, and the only people around me that were singing along were the guy I went with, and some guy who was really high on god-knows-what, and myself (obviously). Everyone else seemed sort of impatient, waiting for Muse, who I felt were quite disappointing.

    I just love Cedric's voice, and I was also quite taken away by how he uses his microphone like an instrument in itself. So many twirls of his cord, which was a very bright white, so you could see all of the detail.
  14. View Conversation
    28 Days Later is so brutal on every level. It's more about human nature than its sequel. I found it to be rather short though. They kept focusing on those soldiers so I expected more after that.

    I liked 28 Weeks, although it seemed a bit too heroic at times. It kind of reminds me of Lord of the Rings. The boy being Frodo and his sister being Sam. No?

    I just saw Blade Runner. I don't know what to think of it. I think I need to see it again to fully appreciate it. Your thoughts?
  15. View Conversation
    Also, I just noticed that guy actually taking your post in that 'Should gay people post on forums?' thread seriously.

    Some people are funny in a sad way.
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