And when we reach the beyond, we shall celebrate... WITH CAKE! Oh, well that sucks. You actually got a DS one though? Wow, I can't come across any. xD Well, you have a PS2 one which you've already tried beating Kingdom Hearts with! (Lucky SOB. xD) (Google is your friend!) It's really complicated too, isn't it? With the different element rings and spell levels. I had a functional PSX emulator because Abe's Exoddus and Final Fantasy IX worked fine on it. No slow down or anything. =) The graphics were a little down though. What the heck are you going on about?! xD Pineapples? Bananas? Who'll be gone for a really long time? MR OWL ATE MY METAL WORM. Backwards is the same thing. =3 I will, as long as this stuff below me gets destroyed in the process. 1. You mean like Madison visits? 2. Oh, well! xD 3. I couldn't get Lady Luck either because your little genius Al Bhed friend doesn't realise that you could save the world if you had that sphere. =/ Calls himself smart... 4. Yeah, I knew that! I just can't stand the guy when I fight with him. He's an okay character but I don't know. Guess I'm being silly? 5. xD x5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000 6. I wish that I was. Good for the site? The site could take me or leave me and mods barely know me. 7. Great! Broken? Broken how? Yay for Sephy's death!
Success. Sephiroth is no more. The balance has been restored.
We shall travel beyond space and time, beyond the cosmos and the even past the great beyond! I'll need more Action Replays, then. My DS one is broken, and my internet is dead on my PSP. Only my PS2 one actually still works. (Google is helpful, too.) I watched that, interesting game. There are functional PSX emulators? Did you hear FFIX is coming to PSN? And so, they gathered in the land of cheese to vanquish the evil spaghetti. They could only accomplish this goal by collecting monkeys and using their bananas to vanquish the evil Pineapple army! Uh... he'll be gone for a really long time? xD Hmm... hmM... hMm... Show me. =) 1. They don't have motels over there? A motel is like a hotel, but its only one floor, and its more of a one-nighter, stop-by-to-refuel place. 2. It does seem rather complex. 3. Sphere Break? I remember having awful memories about that game. Actually, I restarted the game recently, and I'm getting through Chapter One. I reread the rules of Sphere Break, and it SOUNDS fun, but I can't shake the feeling its going to blow majorly. I had to go through the game two times to get the Mascot dressphere, because I always seemed to miss SOMETHING. I have no idea, but the game is fun, so I don't mind. 4. Did you know that Wakka can deal the most damage to single enemies in the game? (He matches Anima if not for the fact that she can hit all enemies.) His Attack Reels hits 16 times if you get the slots right, and fully powered, thats 1599984 damage. I've seen many people use the strategy of Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku against many of the Dark Aeons. They used Overdrive boosting abilities, and used them to deal millions of damage in short rounds, while Rikku provided healing and Auto-life. They were really complicated, yet clever strategies. And possibly the one way to survive without needing Aeons. 5. xD x 1000000 6. Its because you're too good for this site. Give it time, and even the mods'll start showing you respect. 7. Fine, you are a pimp. Going pretty good! The Monk job is so broken that early in the game.
Not even the universe! We shall travel space and time itself! You don't know how they work? Well, you just put the save file onto your action replay and then load that save, easy peasy. =3 (You should consult a guide!) Yeah, I watch his Crono Cross let's play because I've never played the game before. I got it for the PSX emulator but it was glitchy as heck and it looked terrible. I'll keep a look out for it when it comes to PSN. (Correction, if it comes to PSN.) Oh, his brother! We should make a crappy one for a joke! Who knows, you might have talent. =) What's that even mean! xD I forget, too! Well, I took some pictures of the scenery I see when I walked home from school! Want to see? 1. What's a motel? 2. I'm still confused! xD 3. Yeah... I liked the other coin minigame though. To get the mascot sphere is SO HARD. =/ 4. I hate Wakka, too... 5. XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD 6. Of course it does. There's never a bad comment about me anymore when I bet there was at the start of my forum years. =3 7. RIGHT, I AM THE PIMP! Oh, and good luck on FFT!
I'm going to do it. After all this time, I'm finally going to do it! I've restarted Final Fantasy Tactics last night and played a bit today. Storywise, I'm up to the part where Mandalia Plain is first freely open. I've been doing battle after battle, and leveling up and getting jobs the best I can. I will beat this game, to not only do it, but to have fun! I will not get stopped by the Chapter 3 boss, I will win!!!
Not even the sky is the limit! I've never tried those before because I have no idea how they work. (I'll find out when I get there. ) I've watched basically all his videos from the beginning. I find his FF8 playthrough great because I never played the game before, so its a nice, fresh experience. If I understood him right, that's hir brother, who appeared only in the Secret of Mana LP so far. I'd like to see more of him, as he has a lot of potential. Everyone wants too much of what they want, and not what everyone else would like. Meigumi and Rhapso have the right mind, but no one else does, and they are quickly drowned out. Elyon, in particular, is most disappointing. We'll get him. Then he'll have to wait a whole six months before he can even qualify again! >8D I forget... xD Just your thoughts of me are more than any present could ever do. 1. Especially the cheapos you find at a 2-star motel in the middle of nowhere. 2. I was impressed, myself. 3. The fact that you're a spectator and not actually controlling the action is what kills it for me. 4. Lulu is nice in the beginning, but by the end, she is not so nice, but I still used her every now and then. Kimarhi, however, was my dedicated "death fodder." 5. xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD 6. Sounds like him. 7. But that's for pimps, and you don't wanna be a pimp... so from now on, I will no longer call you a pimp.
Everywhere and anywhere! Oh, that makes more sense! Can you use the saves of gamefaqs, too? (Bah, it's horrendous! Save yourself! xD) Oh, that's awesome! I just can't watch HC's Final Fantasy 8 videos! Who's JB? Thank you! Someone notices. Not like some of his game ideas and story ideas aren't good. They're just too much of the same thing or have been borrowed from Doom or DMC. I don't even like Doom! x( I know you try and try and I can see what good you do for the group like the Level Grid and the Story Suggestions but I guess nobody wants a story... I mean, I do but come on, no one tries, not even me. =/ I'm just going to be a GLOATASAURUS REX! Watch as I reference the Final Fantasy 7 Elimination Thread! Again, and again and again! xD xD I have no idea what I was on about! =P Are you sure? You don't want anything of me? I feel like a douche if I don't. 1. Hahahahaha! I guess if you read it from a brochure, it has to be the truth, huh? =3 2. I'll give it a lookie! Right now. 3. I mean, who wants to manager mode? 4. Kimahri and Lulu suck even though Lulu is cool. 5. *insert more xD's here* 6. "I want to come into the pictures and hug you!" Something like that. 7. No, no, no! Being a controller of women makes me badarse, right? xD
We'll go everywhere! It means I can use your cheats for my games. xD (You country looks, feels, and probably is nice.) I watched him for awhile. Haven't seen his recent ones though. HC's kinda fallen into a routine-like stance, and JB is hardly ever around anymore. Have you seen the videos? Everytime I hear an idea from Alther, it IS DMC or Doom related. "Hey, how about we make Fate like Dante from DMC? Or maybe Krystal could fall in love with... *insert random name here*. He's horribly inconsistent. He can't even defend himself. I've convinced Elyon to eliminate those who are useless to us. The story is the bane of the group. I tried to make everything right, but nothing ever works out. He's in the single digits since last night, he won't be around much longer. *imagines the look on Dodie's face and maybe Alther's too!* xD That's okay, Vivi. Your birthday wishes are more than enough for me! =D 1. Mom told me once after reading a random brochure(?). 2. If I can find it... Here it is. YouTube - Final Fantasy X - Don Tonberry AP Trick Guide 3. When it sucks. 4. Never used Kimarhi all that much, though. 5. xD 6. I don't know if its 100% douchey. What did Fate say? 7. Well, if you don't want it...
If you can travel the world, bring me along, please? =3 (Yeah, I know what you mean.) That doesn't make sense but okay! xD (I want Japan to be honest but our country is pretty good, too.) No, it isn't. Oh, you watch Darkkefka, too? He's pretty funny but like HCBailey, he can get annoying! xD I've managed to take out a few, like I said but some others like Bahamut and Magus Sisters are pretty tough. =/ (WILL DIE! >_<) Yeah, it seems we are. Eylon just can't be patient, can he? I mean, I've seen him post the same message constantly. "Where are the sprites, I've been waiting too long >_<" Bah, what is he doing in this time anyway? Alther's being a douche! I mean, a little Kingdom Hearts can't inspire the game but the constant references to Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy 7 can? We'll wait until Ryu dies away from the forum again. I mean, it's inevitable isn't it? Nice topic you posted up but everyone's tired of it all, don't you think? No one's taking it seriously anymore. Forget it. Sephy is dead. We won. He lost hope. Yeah, the coat of arms. xD I'm sorry but I couldn't think of anything to make! >_< Do you want to request anything and I'll try my best to do that thing. (Maybe I'll get a new one but there isn't much of a point.) *Messes up and throws picture in the bin* xD 1. Where the heck did you hear that? (I wouldn't want any disease...) 2. Billions? What do you have to do to get that? Triple AP, Triple Overdrive, Overdrive - AP? 3. Of course you can't! That only happens in X-2. ='( 4. Auron smells... xD (Nah, they look different, too! xD) 5. I just try! 6. What do you mean, "I don't know?". 7. Fine, I ish the pimp, okay?!
I've never been to Las Vegas, but I'd like to see all the lights. I'll travel the whold world one day. ^^ (The entire country intrigues me, is what I'm saying.) You know, when I access cheat devices, I find that European cheats work just as fine on English games. So, we can hack your stuff for free! xD (I still want your country...) It's not even Gravity damage is it? I think I've seen some of Darkkefka's videos. I'm not sure if I'd ever be able to take them on. (Apparently, you can. You can fight them one at a time, or all at once. And in the fight I saw, you must summon the Magus Sisters when they're about to do their Delta Attack, otherwise, you will die.) We are... at another standstill. But then again, are you even surprised? Elyon is bitching constantly, not only about the sprites, but also about his name. Alther is fairly neutral, but the instant I bring up something even remotely Kingdom Hearts-relatred, he has to go "NO!!! WE WILL NOT BE MAKING THIS KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!! D8<" It's like, I wasn't trying to make it Kingdom Hearts! D8< Don't EVEN get me started on the uselessness that is Ryu. Just be glad he can't even read between the lines to figure out his own demise. The seas of wrath are coming steadfast, and once they're here, you better beg for a miracle. (I can still use Rhapso, perhaps to a greater extent than basically everyone there. All he needs it the rules put in front of him, surely he can understand that much. The story itself is useless now. I'm going to request a complete restart. Not a reboot, not taking old ideas and spicing them up, 100% new. Screw the rules, I have money! D8<) Farewell, Alther. The Seph love is gone. The coat of arms...? Looks like he has something planned. A little late, but I'll accept it. (Maybe you should just get a new one. It feels great, and its nice to have it. *finishes Ragnarok design* ) 1. I heard if you have white eye, you have some kind of eye disease. o__O (You're set, then! ) 2. There are a lot of battles there which offer a lot. But I believe the Master Tonberry battle is the best source of AP in the game. (Something in the billions if you do it right. O_o) 3. And her Mix can sometimes be a real lifesaver. But I can't get her to join my Blitzball team! >.< 4. I still use Auron because of the badass factor. (Besides, if you master the Sphere Grid for everyone, if not for Yuna's Aeons and everyone's differing overdrives, you'd have cardboard cut-outs of each other. xD) 5. xD 6. I don't know... =/ 7. You keep showing me otherwise.
Yeah! My brother Brian was the luckest person ever and has been to Las Vegas and New York and Germany. I want to be able to go to all them places, too! =( (But that's names from Europe, not Britain! If you want to visit though, be my guest! =D ) Oh, I know you didn't get the PAL version because that's like Europe's code or whatever while you get NA or something along the lines of that! xD I know that we never got the original and thank god we didn't! We needed something better for once! You survive his Oblivion by summoning anything just before the overdrive. As for Pain, well, you're pretty much fudged! xD He has another move called Anit-Graviton or something along those lines and it's like SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA-BAD-BREATH! x( (Why, do you get them separately?) I'll try to keep up to date but what's happening at the moment? I try to get my levels up and epically fail as well as Elyon moaning for sprites every single day. I get he has been waiting a long time and I get that Alther should stop procrastinating but I think people get the point, you know what I mean? As well as the Ryu issue. I don't see why no-one can't just say to his face "You're a nooby menace that's too stuck up his own ass to understand that everyone hates you." (Correction, you can work with Rhapso because I can see that he is at least trying to help us move forward. We need to teach him the rules but at least he's trying! I can't help you with the story because, to be honest, it's more complicated than the structure of human DNA. I don't think that anyone but us would get it... Fresh, new and simple sounds good!) And now he's dead inside, and I wonder why, it's all over... What's that? Fate better had or I'll threaten him with tears! ( Now for bikes! I like them and all but I just never find the time to use one effectively. I normally walk or get a lift. Plus, my bikes in the rat poison now so I'll need to get a new one or scrub my old one constantly... I use the bed or my computer chair because I have the laptop! It's amazing how comfortable things become! *draws staff* =D) 1. I know, huh? It happens to most of my pictures! =3 2. I'll give that a try! A good way to get Sphere Levels is to fight the haste monster in the Omega Ruins! It gives a lot of SP. 3. Yeah, I do! She's awesome, fast and cool! *hugs back* 4. Yuna is there because of her summons! Auron is pointless if you have this ultimate trio! 5. Yay for me! =3 6. I doubt that! I think it's the douche look, so it's the douche look, okay?! 7. Awesome Lord True Pimp! xD But, seriously! I ish not a pimp!
1. ZOMG, teh devil!!!!! () 2. Nice work. (Now make all the lines inbetween the nodes light up! xD) 3. You use Rikku, too? *hugs you* 4. I like Yuna, too, and I like to use Auron as well. Everyone else is something of a back-up. (Must've taken a while to get those, huh?) 5. Happy Kyle! 6. I think it's a "wassup" look. 7. True pimp awesome lord. o__O
If you're ever in New York, go there. You won't be disappointed. (But stuff like the effiel(?) tower and the louve (?) sound so much more interesting. I'd very much like to visit Britain and France.) But we didn't get the PAL format. The original game was not given to Britain, you got the International release, but that's your guys' original. For you, its the original, for japan and us, its like Final Mix. (Ner ner. ) I've seen Dark Anima. How are you supposed to survive its Oblivion outside of Rikku's Autolife thing and summons? (And the Magus Sisters together... ) I don't need much from you. I only ask for daily participation in the posts, but even we're lenient with that. I'm sure I can handle everything, except for that.... *long pause* and that. *points at Ryu* (I could still work with Ryu and Rhapso, but I need them to come on and talk about that they want. Rhapso offered to help with the story, which might help me out. But, I began to think the story through, and I just keep reaching immovable walls. I almost wanna just omit the story altogether. And start completed fresh with a new storyline, a different setting, and possible new characters. Life DOES suck. >_> But I know you're here to help, so that eases my suffering just a bit.) Over and out. The game asked me to find that. Sounds epic. I wonder if Fate has prepared my cake yet? xD (I've ridden for a while now, but my old bike is... old. This new one has something of a hard seat, though, so we're probably going to get a new seat soon. The bike itself handles good, though. The new chair feels great. Before, I was sitting on a stool, and now I can comfortably do whatever. *goes to draw swords* ) You know where I'll be.
Ralzy! Here are some presents for you~! <3 Me (SHOCKED!): Tidus (Filled Sphere Grid!): Rikku (Filled Sphere Grid): Yuna (Filled Sphere Grid): Me (Happy): Me (Douchelooking): Me (Shmexy look! ):
I didn't think that you've been there! I know that you've been Niagra Falls! The chatbox tells all! =3 (No they don't! Places like The GRAND Canyon.) =( (It's not a remake. It's a enhanced edition of the game that came out for the PAL format. If you got a PAL copy when it came out here, you'd have all the new stuff! xD As for Re: COM... You're a lucky piece of...) Mwahahahahahahaahahaa! Take that, beeyatch! =3 My Yuna, Rikku and Tidus take 99,999. xD I guess so. But I sit back too, don't I? (The story is ruined because he has returned or what? We'd have to make all the new members leave if we kept to our original story. >_> Life sucks...) Inside and out. You asked for what? It'll probably take me the week! It'll be something of the awesome group of FaRaKiVi! (Nice, but when do you ride a bike? I got one and never use it. I walk instead. My desk chair is slightly broken...) Oh, and new pictures of me for your birthday are coming, too!