Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yay! I have my Party back!
  2. I am!
  3. Your back!
  4. We must pierce his defenses, though.
  5. I know
  6. I bet that Ethereal Blast of his can't do any more than 99999 damage!
  7. Yeh!
  8. Ah, whatever, I can deal an efficient 89991 damage with a well-aimed Blitz Ace!
  9. No it is too powerful, you may die... but sing the hymn of the faith and you may have a chance.
  10. I wonder if its possible tp spellblade Doomsday...
  11. By the POWER OF BLITZ ACE!
  12. I can use that to acquire all magic and abilities, too!
  13. Whoop! I wish to fight him now *gives Action Replay* get 255 sphere grid levels
  14. Woo-Hoo! Not even his Ethereal Blast will be able to defeat us!
  15. *Dance's to provoke Fate*
Showing Visitor Messages 2116 to 2130 of 2228
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