Spam his page for me!
Yep he must of, Lets get him!!
Us? Wait... Fate must have mentioned TFF sometime! Ohh.... He was supposed to keep it hush-hush!
No , He came because of us!
To what do we owe this occassion? Did Fate tell him?
Oh I know, He told me ages ago.
WALLS, cutting grass, and dinner! But I'm back now, and apparently Fayt has joined!
Hey, Have you been off because of the WALLS!
I did manage to snatch the Meteor Swarm symbology for you, Vivi! Now, you can kick ass, too!
Yes with her power we will become level infinite!
I could convince Kilala to back us up on this, when she gets back...
Haha Then we shall pounce!
Soon, but not today. I must wait for the day... when he lowers his guard. But I can feel that day is coming, and very soon...
So when do we finish Fate?