Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. ...O.o

    Me ("But, Ralz! I love you, dude!" He screamed passionately.)


    You're not sure, are you? *World disappears*

    Otocon: I'll go and get chocolate then! What about soda?

    Better than Fate even! *hugs tightens* But wait, there is something wrong with that sentence... what is it?

    I just thought about saying how I love Ven... weird.
  2. ... xV

    Me ("...Get another job." He replied from across the room.)


    If I wasn't sure, the world would be gone.

    Snake: CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes! *hugs back* Americans are the best! Wait...

    But you love Roxas first, so I'll take Sora. But no one watching Ven... >_>
  3. ...xO

    Me ("...I do..." He sighed and looked down.)


    You sure, then?

    Otocon: But Snake, what ice cream do you want? Chocolate or Strawberry...

    WE ARE! *Hugs* I know, it's our right as Americans... wait a minute...

    I love Sora too... He wasn't lonely...
  4. ... Cx

    Me ("...Get a job." He replied as he fled the scene.)


    I suppose, then...

    Snake: *clears throat* I'm for soda...

    We just ARE. Shouldn't have to do that... >_>

    I switched to Sora, because you love Roxas, and Sora was all alone.
  5. ...Dx

    Me ("Well you have it, and I'm without food" he sighed.)


    You were, then?

    Otocon: I love you, Snake! *Music and dancing stops* Otocon: Awkward...

    You sure about that? Yeah, it does! xD

    But I thought YOU LOVED ROXAS!
  6. ... xJ

    Me ("But I WANT it!" he exclaimed.)


    Not now... >_>

    Snake: I guess since now. *dances*

    He might be a show-off, but we're still better than him. Actually, TFF Light made it perfectly readable. o_O

    You can have Roxas, though.
  7. ...xS

    Me ("Whoa, take it easy!" He replied.)


    You are? Seriously?

    Otocon: Really? When? *Starts to dance*

    Fate is a showoff, but I have to admit... He's better than us... And oh!

    You horrible monster!
  8. ... xX

    Me ("GIMME!!! " he said as he snatched the cookie.)


    I'm really sleepy now... o_O

    Snake: Well, I guess it happened when two people started acting like us. Shall we dance?

    Show-off... Have you tried TFF Light? That can sometimes help.

    Mwahahaha... He's mine! >: D
  9. ...xP

    Me ("No problem, want a cookie?" He offered.)


    S.L.E.E.P.Y. xD

    Otocon: Well, Snake, I don't have a clue what to do because this mission doesn't involve Metal Gear...

    Snake: WHAT?!

    Oh, yeah. What's up with that? What's that last message say, you say you can read it, barely but I see nothing.

    In your banner and avatar!? You fiend, you stole him!
  10. ... xO

    Me ("Sorry about that. " He replied.)


    T. I. R. E. D. xD

    Otocon, what's the current state of the complex? I've done some scans already, and their stationed not too far in, but I can't get any closer without getting spotted...

    Where all his comments are actually pictures. Check out the Ban game thread. I don't know... but it must be important... >_>

    Where's Sora?
  11. ...O.o

    Me ("Ouch!" He screamed back.)

    What, wait??? xD

    Sleepy... Hungry... Sleepy... Tired...
    ... Sleepy... xD

    *Sets charges* Snake, can you read me?

    He is a child, full stop. What picture comments? What is he compensating for? -_- ? We'll ride in a Airship. (Not a real one, just a blimp.)
  12. ... >.<

    Me ("WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?" he scremed in Vivi's ear.)

    Wait, what???

    Tired... Hungry... Tired... Sleepy...
    ...Tired... xD


    He's still a chile at heart, I guess. But its like, with all these picture comments and his sig, its like he's trying to compensate for something... >_> We'll go together... Nah, I realized people need other people to succeed, so we'll change the world as well as...
  13. ...xD

    Me("Sorry..." he sighed.)

    Really, are you sure? Oh, yeah. Wiki!

    Sleepy, hungry... xD

    Yeah. (Thank you for agreeing! I'll set up the C4, you start flaming!)

    Fate hasn't grown up... He's growned down! xD I'll tread it with you until the end! You could on your own but sure I'll help! ( =) )
  14. ... O.O

    Me ("...Never mind..." He responded with three dots...)

    Nope, just that it's GOOGOL!!!

    Tired... xD

    Yes. (It will all perish within the flames of dishonor. Once its gone, FF will be restored to purity, and we can enjoy our games once more... May all FF7 fanboys DIE... <_<)

    We've all gotta grow up sometime. I guess Fate did it a lot faster than I did. But we've still got a long road ahead of us... But let's tread it together! I changed it because I can't change the world, but we can! (Yay! ^^)
  15. ...-_-!

    Me ("Well, does she know you that well?" He replied.)

    You don't know?

    Cowabungaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa dude! Forizal. xA xW xE xS xO xM xE

    The only truth. ( That really pisses me right off! ****ing ARG! That is it, I've had it. I'm bombing all FF7 fans right this moment. Sorry for the language but I'm sick of it. Why ruin our games... I just want to enjoy my wonderful FF games, without hearing some little FF7 fan coming up with reasons why it's so great! All the spin-offs and all the merchandise. I'm burning it all! Are you with me, Ralz?)

    That is just who I am, you can still count on Fate though? Why say different? (I guess I'll try...)
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