Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. I'll hold you to that, m'kay? Biggest issue is the whole Elyon soloing everything. It just takes forever! After watching that playthrough of FFVIII, wow, junctioning is such a complicated process!

    Even when they're gone shopping, I still don't feel comfortable. It feels like I still can't get peace! Ugh, says I. (*voices begin whispering in suggestive ways...*) I want your world. =(

    We shall eliminate him FOREVER! =D *insert this striptease theme YouTube - ‪SMT: Persona 4 OST - Theater&#x202clrm; Oh, baby...* I want to get fed money for dinner...

    Sucking nuts. (WORSE! xO)

    If you have the International game, put everything in Japanese once you hit Roak. It's a bit more bareable if you can't understand what he's saying. (But... be warned there's another havoc character on Roak...) Oh, Noctis... Lightning could do it! You can, too!

    Kyle's a great person. =)

    Good. Last thing I want is him knowing that... >>
  2. You can trust me because I'm your friend, okay? =) I won't use anything against you, I promise! ADJUSTMENTS. Yeah, more, more, more~! I'll play it soon. I've went back to VII, VIII and IX. xD

    I need my mum to be... less of a modi-coddler... ='( I know what you mean! And the biggest activity takes even more energy! xD (*porno music* Ohh, yeah!) I feel for you... It's neutral weather here...

    One Winged Douchebag... must be permanently destroyed! Suddenly, the mood eases as they feel a burst of emotions and rip their clothes of one another and embrace... That's lucky to you? I feel for you even more! x'(

    She likes chomping on nuts... (God, I'm SO childish! =D)

    ...No, no, no! I want to punch his face in right now. There's no doubt that Noctis is emo. The clothes and his silence and hair... All lead to another emo I'm afraid.

    I know, Kyle's an arsehole. ='(

    And, I have done!
  3. Destroy the PM once you've memorized what I've shown you.
  4. How can I trust you? Something like this can easily be used against me. MAJOR. His intro was nice, but it still needs more! You probably can live without SO4, but ES can be worth it, although it's a little hard.

    YES! It's all I can do to deal with it as quickly as possible! It seems to smallest bit of activity requires the most energy. (Ooh.) Yeah... It's a disaster zone. ><

    Mr. Douche. And those itchy clothes coming loose during the struggle... Wow, you are the luckiest kid ever. oO

    Okay... Mrs.... NUTS!

    He turns EMO. You'll hate him afterwards. Noctis, don't be emo, Noctis, don't be emo, Noctis, PLEASE don't be emo...

  5. Ralz, tell me~! And, soon the actual game will be released~! God, Elyon needs to do some major adjustments with your character. Really? You are? I don't get the problem because I really want these new games like Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean 4 but when I get them, I leave them alone and play an old game... Eh...

    Oh, God! Parents suck SO much sometimes, don't they? I mean, my mum won't let me stay in the house on my own while she's at London for the week. I can take care of myself but she insists on worrying and calling my friend's mum. x'( Oh, I do, too! I was sweating yesterday and it wasn't even THAT hot, you know. (Cool! I'll get to the kinky stuff soon! ) I like rain when it pats on the car roof. It's so calming. =) Oh, not the plants~! I love flowers. xD Tornadoes?! Lightning?! That place is a mine field!

    Haha! Meme! I know what you mean. Sephiroth will continue to be over-rated in my heart! I know, it's heaven to think about, isn't it~! Their well-rounded breasts banging against each other's chest.... Oh, my God... I'm so sad! x'( My mum gave me £100 for leaving me for the week. I think that's like $180 or something? Yay~! I might just follow it along.

    Let's get him a woman so they can be Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel~! =D

    He turns emo? That's as far as I'm going with the game now. I've dealt with TOO many emo through Square Enix and this is the FINAL straw. x'( It's okay, it's okay.

    Meh, it was easier than I thought...
  6. Nothing particurarly special. I suppose so, yes. To be honest, now that you mention it, I find myself in the same situation. But even playing old games cannot seem to do it anymore for me. I don't know what to do.

    Yes, but they keep saying "we'll save electricity and have more money!" Only when I'm inside. (I don't mind it. =)) Rain is good for sleeping, but only that. Too much and it becomes soggy and hard to walk around, but not enough, and plant life suffers. The weather can't decide what it wants to be half the time, and all the tornados and such aren't helping, either.

    Where's M. Bison? xD You know, the sad part is, Sephiroth really wasn't the one who keeled her, it was Jenova. That guy was out of the game for 90% of it. >> Oh, my... their bodies colliding in such a way... Lucky, your parents must feed you money for dinner. HC's starting his FFIX playthrough, so that'll be something to do.

    Mr. Squirrel. =)

    His voice was bad, but that's only the beginning. His Emo Git segment was the most painful thing in the whole game. It ruined Roak for me. I refused to use him as party leader after this. I switched to Reimi, who's infinitely better. I suppose it's not quite happily ever after, huh? This part's going to be difficult for everyone.

    Take your time. That couldn't have been easy.
  7. What happened? Have you and Fate fallen out again? -_-' Nothing's ever 'perfect' but it can be improved, eh? =) But, I've not really felt like playing new games for a year now. You know that. Maybe they don't interest me any more... But, then, why do I go back and play classics? I have no idea.

    Oh, are you? Do you haz AC? We don't have them in houses over here, you know? I'm sure that you might though. Shorts and t-shirt, eh? Do you sweat a lot? (Now that is perverted! =D) I love the rain no matter what the temperature! But, summer rain makes you itchy and winter rain gives you colds. Oh, well! xD

    I know, I know! I mean, I noticed in the Battle Arena that when it asks you to continue fighting, there's an "off course" option! Meteorain takes like 6,000 for me and that's really good for the first disc. =) Aeris will be gone and I shall have a tea party to celebrate. Tifa's is better than her anyway. Mud fight with them two... *drool* =D Yeah, I know. Oh, and today I downloaded Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX so I can play them on my PSP, too! =)

    I saw a squirrel! It was going like this "tssssk tsssk"~~~~!

    His voice doesn't match the character! xD Fate will probably ban you? I'll unban straight away. =)

    Oh, I'm fine. It was no biggie really... Though, I feel mean...
  8. It's nothing. Something crazy happened and now I'm paying the price for it. I guess it's not quiet perfect, yet. Maybe you just don't feel like it. It happens to all of us, sometimes.

    I'm in front of one right now... Ugh, but it hardly changes much until real later. >< Shorts and t-shirts for me. (It's not that bad! xD) Summer is so miserable. At least in winter, you can keep putting clothes on. I guess that came out a little wierd. xD

    FFVII as its lazy translators. Meteorain is really powerful for when you get it. Be glad she'll be gone soon. If only she'd take Cait Sith with her... (And Cloud. Give us Zack back.) I guess it's just to be humourous.


    Edge from Last Hope. He's horribad, as Will would put it. I'm not sure what Fate will do when he realizes this.

    Oh, are you all right? Ending a relationship so suddenly must've been a nightmare.
  9. But, I don't understand. What do you mean? Oh, I got to Nova and Elyon just started floating! It was pretty funny actually because I thought he was doing some kind of jump move or something. I was waiting there for around five minutes before realising it was a glitch! xD I will. I just don't get why I can't play new games lately. I keep going back to games I know and I complete them. time and time again.

    Don't you have a fan or something like that? Oven is bad... Erm, are you loosely dressed? (That sounded slightly perverted! xD) It's nice to be wearing baggy clothes when its that hot. We've had a few days like that lately! =D I guess I'm luckier than once thought. 1'/5000000 days? How many days are there in a year over there! xD

    I need my materia! I've put myself in Fury and let enemies hit me at the moment so I can go into a Limit Break and use Meteorain and Untramax. =D Aeris is ,my party at the moment and I can't switch her out. -_-' She sucks. I think the Japanese don't understand the concept of racism. It is funny though. What he comes out with is like pressing a Mr T figurine speech button.


    Edge is fail? Since when and why? Indeed it does.

    I am fine~! Better than fine in fact. I dumped my GF and I felt so claustrophobic but now~! So great!
  10. I was sad. But I don't blame Fate because it was the natural thing to do. I got killed by myself the first time. xD I would like more to happen than Elyon enters a dream and just fights off everyone one at a time. Maybe a little plotline would help understand the situation. Go through at your own pace. Games are a lot more fun when you go through them with no knowlegde of what to expect.

    I could use some cold air right about now. It's like an oven out there. The perfect weather for me is a cloud-filled sky, but the sun has plenty of room to shine, a small breeze, and a comfortable temperature. That happens every 1/5000000 days over here. xD

    That Materia is important. GIVE CHASE! Barret is so much stereotype at once. >< Not that it's a bad then when it's done in an amusing manner.


    Much better than Fail-Edge. I guess that account still operates...

    It's nothing. I thought you weren't being yourself. But you seem fine!
  11. You've been band? Since when and who and why? Elyon's game is good. I just wish the other characters got more attention! Oh, Star Ocean: Second Evolution, huh? I still haven't continued with that but I plan to. I just don't know why I'm so repelled from games that other people tell me to buy... It's weird.

    It's just cold here so you win. =3 Though, it can get perfect on occasion. You know like perfect weather with no wind or just a cooling breeze...

    Yuffie's just stole all my God-damn materia! It's so unfair. I maxed all my current materia for The Temple Of The Ancients but, oh well. Tifa is good but I like Barret more for some reason. Swearing characters are great characters! And, thank you kindly.

    Do I? Thank you so much!

    It was made by Quark if you wanted to know. I really like it, too! You're not on as Anon right now, are you?

    What do you mean?
  12. Well, not being able to go to SOU... this is really all I got. Although, with the release of Elyon's game, things are picking up, which is great. On top of that, I'm well underway playing Second Evolution, and I just got the Sword of Marvels, Sorceror's Knuckles, and the Sprite's Bracelet. All I need is the Counterfeit Medal, and I can proceed with the plot.

    Haha, nice climate. Winters and summers are horrible here. >< It's either too hot or too cold.

    Yuffie grew on me, although it took a long time. Still, Cid is the only one. Real shame Cloud can't be switched out. Tifa kicks more butt than he can. Tidus setup. *thumbup*

    You make the best.

    BTW, I like the new banner of SOU. The one on top of the main page. Now that the computer has logged me out, I can more freely explore the place. I can even go to chat, although only as Anon, which isn't as extravagant. Still.

    ...I really hope I'm not being used as some way to pass time, here...
  13. Has it? What's been happening?

    Oh, that sounds nice. My mum buys deck chairs that we never, ever use! You're lucky to have such a nice climate. =)

    I've actually been playing Final Fantasy VII at the moment. I has Cid, Yuffie and Cloud in my party... But, Cid is the only tolerable main character in the game. I'd even go out of my way to call him cool! xD My Cloud has a Tidus set-up with Haste magic and buffs. My Yuffie's the black mage and Cid is the summoner/white mage! xD

    Oh, it is. I made it that why using hue/saturation and brightness. It's nice to see you like it. =D
  14. It's been awfully quiet as of late...

    Nah, that was completed a while ago. It's a nice gazebo with a huge umbrella and everything. It'll be in front of our garage.

    Incidentally, how was FFXIII? xD

    Of course I did. It looks really nice. The only gripe I could possibly have about it is I don't know if Vanitas was actually supposed to be a shadow. His extreme darkness makes me come to that confusion.
  15. Oh, God, I know~! I gave Fate permission to check my VMs and stuff well I was away~!

    You mean that weird shed? Or is it actually a gazebo this time? I'm sure you deserve some lemonade and some cookies~! <3

    Oh, I'm going to keep my eyes out! Thanks a lot, Ralz!

    Did you like the banner I made you. I made Fatey give it you. =)
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