Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Ralz, I am planning to do a 3-part special on YouTube.
    I'm doing your main hero vs his villian, the same for me and Fate.
    It's also going to be a music video as in music that fits the theme of the fight. It'll be hard but it's worth it. It's probably be up in 2 days! ^.^
  2. Never mind. Totally whooped him! I'm uploading it right now!
  3. Sure, what about Cloud of Darkness?
  4. You sure you don't wanna face another mage?

    Not that I have anything against your choice, just wondering...
  5. Sephiroth!
  6. Sorry, but this video was a LOT of trouble to actually start! o_O It kept getting corrupt, I felt I'd never get it going... -_-

    So, how about I fight with Kuja next time? Who shall I fight?
  7. Oh it seems you already did it, I was going to say Kuja.
    Mage on mage as it were.
  8. That'd be best. Have an epic match when you're both level 100!

    Okay, she's fun to use. Who'll be my opponent, then?
  9. I went off fighting the emperor, I'm just getting Zidane to lvl 100!
    For you I would try Ultimecia!
  10. Cool! Likewise, who qould you like me to fight? I can fight with anyone, too.
  11. Alrighty! Thanks, I'll try it!
  12. Hmm... you're good with Zidane, right? So, how about him vs... Emperor. I guarantee he'll keep you running.
  13. Maybe I'll fight Squall?
    Give me a fight, and I'll try to perfect it.
  14. Cool, what's the battle?
  15. I did read the description... I just didn't get it.

    I know, I'll get right on to it!
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